Changing Fate

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Anna sighed as she felt Logan's arms wrap around her waist from behind and his chin rest on her shoulder.

"You need to take a break amare," he said kissing her shoulder.

Logan had tried his best to contact Celinia but Leon had said she was gone on a 'business' trip and didn't know when she would be back. In the meantime, Anna had spent the past two days buried in records and scouring their database searching for any sign of her brothers.

She rubbed her tired burning eyes for the tenth time that day and sighed, "I'm almost done."

He shook his head and turned away before returning and holding something up to her lips.


She opened her mouth and let him feed her a slice of apple.

She chewed for a moment before shaking her head, "Peanut butter."

He frowned, "What?"

Anna rolled her eyes, "Open a jar of peanut butter, take a slice of apple, stick it in the jar, then eat it."

"That sounds gross." he said, mentally questioning her eating habits.

"It's good."

"Fine.." he mumbled out and left her in the room still sitting in bed staring at the screen of his laptop.

Logan returned a few minutes later with more fruit and a jar of peanut butter. He sat down next to her and tried to move the laptop away which once again only caused her to slap his hand away.

"Hey Cam." she mumbled without looking up.

"How'd you know I was here?" he said leaning against the door frame.

"You smell like someone put a tree in a hospital room."

"Okay, that's really weird.."

She shrugged and continued scrolling through more articles.

He walked in while Logan smeared peanut butter onto a slice and gave it to her.

"What the fuck is that?" Cam said with a frown.

"Don't ask." he replied shaking his head.

Cam sighed and looked down at her, "How long has she been like this?"

"42 hours." Anna said before he could respond.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and was about to say something but stopped short frowning down at her, "Anna, your foot."

She peered over the screen to see that her right foot was shaking and her toes would twitch every now and then. "Shit." she said under her breath.

"What's wrong?" Logan said moving closer to her.

Anna moved the laptop away from her and straightened her legs while Cam gave her the pills she needed.

"She's been forgetting to take her medication. She could have had a seizure because of it." he said watching her.

She put the glass of water back down while Logan rubbed circles on her back. He looked up at Cam, "What happened to her gas treatments?"

"I managed to complete them while she was in recovery last week. Her lungs are clear now." he said.

Anna smiled, "Thank you."

"Sure thing sweet. You're good for now, but you really need to take a break from all of this." he said looking around at all the files in the room.

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