Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I continued to stare at the dead paparazzi man, enjoying what I had done.  The buzz of my phone getting a text snapped me out of my trance.  I blinked a few times before retrieving my phone from my front pocket.  It was from Louis saying that he was almost here.  Oh shit, I really needed to clean this up and fast.

The first thought that went through my head was where was I going to put the body?  The ideal spot would be the pond because no one would ever find him there.  But the problem with that is it's a good 10 minute walk away and with me dragging him it would take even longer and I didn't have the time.  I couldn't hide him somewhere in the house, because he would start to smell.  Images of all the ridiculous places in the house I could hide him popped into my head making me quietly chuckle at my own humour.  For example putting a lamp shade over his head, or stuffing him into one of our cabinets or closets.  I could hear Louis's voice in my head finding him and asking me, 'Harry why is there a dead man in our kitchen cabinet?'  But getting back to all seriousness I really needed to think of a legitimate spot to hide him in.

Finally the right place hit me.  I could put him in our cellar.  It was cold, dark, and wet down there. Plus we never went down there.  It would be perfect.  No one would ever find him and it already smelled funny down there, so it wouldn't matter if his rotting flesh stunk it up.

Smiling proudly to myself, I grabbed the man by his ankles and pulled him out the door and over to the cellar.  I opened up the wooden doors, revealing a long dark staircase. I slowly walked down them backwards still carefully dragging the guy.  Once at the bottom, I looked around trying to find a good spot for him.  I had to squint to see very well in the darkness.  I could faintly hear water dripping somewhere and had to admit, that it was somewhat creepy down here.

There was a bunch of meaningless junk that was left down here probably from the previous owner.  I drug him over behind a pile of damp dirty looking boxes.  No matter how I positioned him though some part of his body stuck out and was visible.  This just wasn't going to work.  So instead I opened up one of the boxes.  It was filled with old newspapers.  I lifted all of them out and sat them down next to the box.  Now was going to be the fun part, note the sarcasm.  Luckily for me this guy wasn't fat.  He was about average size.  I could handle that.  I used all my strength to pick him up. Let me tell you something, lifting up a live person is ten times easier than a limp dead one.  I did my best to place him into the box. His legs and arms were sticking out over the sides.  I crammed them in.  It was a tight fit, but it worked........that was until the box broke.

He came sliding down onto the ground. I really wanted to pull my hair out and scream in frustration at that moment.  I didn't have time for this shit.  Louis could be here by now for all I knew.  There's not a more welcoming sight than a gigantic blood puddle in the middle of your floor, note the sarcasm once again.

Starting to feel like nothing I did was going to work, I heard a scurrying noise towards the back of the staircase.  I walked over to see what it was.  I didn't see anything unusual, so I figured it was most likely just a mouse or a rat.  I did notice a small door that was attached to the side of the stairs. Huh, I never even realized that was there before.  I opened it slowly, excitement building in me, as if I thought it was going to lead to some magical kingdom or something.  Not really, but what I did see did make me happy. It was very big inside but it was almost pitch black making it hard to see anything and there was a little space off to the side where I could stuff his body and no one would ever see it.  So that's what I did.

Running back up the steps I felt pleased that I was pulling this off.  I had to thank that mouse or rat because of them I never would have found the perfect hiding spot.

To my relief the house was still empty when I walked back in. I ran to the kitchen grabbing hand full after hand full of paper towels and some cleaning spray.  A roll of paper towels later, there were no more traces of blood to be seen. I put all the bloody towels in a plastic bag and threw them in the bottom of the garbage can.

I heard the front door opening and thought to myself that the timing couldn't have been any better.

"Haz!" Louis beamed as I entered the room, engulfing me in a huge embrace.

"Hey Lou." I muttered into his shoulder.

Once we pulled away, he started sniffing the air.  I gave him an odd look.

"Do you smell cleaning spray?" He asked looking slightly puzzled.

"Oh I uhh, was cleaning." I responded, which was mostly true.

"Since when do you clean?" He puzzled.

"It was really uhmm, really dusty in here." I mumbled.

He gave me another strange look, but didn't press it any further.  He walked away and a minute later I heard him call for me.  I walked into the kitchen where he was. "Since you've been in a mood to clean, how about you wash all these dishes." He stated with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes. I guess I had more 'cleaning' to do.


I put up a picture on the side of what I imagine the cellar door looks like.  I've always thought those were pretty cool.  Anyways thanks for still reading my story.  I'm thinking about starting a zombie/slash/One Direction/ McFly one soon!!

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