Her Saviour

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Everything hurt.

Annalise could hear muffled voices all around her but struggled to make out any words. She couldn't tell where she was or remember how she got here. Forcing her eyes open, all she saw was darkness at first. As her eyes began to adjust, she could barely make out the blurred image of a man staring down at her. She tried to lift her arms to rub her eyes but it hurt too much to move.

"Be still sweetheart, your body is still recovering. It will take some time before you are able to get up." he said gently.

"What's going on? Where am I?" she managed to choke out. "You're in the Lucretius Castle. My name is Cameron Prye, I'm here to help. Do you remember what happened to you sweetheart?"

Soon her vision cleared and she could see the man speaking to her. His long dirty blonde hair was tied up, his rough but defined features and slight stubble along his jaw making his striking green eyes only stand out more. With a deep frown Annalise tried to remember how she got here. She could still feel the muscular and firm yet surprisingly gentle arms that warmed her, that deep soothing voice comforting her. "Wait.." she whispered to herself. The woman with the silver eyes, the necklace with the purple stone, the darkness that took her away from-

"NO! Where are they!? Please, tell me they're okay!" she yelled out grabbing onto Cameron's arm. "Please, they were being attacked!"

"Calm down sweet, I don't understand. Who was attacked?"

"My family! They broke into our house, I tried to help and that woman stopped me!"

"Sweetheart listen to me," he said gently trying to calm her down. "You were found on the edge of the woods outside the castle. I know nothing of what happened to your family."

Annalise couldn't stop the tears that came crashing down then. She knew they were gone, and she knew it was her fault for not being there to help. She clutched onto Cameron as her sobs racked through her body.

"Shh my sweet, I'm so sorry. I promise you we will find out what happened to them," he murmured against her hair as he sat on the bed and held her. Her sobs only became louder. It broke his heart to see the girl like this despite the fact that he knew nothing about her. "Can you tell me your name sweetheart?" he whispered trying to ease her mind a little. "Annalise." she pulled back slightly trying to even out her breathing. Wiping softly under eyes with his thumb he smiled at her, "Such a beautiful name."

Finally looking around she saw that she was laid in a large four poster bed with red and silver sheets while thick fur blankets were laid over her and soft red pillows pressed against her back. The walls were silver with a thin deep red pattern painted over it. There wasn't much else in the room besides a large oak desk beside the double doors and a second door to the left which she assumed was the bathroom.

Looking down she saw the needle in her arm and the bandages wrapped around her legs and torso which had been covered by a long black shirt that was clearly too big for her. With a frown she looked up at Cameron, "What happened to me?"

He sighed, "Master Logan found you unconscious in the snow this morning. Once I was sure your hypothermia had passed, I put you on an IV drip as you were dehydrated and tended to the cuts I found on your body." She lifted a brow at him. "And how exactly did you find these cuts? Where are my clothes?" He blushed slightly and smiled at her. "Relax Annalise, I am a doctor here. I promise you were tended to with care and respect. Your clothes were damp and dirty from the snow so I had to change them for you." She seemed relieved by his answer and attempted to smile at him, "Thank you for that. Uhm I don't mean to be rude, but I think I need a moment to deal with this on my own."

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