Chapter Three: Butterflies

Start from the beginning

                Feeling that an appropriate amount of time had elapsed, I tried to sneak a peek in his direction again, curious. Only to my mortification, he was looking back. Again I looked away, staring at my shoelace which suddenly became very interesting. 

                “Nice shoes” a sly voice whispered in my ear, so that I could better hear it over the noise of the crowd.

                I looked up only to see James standing in front of me with his hands in his pockets and his eyes smoldering into mine.

Startled by his proximity, I dropped my phone that had been in my hand and stumbled back a few steps, letting a quiet ‘oh’ escape my lips, before tripping over my own feet.  His strong hand reached out and grabbed a hold of my arm as he carefully brought me back to balance.

                “Have you been drinking?” he asked jokingly, raising his eyebrow and plastering a smirk on his face as I, once again blushed in his presence. I couldn’t help but notice the lip ring strategically placed on the left, corner of his mouth, I smiled a bit at how much I liked it, before returning to the matter at hand, trying to remember the question.

                “No, actually I have not been drinking,” I replied, a little annoyed by his striking ability to make my stomach do summersaults just with his voice. I looked down at my arm were he had grabbed me, trying to avoid his piercing eyes, when I noticed that his hand was still lightly placed on my arm.

                He must have noticed where my attention had focused, for he quickly removed his hand, leaving me to immediately miss its presence.

                “I don’t believe that I’ve seen you around here before, are you new to the city?” he asked as he chewed on his lip, placing his finger under my chin and lightly tilting  my head. Satisfied that I was now looking him in the eye, he gently removed it and placed it back in his pocket, leaving a tingling sensation in its place.

                I struggled for words before replying in a shaky voice,

                “Um… yeah, my friend China and I just moved her from LA.” I smiled at myself, proud that my response actually came out in full sentences, and BONUS, made sense too! I nodded over to where Sebastian and China were talking and clearly enjoying each others presence.

                James looked over and let out a low chuckle before returning his attention to me.

                “What?” I smirked

                “Nothing… It’s just; it’s embarrassing that my brother is so weak!” He laughed before continuing, “Fair warning! She probably won’t be able to get rid of him, by the looks of it, he really likes her.” He added with a frown,

                “Is that a problem” I scoffed, placing my hands on my hips and looking him straight in the eye, immediately defending my best friend from what looked like him disapproving the fact that his brother likied her.

“Whoa, easy now!” He laughed again as he threw his hands in the air signaling surrender. “No. I don’t mind, it just..” He dropped his hands and looked at me for a minute, clearly deciding on whether he should elaborate or not. He bent down and picked up something off the ground at his feet and began to fiddle with it, looking down at his hands as he continued, “I just don’t want him to get hurt again that’s all!” he whispered.

                I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. What, the most feared mafia boss in the world had a heart? Well that was news. I didn’t realize I was staring at him until he looked up, almost embarrassed.

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