The Blood Moon

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"Lo! Logan!!" Cam screamed, shaking his shoulders.

Jace placed Anna in Leon's car before running back to help. He rushed back down to the crater that was formed when Lotharios crashed into the ground but stopped short, seeing Cameron close to tears while he lifted Logan's limp body over his shoulder and carried him out.

"Cameron.. he's-"

"Don't. Go help the others." Cam forced out, walking past him.

Jace sighed and followed him back up to the castle, knowing that wasn't the last body they would be carrying away from this.


One Week Later.

"How is she?"

Cam sighed and put down his clipboard, turning to Leon who stood leaning against the door.

"Same. Her arm should be healing nicely now, and the bruises from the blow to her ribs have already started to fade."

"Then why hasn't she woken up yet?" Leon said with a frown.

"I actually don't know. The impact on her head wasn't fatal, but her brain scans show that it wasn't enough to put her in a coma either." he said crossing his arms.

Leon nodded, "I'm sure she'll wake up soon," he hesitated before looking up at him,"Have you finalised the funeral arrangements?"

Cam remained silent for a moment, "I haven't even spoken to the rest of our men yet."

"They understand why, though. Everyone can see how much this loss has affected them as well."

"I know.. most of them haven't said a word since they heard the news." he said dropping his gaze.

"They'll be ready when you are, Cam. In the meantime, Celinia and I are here if you need help with anything." he said clasping his shoulder.

Cam gave a weak smile in thanks and watched as Leon left the room. He turned back and walked up to the bed, gently taking her hand in his.

"Get better, sweetheart."

He let go and left her to rest. Deciding to finally eat something this week, Cam made his way out of the castle's infirmary and back upstairs to the kitchen.

"Hey Gale."

"Oh good afternoon deary," she said with a soft smile. "How're ya today?"

Cam shrugged, "Better I suppose. I've been more focused on Anna anyway."

Gale nodded, "That's good. Have you spoken tae Jace yet?" she said lifting a brow at him.

He shook his head, "I don't even know where he is.."

"What happened with you two?"

Cam sighed, "It doesn't matter. He left." Thinking of Jace only made him lose his appetite, "I rather go home, I don't feel like eating anymore." he said and turned to leave.

"If I don't see you back in this kitchen by breakfast I swear I will come over there and force feed you." she said pointing her spoon at him.

He gave a soft smile, "Yes ma'am." he said with a wink and left for his cottage.

Once he got there, Cam immediately plopped himself onto the couch and switched on the TV. After a while he suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable in his own skin. He froze as he felt his body ache and his heart rate increase. Cam knew what it meant even before he heard the knock on the door.

Getting up, he slowly walked towards his door and opened it to reveal Jace standing on the other side.


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