Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

So today was a very important day for me. Not only was I going to see Alice again, but she was going to come over and meet the rest of the lads.  The only slight problem was that I haven't told any of them about her yet.  I guess I still didn't want anyone to know I liked her as much as I did. I tried to tell myself that I didn't really like her that much, but I knew that was a lie. I only thought about the bloody girl all the freaking time.  She was plastered in the back of my mind.  Her laugh, her smile, those big chocolate puppy-dog eyes, the way her face lit up when she got excited about a conversation and all the crazy hand gestures that went along with it, all of it was etched there in the back of my brain.

We had been back at our houses for two days now.  Everyone was currently over at Louis's and I's. We were in the middle of a Dexter marathon on Netflix, a show we could all relate to.  Like Dexter, most the people I've killed I've felt like I had made the world a better place without them in it.  Granted they may have not been serial killers and rapists themselves, they usually had some kind of flaw, whether it be trashiness, craziness, or they were just plain irritating.   I checked the time on my phone.  It would still be a few hours until Alice got here. I figured now would be a good time to let the guys know. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"I'm going to have a friend over later for dinner." I announced.

"Who?" Liam asked.

"Do we know them?" Louis asked right after. I noticed all their attentions change from the television to me.

"You don't know her. Her name is Alice." I responded trying to sound as casual as possible.

"So she's a girl." Louis said with a big stupid grin on his face. I nodded my head with a so what expression on my face.

"Is this a date then?" Zayn questioned with a amused expression. I paused briefly before I nodded my head again. This caused all the guys to hoot and holler at me.

"Alright, alright enough." I said trying to keep my cheeks from not going pink. "Just promise me you guys won't embarrass me."

"Us, embarrass you. Harry, I'm offended." Louis joked trying to use his most serious voice.

"Is she hot?" Niall blurted out.

I could feel heat going to my cheeks. Damn it. "Yeah." I said awkwardly.

"You really like her don't you." Zayn stated. Damn Zayn and his ability to read us so well.

"Alright, well just be on your best behavior." I said just about to leave the room so I could avoid this conversation, but Liam said something that made me stop dead in my tracks.

"Do you guys know whose car is parked in front of our house? It's been there since we got back here."

"No idea." Louis responded.

I was so stupid. How did I not think about this. The car had to be the paparazzi guy's. It's not like he could have walked here. The thought of a car hasn't even crossed my mind until now. The longer it sat there, the weirder it was going to seem. Plus once he goes missing the first thing they are going to be looking for is his car. Shit, shit, shit. I had to fix this and fast. I didn't need this problem right now, I should be starting to get dinner started.  Later tonight I will fix this. I can't do it now because someone could notice. I need to get rid of it late once everyone is asleep. Right now I need to focus my attention on getting dinner ready for Alice when she gets here.

I walked into the kitchen. I decided that I was going to make her my favorite food which was tacos. I figured I couldn't go wrong there because come on, who doesn't like tacos? I looked up after pulling some of the ingredients off of the shelves to see Louis and Zayn entering the room.

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