Don't Deny Me

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Everyone stood in complete silence as they watched Jace and Cam stalk towards each other. They all knew better than to get in between the two.

They weren't completely surprised by this though. Jace was a descendant of Fenrir, a giant Norse wolf-like creature, in fact the largest and most fearsome being anyone has ever heard of. Barely able to fit on Earth as it's jaw was big enough to touch the ground while it's back reached the sky, and said to have been created to bring about the end of the world.

The only creature that could possibly be matched with one of it's descendants would have to be a Free Shifter. Like Jace, Cam was the last of his kind, a race with the ability to mimic or shift into any creature, while increasing its size to any magnitude at will, therefore enhancing its strength and ability.

Annalise jumped slightly at the sight of Jace and Cam's now sharp and hardened features. The angles of their faces stood out as Cam's eyes began to glow a bright golden colour and Jace's became a deep red.

Logan held her closer to him as his demon sought to shield her from the now extremely tense and dangerous atmosphere. He looked back at everyone as they took slow steps away from the creatures now circling each other, each one eager to leave it's mark as soon as possible.

"Cameron." Logan said firmly as he raised his hand.

His power could break through anything and Cam immediately looked up at him. "Wha-" he said disorientated as he was pulled out of his trance.

Jace smirked and took the opportunity to grab him by his shirt.


Jace froze, his teeth only inches away from sinking into Cam's neck. He didn't know why, but the second Anna yelled out, he couldn't stop his body from obeying her command.

"Let. Him. Go."

Jace stepped back with a pained look on his face while Cam stared at Anna in shock. Her deep brown eyes gave off a pulsating glow as she spoke.

Logan hadn't had time to register her movement as she had slipped out of his arms and now stood staring at the two males. He stood there with as much shock on his face as everyone else at the sight of her ability to control them.

"You two will NOT start this way. You," she said firmly turning to Cam, "are much smarter than this. And you,"she continued looking at Jace, "should and better be smart enough to know that impulsive actions like that almost never end well. You will NOT act like animals here." she finished glaring at them both, her eerily calm voice somehow resonating through the room. They nodded.

Anna sighed and visibly relaxed at the same time everyone else seemed to release the breath they had been holding. She suddenly felt exhausted and unsteady on her feet. Logan sensed this and immediately picked her up bridal style and held her against his chest.

"It's okay amare, I'm here." he said softly as he watched the glow in her eyes fade and return to their normal deep brown colour. In seconds she was asleep in his arms.

Leon cleared his throat, "Well then.. I must say this has been one hell of a day, but I do believe we should take our leave now." he said looking at Creed and Paizell.

"Agreed." they mumbled out in unison.

Leon walked past Jace who was still watching his new found mate intently, not bothering to ask whether he was coming with them or not. Before he stepped out the door, Leon turned to Logan with a grin, "Good luck, son."

Logan sighed as he watched his father close the door behind them. "I'm taking Anna to bed. You two okay here?" he said low in warning.

They both nodded silently.

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