The Seer

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All heads snapped towards Leon who stood silently next to Celinia.

He sighed, "She's here to help, come." he said firmly, leading them all upstairs.

Gale chose to retreat back to her kitchen while Jace and Cam followed them up, making sure to stay at least two steps behind Celinia who kept close to Leon. They could tell that something had happened between them, but knew a lot better than to question it now.

Finally reaching the upstairs living room, they all looked in to see Lotharios standing stone still in front of the window with his hands in his pockets, his torso and arms being far too big and muscular to fit into any of Logan's shirts.

"Interesting." Celinia said softly as she stepped into the room.

He slowly turned his head towards her, refusing to meet her gaze. "Exite." he growled out.

She chuckled low, "Go away? And who will tell you how to find her if I do?" she said tilting her head at him.

His head snapped up to look at her, "Expedio."

Celinia sighed, "The chain around your neck holds an onyx stone. I can smell it's magic from here."

Lotharios looked down at his chest to see the rectangular stone resting there.

"I'm assuming Logan must have given her one as well. If you were released from this room and the wards on the castle were taken down, both you and your magic would be freed and you could try and track her with it."

His heart rate picked up and he looked towards Leon with a growl.

"I'll do it, if you agree to let go of Logan and allow him to find Annalise." Leon said, stepping forward to stand next to Celinia.

He growled louder and shook his head.

Leon sighed, knowing that was a long shot. "Fine, at least be civil and let us help you find her."

The demon remained silent for a moment then gave a single nod in response.

Leon stepped closer and raised his hand, "Et nunc absolvo vos."

Celinia walked up to the window and placed her hand on the wood pane. Her silver eyes shone bright and everyone felt the powerful static energy of her magic run through the walls as the ward was lifted from the castle.

Lotharios sighed in relief, rolling his tense shoulders and cracking his back and neck. He glanced around at all of them, everyone waiting on bated breaths to see his next move. He rolled his eyes and calmly walked past them in silence, heading down to Logan's office with them all following close behind.

Once they were all gathered in his office, Lotharios leaned back against the desk with his arms crossed, staring down Celinia who stood next to Leon in front of him. Jace took Cam's hand in his as they stood silently a few feet away from them.

Celinia was the only one who had faced Logan's demon before. During the years she spent 'training' him, Lotharios would show himself whenever Logan was close to death, a survival instinct that gave Logan time to recover until he was strong enough to continue his training. She was also probably the only being alive that held no fear for him.

"The stone will allow you to sense her well-being and state of mind. However, unless she reaches out to you as well or hears you calling for her, the stone will not show you where she is." she said holding his gaze.

His muscles tensed at that.

"Now, you may try and sense her, and if her mind is.. responsive, you may monitor her constantly until we find her. In the meantime, since I doubt that she is able to reach out to you as she hasn't done so yet, I believe there is someone who could help tell us where she might be." she said softly.

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