Watch Over Her

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Logan yelled out the door. He tried to keep Anna calm but she couldn't focus on him anymore. Logan rushed back to her side and took her hands as he gently held her against his chest while she coughed, trying harder and harder to force air into her lungs.

"Ssh amare, you're gonna be fine, I promise." he said kissing her hair.

"What happened?" Cam said bursting through the door. He looked down at Anna, "Shit," he cursed under his breath and quickly took out an oxygen mask and placed it over her face before opening the canister. "She's asthmatic, the stress of everything that's happened to her caused the attack." he explained. Logan sighed in relief as Annalise finally calmed down and took deep breaths through the mask.

"You're okay now sweetheart," Cam said softly. Logan bit back the growl that threatened to come out at the pet name Cam had given her. Anna managed a smile and slight nod in response. Logan gently laid her back on the pillows as he noticed her eyelids grow heavy from exhaustion. He softly stroked her hair as she drifted off to sleep.


Logan sat back against the large dark stained oak wood desk in his office and ran his hand down his face. Cam walked in and leaned against the door frame, "She told you what happened." he stated. Logan nodded grimly. "I took her blood when I treated her and ran it through our human database Lo, her full name is Annalise Taylor Monroe. She's the one that went missing that day." Logan punched a hole through his desk, "Fuck!!" he began to pace in front of the large fireplace running his hand through his hair in frustration.

"You have to tell her.." Cam whispered. "I can't tell her anything! She'd hate me for it, you know that. We don't even know how she got here, or why I feel like.." he trailed off. Cam chuckled to himself which earned him a deadly glare. "Oh we know exactly what you're feeling, you just don't want to admit it yet." he said with a sly smile. "Shut it," Logan growled out. "I don't have time for that right now. I have enough stress from the Council and their fuck ups."

Cameron could see Logan was fighting to keep his demon in check at the mention of the Council. "What happened at that meeting Lo?" he asked carefully. "Those fucking idiots.. all they had to do was listen and this problem would have been dealt with ages ago!" he breathed heavily, closing his eyes trying to ignore the pounding in his head from his demon trying to get out. He couldn't lose it now, not with her in the castle. He sighed as the noise quieted down, "She's gone Cam.. Leon confirmed she escaped and has now completely disappeared."

"Holy fuck Lo.." he stared at his friend in shock but knew better than to pity someone as strong as him.

Cameron had known Logan his whole life and knew exactly what he had gone through at the hands of his deranged mother. It was almost impossible to believe that she hadn't always been that way, but her magic had become too strong and drove her mad. Celinia had been a treasure to all creatures, loved and respected by all who encountered her, especially Logan's father, Leon. He was completely devoted to her and tried his best to help when he realised what her magic was doing to her. She became paranoid and suspicious of everyone around her, even her own family. Her need for more power drove her to insanity until Leon was finally forced to have her locked up in the Council dungeons.

"Wait, what do you mean she disappeared? Can't she be tracked anywhere in the realm?" he said walking up to Logan. "Her amethyst charms cannot be found either. She could be in any realm by now. She can only be located once she comes back, and you know very well that she will." Now it was Cam who began to pace. "Fuck man.. and how will we deal with her when she does? Our armies cannot take her, she is more powerful than any being we have ever known." Logan roared out as he smashed his fist into the marble mantle over the fireplace and watched the stone crumble and fall. "Nothing can stop her, at least not anything we know of.." he trailed off and thought to himself.

"What do you mean not anything we know of? Do you really think we can find something or someone powerful enough to stop her?" Before Logan could respond, suddenly they heard a loud thud come from upstairs as though something heavy had just hit the floor. Cameron and Logan both ran back upstairs to check on Anna, but when they entered the room they saw it was only the oxygen canister that had fallen over. Annalise was still sound asleep. "How did that not wake her?" Logan said as he rushed to check that she really was only sleeping.

"Don't stress man, coming down from an attack like that takes a lot out of you. Nothing's gonna wake her up now." Cameron gently took the mask off her face and shut off the oxygen. He watched as Logan simply nodded and sat next to her, gently stroking her hair out of her face. Feeling slightly out of place, Cam spoke up. "She should be fine now. I'm gonna go get something to eat, you want anything?" "I'm good here for now, but I'll come down a little later." he said softly as he stared down at her in wonder. "Sure thing." Cam said with an amused smile before he left the room and closed the doors behind him.

Logan sat in awe of her. She wasn't like the women he had been with, he had always preferred sharper, more defined and elegant features on a woman and a well toned body that showed off their beauty. Annalise was different; her slightly rounded face and naturally tanned skin, her full light pink lips, deep brown eyes whose true colour could only be seen when the sunlight shone on them surrounded by long dark lashes, and soft dimpled cheeks was all the beauty he could ever want. His eyes trailed down the outline of her body still covered in blankets. He could still clearly see the slight dip in her waist that curved out into her full hips and long legs. He tried hard not to think of her soft breasts as he had felt their significant weight against his chest or her perfectly rounded and clearly endowed ass that had rested on his lap as he held her that morning.

Groaning at his thoughts, Logan knew he should leave her to rest but couldn't as he felt he was meant to stay at her side. Instead he ran his hand through her long, soft and slightly curled deep brown hair. When his hand came to rest on her cheek, he was surprised to feel her lean into his palm and softly sigh in her sleep. Logan smiled as he stroked his thumb across her cheek.

Lifting her hand from the pillow, Annalise tugged on his wrist, sleepily pulling him towards her. Logan couldn't tell if she was truly awake and didn't want her upset to find him next to her if this was just part of whatever dream she was having. "Logan.." she mumbled softy, still holding his wrist in her much smaller hand. "Yes amare, I'm here." he whispered with a slight smile. "No, here.." she mumbled as she tugged at his wrist again.

Biting his lip in debate with himself, Logan finally gave in and laid back on the bed as he gently pulled Anna into his arms. "Like this, amare? " he whispered as he kissed against her hair. She nodded slightly and leaned into him as she went back to sleep.

Logan couldn't help the smile that crept onto his face as he realised she was dressed in one of his shirts. His smile only growing wider as he watched her tilt her head every few moments to bury her face in the shirt before leaning back to bury it against his chest instead, seemingly quite fond of his scent and almost losing herself in it. Logan simply moved her closer to him as he laid further down into the pillows and turned slightly to make her more comfortable against his arm. He held her close making sure she was completely wrapped up in his scent which she immediately sought after each time he had moved.

"Rest now, amare." he whispered as he kissed the top of her head. Anna deeply inhaled his scent once more before he heard her breathing even out and eventually allowed himself to drift off into the most peaceful sleep he's had in centuries.

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