Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

It was now half past midnight and I was pretty sure everyone was in bed. I knew Louis was and I hoped and prayed that the other three were too. I crept out of the house. I needed to go back down to the cellar, dig through the dead paps pockets and find his keys, so I could dispose of his car.

When I opened the cellar door, it made the loudest squeaking noise imaginable. How come when you're trying to be quiet about things, they seem to want to make the most ridiculous amount of noise? Gritting my teeth, hoping no one heard me I carried on my way tip toeing down the steps.

Once I reached the bottom I crept over to the closet I had put him in underneath the stairs. Once I opened the closet door a very unpleasant stench filled my nostrils. Oh boy, he was not going to look pretty. Even though it has only been a few days, a corpse rots fast.

This really was one of the last things I wanted to be doing right now, but I held my breath and prepared myself. I walked further into the closet so I would be close enough to reach the corpse. I started feeling around his clothes. His body felt squishy beneath them. I checked his coat pockets first and found nothing but some change. My hands felt there way down to his jean pockets. Lucky for me I found them along with his wallet and cell phone.

I ran back up the steps and out of the cellar. I placed the wallet in my pocket and threw the phone on the ground. I started smashing it with my foot, didn't need anyone trying to track it, until it was cracked and broken in many pieces. I quickly dug a small hole with my hands and threw the busted phone in. I packed dirt over it and made it look like there was never a hole there to begin with.

Now I had to deal with the car. I couldn't have anyone link the car to the area around my house, so I would have to move it somewhat far away. This really would be easier with two people, but we all had promised to stop. No, I started this on my own and I was going to finish it on my own.

I approached the car which was parked right in front of Liam, Niall, and Zayn's place. The key fit perfectly in the car door. At least I found the right one's. I opened it up to reveal a clean tidy interior. In fact it still even had that new car smell.

A clicking noise started up. I looked around trying to figure out where it was coming from. A second later the car alarm started going on. Ah fuck. I didn't know what to do, or how to shut the stupid thing up. I notice a light turn on in Liam's room. I jabbed the key in the car turned it on and speed off. The car alarm shut off once the car was in motion. This was just great, now that Liam was awake he was going to be suspicious and he was the least person who I wanted to find out about this.

I probably woke everyone up with the screeching sound of the stupid alarm. Like I said, when you're trying to be quiet and sneaky is when everything else around you wants to be as loud as possible.

I raced down the country roads. I figured I would go a couple towns over. There was a large enough lake in a town which was about a hour away. I would dump it there. The only problem with this is how I was going to get back, but I would deal with that later.

I turned the radio on and hummed along to the song that was playing. It was a beautiful night out. The skies were clear, so you could see every star shining bright, which shone down and made the snow almost glow.

The lake finally came into view. I drove around until I found a bluff near it that was surrounded by nothing but trees and wilderness. I hadn't even seen a single person or car the whole drive here, so I was feeling pretty good about all this. I put the drove the car as close to the edge without going over and then put it in neutral. I quickly got out and went behind the car pushing it enough so it went over the edge. It made a loud plunk once it hit the water. I watched in victory as the car slowly sank into the lake until it was no longer visible. Job done.

Now was going to be the interesting part. I could walk back, but that would probably take me the rest of the night. I could also try and call a cab but I didn't want anyone to know I was near the area where the car could possibly be found. I decided on starting to walk. Maybe I would call a cab when I was in the next town over.

I started walking back down the road I had driven to get here. I wrapped my arms around myself trying to keep warm. It was really chilly out. I cold feel the cold air nipping at my face making it hard to feel my nose and ears. A whole night of walking in this wasn't going to be fun.

I had been walking down the road for about an hour, still freezing my balls off when I saw headlights of a car approach me. I turned and looked and noticed it was a old looking pickup truck. It slowed down and stopped right next to me. A window rolled down and an older man, probably mid fifties or sixties, popped his head out.

"Want a ride?"

Before I had a chance to think about it, I found myself agreeing and walking over to the passenger door.

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