Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

The rest of this month flew by. It had been a busy one for us, we flew out to America to perform on Saturday Night Live and The X-Factor. After that we went home to our families since it was practically Christmas time. I had a nice Christmas. It was great just being able to be with my family and not have anything else to do, felt like the old times, when I was younger. I still kept in touch with Alice. She spent the majority of her Christmas break in America with her family. We planned on getting together again once she got back. As for the promise we made to Liam, I still kept it and honestly it didn't even really bother me, hadn't even crossed my mind much.

It was mid January now and I was driving back to Louis's and I house. We were all planning on coming back today. I hadn't seen the lads in almost a month, so I was looking forward to seeing everyone again.

I started to see less and less cars, and the forest started to grow denser around the road, indicating I was getting closer. Although unlike when I left, all the trees were now bare, giving the forest an open look. It had been snowing like crazy lately, so everything was covered in a white blanket. It was a very pretty sight, although the road was also slightly covered in snow and ice, so I had to drive at an old lady speed.

After a few miles of nothing but forest a familiar grey house came into view. I wondered if anyone else was here yet.  We all decided that we would come back today, but didn't set a time.

I walked inside, everything looked exactly the same as it did when we left.  Even the dirty dishes we left were still in a mess by the sink.  I'll just leave that for Louis.  It was nice to be back.  I've grown quite found to the quiet country life. I liked knowing that I could walk outside and not be bothered or have dozens of cameras shoved into my face.  It was peaceful, the perfect balance to what I need in my life. My thoughts were interrupted by a bump at my kitchen window.

My eyes shot up at it and were greeted by a unfamiliar man's face.  He had a camera around his neck which he quickly grabbed and started taking multiple pictures of me.  The flashes stunned me for a moment.  Then I realized I must have been followed here by a pap.  This pissed me off, not only for the fact that this arsehole was rude enough to take a photos of me in my own personal kitchen, but the fact that he knew where we lived.  Word would get out and my peaceful little place would be ruined.  The more I thought about this the more angry I got.

My eyes scanned the kitchen, until they landed on the block on the counter that held all our knives.  I notice him run from the kitchen window towards the back of the house.  I grabbed the largest knife we had and ran my fingers lightly over the sharp blade.  This jerk wasn't going ruin my privacy. He was going to regret he ever messed with me.  A evil smile crept onto my face and I realized that I really did miss this.

I sprinted out the back door and frantically looked around.  I couldn't let him get away.  I realized I had the knife in plain sight by just carrying it with me, so I hid it under my coat.

"Hello?" I yelled out, hoping that he wouldn't pass up a chance to talk to me and try and get some dirt.   "I know you're here." I exclaimed while walking towards the side of the house.  "I just want to talk to you."

I noticed that one of the bushes on the side of the house started rustling.  I grinned, realizing I caught this bastard.  I slowly crept towards the bush, my hand tightly gripping my knife under my coat.  I pushed some of the branches aside causing snow to fall down onto my feet and looked in expecting to see a man.  Instead a rabbit hopped out to my disappointment.  "Shit." I muttered.  Suddenly a hand grabbed my shoulder.  I jumped and quickly spun around.  It was the man.

"Harry Styles, is this your house?" He asked.  I clenched my jaw, anger started bubbling inside me.

"Yes." I sternly said, surprised at how clear my voice came out.  "How about I give you a tour?" I asked, trying my best to sound pleasant.

His face beamed of surprise and anticipation, I'm sure he didn't expect me to say anything like that. "That would be great!"

"Follow me." I demanded.  As I lead him into the house, I never took my hand off the knife.  I had to do this quick before anyone else gets here.  I held open the front door letting him in first.  He strolled right in, taking photos of everything in sight.  He was so preoccupied with it, that he didn't notice me lock the door behind us.

Not wasting anymore time, I walked up behind the guy as he took a photo of our staircase.  I took my knife out of my coat and raised it above my head.  "Excuse me." I sweetly said.

He turned around and his expression made me want to burst out in laughter.  His smile literally turned into the most shocked expression I've ever seen.  It was almost cartoonish.  "Whaa..." He attempted to try and say.  I didn't let him finish before I plunged the knife as deep as I could into his chest.

His face instantly went pale and he backed up into the staircase, then fell to the ground.  I smiled at him and just stood there and watched as he helplessly clutched at the knife in his chest and made groaning sounds.  A red spot started forming around the knife and keep growing and growing until it soaked the floor and the whole area around him.

"Bye bye." I waved at him.  He was still just barely conscious.  I was honestly surprised he was still alive.  But I had to speed this along.  I bent over and yanked the knife out. Blood spurted out with it, sprinkling my face.  I watched his chest stop moving and all the noise he had been making stopped.  His eyes still looked surprise and were opened wide.  His face held a look of shock, even in death. I'm sure he thought he was being clever following me here and it never once crossed his mind, that this would lead to his demise.

I could fell the adrenaline pumping through my body.  I felt like I was floating on cloud nine right now.  It was great.  At this moment I realized, that I was never going to be able to ever give this up.  I'm just going to have to be extra sneaky about it now.

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