
Steph's POV

I woke up to a headache and Kaitlyn and Mattie surrounding me. Earlier events played in my head and it indeed wasn't a nightmare. I cursed and punched the seat out of frustration until I saw Dean and Roman walk in as Kaitlyn rubbed my back.

"Steph you're awake. Are you okay?" Dean asked.

"Give us a minute alone." I told everyone else and they obeyed.

"Why the hell did you lie?" I asked him.

"I didn't lie to you. Let me explain." He came closer to me. I stayed silent and nodded for him to proceed.

"A few weeks aafter that night she kept texting me and stalking me, thinking that we had a relationship after that. I told her it was a mistake and that I didn't want her. She didn't take to kind to that. So she decided to tell on me to you today and make up that we slept together for a while after that when actually I've been busy training my ass off. The bitch is crazy, I've tried so hard t get rid of her but she has it out for us so bad. She wants to ruin this but I'm not going to let it. I have you now and I'm not letting you go again. I refuse to. I love you so much and I'm sorry I didn't tell you she was coming. I thought she was lying because she's said it twice before this. Just don't be mad at me."

"I fucking hate myself for getting drunk and having sex with her. I'm still trying to right my wrongs. I'm so sorry Steph I'll say it a million times if you want me to. We can overcome her bullshit lies and -

I cut him off with a kiss. He gladly returned it back and grabbed my hands. I pulled away and stared at him with a small smile. He blushed and hid his face in the crook of my neck as Doctor Sampson made his way in with a smile.

"You have a small concussion. You can stay here but you have to be careful. Maybe take it easy and not wrestle for about two to three weeks."

"Okay. Thanks doc. I'll be with her." Dean said intwining his fingers in mine. Doc nodded and handed me to Advil pills. Dean handed me a water.

"Dean go get our stuff please." I told him. He nodded and left out. Roman, Seth, Kaitlyn and Nattie made there way in with smiles on there faces.

"I'm glad you believed him. And I'm glad you're feeling better." Roman said hugging me gently.

"How are you feeling?" Nattie asked.

"Like shit. My head hurts so bad but I'll get her back."

"You'll feel better soon. I know you will." Kaitlyn smiled. Seth got up and walked over to me.

"Steph I'm sorry this happened to you. Most importantly I'm sorry for everything I did to you. It was really selfish of me and I'm so sorry. What I did was wrong and I had no right to barge into your relationship. So can you forgive me?"

"It's fine Seth. I forgive you." I said. He smiled and pulled me into a hug. Dean came back with our things. We walked to my locker room as Dean sat down on the couch.

"I'm gonna go shower." I said. He nodded and kissed my cheek. I walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind me.


I looked into my duffle bag and put on a black lace bra with matching lace panties as Dean stared at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You're hot that's what." He chuckled. I smiled and slipped on clothes.

"I'm gonna take these out to the car." He said. I nodded and tossed him the keys. I sat down on the couch and waited for him to come back. I took a deep breath. I still had a headache, those pills didn't work. I watched Smackdown as Randy and Big E wrestled.


As the match began to get interesting. I saw Dean emerging from the steps. I knew what he was about to do. He jumped over the barricade and attacked Randy. He gave him a DDT on the ground and searched for other weapons to use. He attacked him with a chair, hitting him multiple times in the back. He began to throw him back and forth into the steel steps.

Big E was still out from the blow got from Randy. Dean rolled Randy back into the ring and gave him a head dive. He picked him up again giving him another one. Dean smirked and began to trash talk Randy. His theme music played as he jumped back over the barricade, and walked up the steps. I smiled while putting my chucks on. Dean made his way in the locker room with a smile on his face.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

He linked his hand in mine as we walked out of the arena. As we were walking I noticed Jana was standing there talking to the Bella's with a smirk on her face. I ran at her and punched her square in the face, knocking her out.

Nikki and Brie ran off. I picked her up and threw her into the wall causing her to her back, she screamed as I picked her up and threw her into the wall once again. Dean raced after me and pulled me off. I squirmed as his hold got tighter.

I walked off to the car as Dean just stared at me and grinned. He hopped in the drivers seat, buckling my seat belt.

"What's funny?" I asked smiling.

"What you just did. Im proud of you." He put his free hand on my thigh as we drove off to grab something to eat.


Dean's POV

After eating Steph and I took a shower and did just a little more than that if you know what I mean. I got out and put on boxers while she got dressed into panties and a bra. We got into bed and snuggled into each other, talking for a while until we got tired.

"Goodnight beautiful." I whispered. She ran her fingers through my hair.

"Goodnight handsome. I love you."

"I love you too honey." I connected my lips with hers. I pulled away as she cuddled into my chest. After a few minutes of silence she looked at me again.


"Yes beautiful?"

"What are we?" She asked me.

"Whatever you want to be." I said as she linked our hands together.

"Well. What do you want me to be?" She asked.

"I want you to be mine."

"Ask me." She smiled. I looked into her eyes.

"Steph will you make me the happiest guy and be my girlfriend?"

"Yes I will." She told me. I smiled wide and kissed her passionately.

I was so happy to be with my baby girl again.


Jana's POV

I laid in the trainers room thinking about earlier's events. Step and Dean think their life is now so perfect now that they have reconnected but what he doesn't know is gonna kill it even more.

I've held this secret in from almost everyone.No one knows but my family and I.

Dean doesn't even know. He has a two year old son.






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