Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I awoke to the loud buzz of my phone vibrating.  Being in the tired dazed out state I was in, I made an attempt to grab at my phone which was sitting on my dresser right next to my bed, but ending up knocking down all the clutter I had sitting around it.  After fumbling with many failed attempts to grab my phone I finally succeeded.  It was only a text message.  I noticed that it was already almost noon.  It felt much earlier.  I opened the message.  It was from Niall saying to come over to their house.  I wondered what this was about.  I quickly sent a text back replying that I just woke up and would a bit later.

I drug myself out of bed and noticed that I was still wearing the spandex shorts from last night.  I must have been really out of it to fall asleep in these.  I had a slight headache, indicating that I may have drank more than I thought last night.  That fruity drink must have been stronger than it seemed.  Thinking about that, I realized that I never got Alice's number.  I really didn't know that much about her other than she lived in London.  A flashback of her pretty face smiling and us laughing quickly played through my mind.  I hadn't had that much fun with someone in a long time.  I was mentally hitting myself for not getting her number.  

Still shaking my head in shame at myself, I changed out of the spandex and into some normal clothes.  After digging out some dark blue skinny jeans and a plain black shirt I felt much more at ease.

I walked downstairs to find a quiet house.  Louis and Eleanor must have been still asleep, cause there would be no way it would be this quiet if Louis was awake.  I went in the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of cheerios.  Although is was literally lunch time, it still felt like breakfast to me.  After I was about finished with my cereal, Louis grudged into the room.  There was still black and white paint smeared on the edge of his face and he had a dazed and tired look.

"Mornin' sunshine."  I beamed, in my best attempt to make my voice as overly cheery as possible.

He muttered back something that sounded like what I imagine a Bigfoot grunting would sound like.

"We're supposed to go over to Niall's."  He stated in his raspy morning voice.

"He texted you too?"  I asked, already aware of the answer.  "So what's with the gloomy look?"  I questioned, before giving him a chance to respond to my first question.

"I'm tired and I think I drank too much last night."  He responded while rubbing the sides of his head.  "I'm going to take a quick shower, then let's go see what Niall wants."  

I nodded, while digging out my phone to tell him we would be over soon.  

After about fifteen minutes, a more refreshed looking Louis and I walked into Niall, Liam, and Zayn's house.  We heard voices coming from the kitchen.

We entered the room.  Niall, Liam, and Zayn were all in there bickering about something.  Liam had a irritated expression on his face.  Niall and Zayn both looked amused.

"I really don't think this is a good idea."  Liam said, his words full of worry.  They didn't even acknowledge our presence.

"Let's see what Louis and Harry think about it."  Zayn responded.  Turning the attention to us.  

"Think about what?"  I asked.  

Niall was digging into a bag of crisps.  He spoke after putting a handful in his mouth.  "We have an idea of something we've never done before which we think would be fun and exciting."  

"No, it is reckless and stupid."  Liam quickly interjected.

"The suspense is killing me.  Just tell us what it is?"  Louis exclaimed.

"We want to go find a random house, somewhere far in the country, and burst in, killing everyone who lives there!"  Niall announced with a huge excited grin.

"We would leave the bodies, but that would mean we would have to be careful to leave no traces of evidence or DNA.  I can see it now, it would be the top headline of every news story.  People would be terrified."  Zayn announced growing, more and more eager with every word he spoke.

Liam was continuing to shake his head and roll his eyes at the two excited boys.  "This won't end will.  If we start doing stupid shit like this, we'll get busted."

"I think this sounds like a great idea!"  Louis beamed, ignoring every word Liam just said.  "A perfect way to wrap up the time we have had off."  

Today was the last day we had off until we went back on the road to finish up our Take Me Home tour in Asia.

"What do you think Harry?"  Niall asked while crunching a crisp.

I had to think about this.  I understood why Liam was objected to the idea.  It was very unpredictable.  Who knows who's house we could wind up at.  They could have children or innocent elderly women.  I don't think I could hurt a child or old lady.  Plus the people we've killed before had always had a reason in my book.  They always had have negative traits that I felt the world was better off without or they were just really fucking annoying.  Either way we really didn't know what we would get ourselves into with this.  But on the other hand that did make it appealing to me.  I mean we were all adrenaline junkies.  You kinda have to be to do what we do.  And the thought of doing this crazy idea at all did make my blood pump a bit faster.

"Harry?"  I heard Louis's voice interrupting my thoughts.  I snapped back to reality.

"Umm......I'm in."  I finally said making my decision.  

I hope I don't regret this.


Dunn dunn, dunn!!   Hope everyone is enjoying the story so far!  :)  I'm really going to try and keep my promise with the weekly updating thing.  Gosh, I wish I wasn't such a procrastinator.....

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