Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Liam quickly rushed over to us as we exited the house and made our way down the porch steps.  "So what happened?  Did you kill anyone?"

"Nope."  I stated popping the 'p'.  

"It was an old lady.  Nicest little thing."  Louis added.

"Told you this was a terrible idea."  Liam had to add in.  This earned an eye roll from all four of us.

We made our back back to my car and made no time in pulling out and driving away.  It was pitch black outside, making me only see what the headlights in my car allowed.   Silence filled the air.  It was almost too quiet.  I turned the radio on, to get rid of the silence.  The sound of some overplayed pop song now filled the air.

"Well tonight was a bust."  Niall unenthusicastically murmured from the seat next to me.

"Yeah.  There will be more nights."  I replied trying to lift his spirits.

"I guess."  He stated while looking out the window.  I doubted he could see much with how dark it was.  I never realized how dark the night could be without any street or city lights.

 I squinted my eyes.  It looked like there was a figure standing in the middle of the road further down.  It was almost midnight, why would anyone in their right mind be standing in the middle of a road, in the middle of nowhere.  The car approached the figure faster than I thought, making me have to slam on the breaks to avoid mauling it down.  I realized the figure was actually a teenage girl.

We were all staring at her with wide eyes.  My headlights made it look like she was standing in the middle of a bright spotlight.  She had a backpack hung over her shoulders, that looked like if it was anymore full, it made burst.

Niall looked over at me with that familiar grin he held earlier before we left.  I knew exactly what he was thinking.  I looked back at the rest of the lads.  Louis looked excited, Liam looked worried, as usual, and Zayn looked like he was about to fall asleep.

"Well should we give this girl a ride?"  I asked while raising my eyebrows, so they understood my real intentions.

"Yes, this night just got so much better!"  Lou exclaimed while wriggling in his seat.

"There's barely enough room in this car, how's another person supposed to fit in?"  Liam asked.

"I have an idea."  Zayn stated.  "Do you have duct tape or rope?"  

"Yeah in the trunk."  I replied.


We all instantly caught on to his idea.  A banging sound on my window startled me, making me jump.  It was the girl.  She had a eager expression on her face.  I opened my car door and stepped out.

Once she got a good look at me her mouth hung open.  She now wore an expression of disbelief.  "You're Harry Styles."  She stated, sounding almost confused.

"That would be me."  I noticed while I held her attention, Zayn and Louis sneak out the back doors and quietly opened the trunk.

"What are you doing out here in the middle of the road?"  

"I'm running away from home."  She simply replied.  I noticed she looked very young.  Her messy blonde hair hung down her shoulders.  She wore a knitted cap and a light jacket.  She was actually very pretty.

"You know a pretty girl like you shouldn't be out here by herself in the middle of the night."  I warned.  "You never know what kind of people you could run into."

Her facial expression changed again.  This time she started to look nervous, almost like she knew I was referring to us.  I took a step closer to her.  She took a step backward as I did, causing her to bump into Zayn, who was quietly standing behind her, waiting for the right moment to pounce.  She quickly flung around.  Her face twisted in confusion as Zayn held a smirk.  

"Hey there love."  He said with a hint of amusement in his voice.  Before she had a chance to reply he grabbed her, quickly spinning her around and yanking her backpack off so she was now had her back against him, and put a choke hold around her neck so she couldn't move. 

She started screaming at the top of her lungs.  Louis walked up to her and started trying to tie her feet together with some rope.  She was kicking and squirming, making it impossible to do.  She gave him a good kick in the face in the process as he was knelt down trying to tie her up.

"Fuck."  He yelled while holding on to his cheek.  He stood up and gave her a good hard slap.   This only made her start screaming even more.  I was getting feed up with all the noise she was making.  I grabbed the knife, I still had in my back pocket and walked right up to the noisy girl.

"Shut the hell up."  I stated coldly as I held the blade up to her face.  I placed it right against her cheek.  She looked at it and her screaming stopped.  "Now you're going to be quiet and stop kicking and moving."  I ordered.

"Why are you doing this?"  She asked her voice almost a whisper.

"You could call it a hobby of ours."  I replied.  "Now you're not going to move an inch, or I will cut up this pretty face of yours.  Alright?"  

She nodded.  Her eyes never left mine.  I was surprised she hadn't pulled out the crying, trying to make us feel sorry for her crap.  She was holding it together better than most usually do.

Louis went back to tying up her feet.  This time successfully.  Zayn backed away as he went to tie her hands together behind her back.  Once he finished that he put a strip of duck tape over her mouth and then he and Zayn picked her up and place her into the trunk.

We got back into the car and I continued the drive home.  "That was awesome!"  Niall exclaimed, even though he never left the car.  "What are we going to do with her when we get home?"

Niall was so excited about tonight, probably more than the rest of us, so I figured I would leave everything up to him once we arrived home.  "I think you should take her back to the shed and do as you please." 

"Yes!"  He exclaimed.

"Yeah and don't go easy on the bitch."  Louis stated while rubbing his cheek.

Niall's grin grew huge.  "Thanks guys."

I pulled up in front of Niall, Liam and Zayn's.  Liam had to shake Zayn to wake him up.  Niall was out of the door almost before I even parked the car.  

"You think you guys can handle her?"  I asked while turning around to face them.

"Yeah, it'll be no problem."  Liam assured.  

I popped the trunk.  Niall was already standing at in waiting.  The second he heard the click he flew it open.  He flung the tied up girl over his shoulder and he Zayn and Liam walked into the house.  Liam waved before he walked in and closed the front door.


Sorry it's been so long for the update.  I wish I had a decent excuse, but I have just been super lazy.  All I have been doing is watching The Walking Dead, amazing show btw, and playing the Sims 2 and the Sims 3.  I will do my best to stick to updating more often, hopefully.  :)

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