Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

"How'd you do it?" I asked Louis as we drove back home. We had been at meetings all morning for a new perfume line that was coming out soon. My greatest challenge had been to keep my head up and stay awake. Which let me tell you was harder than it sounded. Anyways they were all finally over with and we now had the rest of the day off.

"Okay this is going to sound more gruesome than it actually was." He began.

"Just tell me." I cut in, anxious to know.

"I was at a New Years party at one of my mate's house and there was this girl who wouldn't leave me alone. I made it perfectly clear that I had a girlfriend, but she just wouldn't leave me be. And it was totally obvious she just wanted to talk to me because I was Louis from One Direction. Anyways after wasting way too much of my time with her jibber jabber, I decided I had to do something about her. I took her out to his back garden and she yanked me into the garage, wanting to be somewhere more private."

I nodded my head, my eyes taking turns staring at Louis and the road.

He continued, his hands making wild gestures as he spoke. "Then I saw it. The perfect tool. There hung up on the wall was a beautiful sledgehammer. It almost glowed. I'm not even kidding Harry, it called out to me. She was still too busy yakking about this and that, shit I didn't care about, to even notice me grab it. You should have seen the look on her face when I tapped her on the shoulder and held it above her head. It was great. Only took a few blows to do the job."

"And how isn't that gruesome? Beating someone with a sledgehammer, sounds pretty messy to me." I asked while raising my eyebrows at him.

"Naw, it really wasn't. There wasn't even that much blood, just big bruises to the head. It was so much fun, we really should use more tools."

"Maybe. Sounds like you've been taking tips from Niall. That's more his sort of thing."

"Well I can see why now." He stated as we pulled up to our house.

I opened up my car door and instantly noticed something was wrong with the house. I squinted to get a better look. Louis noticed this too. He was the one to say something. "Why the fuck is our window wide open?" His words came pilling out of his mouth in a upset harsh manner, something I was feeling inside. I clenched my fists as anger took over my body. We never opened those windows, I figured they had been locked but obviously they hadn't.

"Someone must have opened them." I responded as I marched over to the house. Louis trailed right behind me. The window was opened large enough for someone to easily fit through. I threw the front door open and heard a crash coming from down the hall.  Someone was in our house.

We both took off sprinting towards the noise. There was a lamp knocked over on the floor which had been sitting on a small table in our hall. It had broken in two pieces. We both scanned the area silently.  They couldn't have gone far.

I crept up to a small closet door which was located across from the broken lamp. Louis and I made eye contact before I swiftly opened the door expecting to possibly come face to face with our intruder. I was met with the sight of only our vacuum and broom. Well they weren't hiding in there.

"Where the hell are they?" Louis whispered from behind my shoulder.

"They are still in the house somewhere." I stated. We hadn't heard any doors open, so they had to be. We tip toed father down the hall getting closer towards the back door. I figured this was probably there only escape route. My eyes scanned every inch of space I came across. I peered my head into the kitchen, that being the closet room towards the back door.

Everything was completely silent. That was until I heard a loud thud coming from the room the opposite direction of us. We both ran back down the hallway until we stood in our entry way. I looked down and noticed a football ball laying on the floor. That's strange it wasn't here a second ago. I knelt down and picked it up examining it.

"Hey that's my ball." Louis exclaimed. We both shared a look of confusion. It was quickly interrupted with the noise of a door opening. The back door.

We both sprinted down the hallway once again, this time we came to a open back door. Someone definitely just ran out. I made no hesitation in running out after them. They most likely ran into the woods or else we would still see them. I could hear Louis running close behind. "Let's split up. You go that way." I pointed off a different direction.

"Good idea." Louis said as he sprinted off the direction I pointed. We had a much better chance catching the intruder if we went different ways.

I ran through the snow covered trees looking through each one I passed. I tried to not make a lot of noise so I could sneak up on whoever it was broke into our house. I was thankful for my long legs at the moment, being sure I could outrun this person. I could faintly hear footsteps crunching through the snow up ahead. Gotcha.

I picked up the pace even more, being excited that I was getting closer to catching this bastard. I noticed a trail of footsteps in the snow. All I had to do was follow them and it would lead to the person. They weaved in and out of the trees, going all sorts of different directions. It was obvious they were trying to lose us. Finally I briefly saw someone in the near distance run behind a tree. The sun cast a shadow which gleamed down in the slim spaces between the trees making me have to squint to look. It seemed that they were wearing all black, but I only saw them for a second so I wasn't sure. I made a bee line right where I saw them run to. I got so focused in getting to them that I wasn't paying attention to my feet and tripped right over a rock sticking out of the snow.

I came down hard and landed with my face literally stuck in the snow. Ouch. The cold snow nipped at my skin and the rock collided hard with my ankle. I sat up slowly and could already feel my ankle swelling up. Shit.

I stood up and tried standing on my ankle. It hurt like a bitch and I couldn't put any weight on it. I knew I was defeated and lost whoever it was. They were probably far away by now and there was no way I could catch them, as I could barely walk as it was.

"Harry!" I heard Louis shout from the distance. I turned to see him running up to me. His nose and ears were red from the cold weather.

"You have snow all over you." He pointed out as he brushed some off my shoulders.

"Yeah, I sort of fell." I confessed, feeling like a clumsy idiot.

"Are you hurt?" He asked with a concerned expression

"I think I twisted my ankle."

"Come on, let's get you back so we can put some ice on it." He ordered as he wrapped his arm around me to help me walk.

"But I saw the person, they ran that way." I whined as I pointed to the direction they went.

"I don't think I will find them now. These woods are huge, with a little luck they will freeze to death out here." He said as he continued to walk me back. A small smile crept onto my face as I imagined this dickhead freezing and suffering out here, until they succumbed into a slow painful death. One could only hope.


I hope you are still enjoying the story.  Sorry I have been such shit at uploading lately  :P

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