Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The three of them all stood there just glaring at Louis.  It seemed as time stood still for a moment.  Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Liam spoke up.

"Please tell me that you had nothing to do with the murder of Tom and George."  His voice came out as a harsh whisper, seething with anger.

"I had nothing to do with the murder of Tom and George."  Louis shot back almost sarcastically.

Liam took a step towards him, while Louis took a step back.  "You fucking idiot!"  He yelled getting right up in his face.  Louis shot his hands up in defense as he tried to take a step back, only to end up against a wall.

Niall and Zayn walked near them.  "Seriously mate, what the hell?"  Zayn remarked.  They both looked at him with confusion.

"Alright, alright!"  Louis yelled.  "I did it, but I can explain."

Liam shook his head in frustration.  "This is going to have to be a damn good explanation."

I sat down on the couch.  The others followed, making it a tight squeeze.  We all stared at Louis, who stood in front of us.  I sat my hands in my lap and looked up at him, like I was a young child eagerly waiting to be told a story at story time.

He cleared his throat before beginning.  "I was walking down the hallway to go and meet you guys at the bar in the hotel.  I was looking at my phone, so I wasn't exactly watching where I was walking.  I bumped into Tom and Max.  I tried to excuse myself and simply walk by them, but they being the arseholes that they are, didn't let me."  He was doing some serious eye rolling at this point.  He paused for a moment before continuing.

"They both keep shooting subtle insults at me, trying to say that I was gay and bitchy.  I knew they were both immature twats, so I did my best to be pleasant and ignore it.  But when I tried to walk away yet again and Max got in the way, right in my face, I was starting to get pissed.  I could smell the alcohol on his breath, so I knew he wasn't going to just let me walk away easily.  I tried to push him out of my way, but he only pushed me back harder.  He held me up against the wall and told me to try something.  His stupid buddy Tom was laughing at me the whole time, adding on stupid insults.  I was beyond pissed at this moment.  Finally Tom told Max to let me go.  He did, right after he pushed me to the ground.  I watched them walk into a hotel room that was right down the hallway, still chuckling to themselves."  At this point Lou's voice was dark, anger still echoing his words.  I was getting upset myself hearing about this.  Those pricks had no right to treat him like that.  I noticed that my knuckles were balled into fists from just listening to his story.

Zayn shook his head in disgust.  "That's not right."

Louis nodded at him in agreement before continuing.  "All I was seeing was red at this point.  I quickly made a note of what their room number was before walking back to my room where I put on some gloves and grabbed Harry's pocket knife.  I practically ran back to where their room was and knocked on the door.  Tom answered still wearing that stupid smug look on his face.  He yelled to Max 'hey the faggot in One Direction is back.'  That was it, just as he opened his mouth to make another insult, I shoved the knife into his stomach.  You should have seen the look on his face.  He was in absolute shock.  The next time he opened his mouth, blood was seeping out of it.  He went to scream but I cut him off by stabbing him again.  That shut him up.  I threw his body onto the bed.  Max was in the bathroom.  He was yelling something to Tom about why I was here.  When there was no response he opened the door.  His reaction was hilarious.  Once he noticed Tom laying on the bed covered in blood, he ran over to him blubbering like a baby.  I laughed causing him to notice me.  Once he did, a look of terror crossed his eyes as he realized it was me that did this.  I had blood smears over my clothes and on my face.  He made a dash for the door, but I beat him to it, before giving him a chance to make anymore noise, I raised the knife and sliced his throat open.  The sight of him choking on his on blood was just...."  Lou's face turned from looking upset to looking happy, almost hopeful.  "....a wonderful scene to see.  The world is a better place without people like Max and Tom in it.  They got what they deserved and I don't regret what I did."

We all sat in silence for a moment, taking in everything he just told us.  In all honesty, I wasn't upset at him anymore.  I understood.  If I was in that situation I would have been tempted to do the same thing.  I don't know that I actually would, but Louis was more spontaneous than I was.  I couldn't be mad at him, that's just who he was.  He didn't think things through all the time, he just did what he thought would be best at the moment.

Louis noticed the smile forming on my lips.  He looked at me waiting for me to explain my sudden change in mood.

"I understand why you did what you did."  I say. 

His face mirrors mine, as he smiles at what I just said.  "Thank you."

Niall starts giggling.  "What a couple of wankers."  He starts laughing even harder at his remark.  I start to join in his laughter as do Louis and Zayn.  It's not just that Niall has a contagious laugh, but thinking about the whole situation and how Niall just casually refers to them as wankers, just hit all of our funny bones.  Even Liam couldn't hide a small chuckle.

After all our laughter died down, Liam spoke up, bring the mood back to a more serious one.  "Although they did somewhat deserve what happened to them, you still screwed up.  What are you going to do if the police get suspicious?  Are you sure you left no traces behind in their room?  What if..."  His rant got caught off by Louis.

"Just relax.  It will be fine.  If by chance, which would be a very small chance, police do get suspicious I will figure it out.  You don't have to worry about this Liam, okay."  He had his hand on his shoulder and was talking in a calm rational voice.

"Fine, but I don't know how you're so certain about this."  Liam stated.

"Think of everyone we've killed before.  We've never had any suspicion on us.  This will be just like that.  I just have a gut feeling."  

Liam shook his head, obviously not persuaded by this, but he kept his mouth shut.

Zayn patted Louis on the back.  "I'm proud of ya.  Taking on two guys at once, you've got skills mate.  Plus I couldn't stand those bastards either."  

"Thank you Zayn!"  Louis beamed, flattered by his remark.

We all chatted about this for a bit longer.  Niall and Louis made multiple jokes that had us burst into laughing fits about all of this.  While the rest of the world, or at least The Wanted fans were busy mourning, we were here laughing, joking, and have a great time.

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