Take The Throne

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Annalise and Logan were laid out on the couch when they heard his office phone ring again.

He groaned, not wanting to get up yet. Anna laughed, "You've been ignoring it all day, go."

Logan sighed and got up with her in his arms.

"I didn't mean take me with you, it's just the phone!"

He smiled and lifted a brow at her, "What if it's another woman trying to call me?"

"I'd tell her to jump off a cliff and say hi to Creed for me."

Logan laughed then and walked into his office. He placed her on his desk and stood between her legs as he answered the phone.

"Yeah?" he said resting his hand on her hip as she held his waist.

"Logan, is the castle free tomorrow?" he heard Leon ask.

He frowned, "Yeah.. why?"

"I need to speak to all Council Members tomorrow and everyone is still on edge about using the Manor after what happened with Von Luc. Some believe he may have had spies working for him there. "

"Are you kidding me? Where did you find these paranoid idiots?"

"Logan.." he sighed out.

Logan rolled his eyes, "Fine, but I swear I will shoot anyone who knocks on my door before 10."

He could already feel Leon shaking his head at him, "Just be ready for us by midday. High Members will arrive first to discuss something before everyone else shows up."

"Fine." he said and hung up.

"What was that about?" Anna said looking up at him.

"Leon wants to hold a Council Meeting here tomorrow."


"I don't know." he said with a frown.

She nodded, "Well you did kill one of their members for kidnapping me.. seems like a good reason to have a meeting, don't you think?" she said tilting her head at him.  

Logan smiled and pulled her close to him, "And I'd do it again too." he said against her lips then kissed her softly.

She laughed against his lips and deepened their kiss, running her hands up his chest. He groaned and held her hips in place as he rubbed himself against her. Anna gasped feeling his now hard dick pressing into her.

Logan waved his hand, shutting his office door and locking it.

"Logan," she breathed out while he kissed and licked his way down her neck.


She bit back a moan as he squeezed her ass, "We can't do this here.."

"And why not?" he said slipping his hands into her top and lifting it up her back.

"It's my office.." he said kissing her shoulder, "with my Princess.." he said with a smile, already unbuttoning his pants.

"And if she needs me,"  he continued, pulling off her top and guiding her back down onto his desk, "to have her laid out on my desk while I take her over, and over again.." he grinned moving down to kiss her lips, "Then that's exactly what I'm going to do."

Anna grinned up at him, "You're crazy, you know that?"

He smiled against her lips, "For you? I always have been."


The next day Anna sat on their bed putting on a pair of short heeled black boots while Logan searched for his jacket.

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