Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I walked through my front door.  I drug two heavy suitcases behind me and set them down once inside with a loud thud.  Louis came in behind me dragging his own bags.  It's been over a month since we have been here and it felt good to be back.  Over the past month we had finished our Take Me Home tour and our album, Midnight Memories, had come out.  Everyday had consisted of either shows, interviews, or meetings and a different hotel room almost every night.

 The ground was now blanketed with white fluffy snow.  I could tell it was going to be a cold winter this year because it was early December and already below freezing.  My cheeks and nose stung from only the short walk into the house.  Once inside I realized the house was quite chilly.  I turned the thermostat up a few degrees, hoping that will deal with it.  

"It's good to be home."  Louis's voice echoed as he followed me.

I turned around and gave him a grin.  "Yeah, this past month has really flew by though."

He nodded.  A strange expression suddenly took over his face.  "Uh Harry...."  He sounded almost a bit nervous.

"What?"  I looked at him in confusion at his sudden change in mood.

"Ah, never mind.  It's not a big deal."  He quickly turned around and started lugging his bags upstairs.

I watched him walk up the steps.  What was that about? 

"Are you sure there's nothing you want to talk about?"   I yelled up at him.

"Yup."  He yelled back, sounding very sure of himself.

He was a strange one.  Sometimes I wondered about him.  With that thought, I walked back over to the front door, grabbed my suitcases and headed off to my room to unpack.  And by unpack I meant throw all my clothes and things in a pile on my floor.

Honestly one of the things I missed most while on the road was sleeping in my own bed.  So to say I was excited about going to sleep tonight in my own comfy, cozy bed was an understatement.

The second my head hit the pillow I was out, not giving me much time to appreciate being back in my bed.  The next time I opened my eyes the room was lit up by dim sunlight.  I could hear someone walking around downstairs, Louis must have beaten me awake.  I glanced at the clock it was almost two in the afternoon.  I really slept in late today.

I stayed in bed for a few more minutes, just enjoying the fact that I could and had nothing else to do today, well other than a party at my mate's Ed's flat tonight.  That wasn't until much later in the evening though and his party's were more like just a few friends drinking and smoking together.  Pretty chill.

I finally pulled myself out of bed and threw on some clothes.  I hopped down the steps.  I heard the television on.  I walked in the living room.  As I figured Louis was in there.  Right as he noticed me, he quickly shut off the telly.  

I gave him a odd look.  He ignored it.  "Have you just woken up?"

I nodded.  "Must have sleep well then."  He remarked.

Once again, I nodded.  I noticed as he spoke he sounded different, almost nervous or anxious.  It didn't take a genius to notice something was going on with him.

"Well, I'm going to go to my room then..."  He mumbled.  As he turned around to walk away I stopped him.

"What's going on?"  

"What?  I have no idea what you're talking about.  Nothing."  He did his best to try and act like he had no clue, but I could see right through it.

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