Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"You still have no leads on who could have broke in?" Liam asked me and Louis. We all sat around on our sofas. My leg was elevated and an ice bag was placed over my ankle. Which had swelled up almost twice it's size.

"Nope." Louis said popping the 'p', while I bitterly shook my head. The thought of it still made me heated. Honestly, I thought that it could be someone who knew the paparazzi guy that I killed. Maybe he told someone he was following me and they went to check and try to find him. Who knows? All I know is I wasn't bringing that up to the guys because I didn't want it to make me look bad for what I did. Liam would get all pissy if I mentioned it anyways, and that was something I was never in the mood for.

"You should really keep your doors locked." Liam lectured. Here we go.

Louis quickly shot back. "The doors were locked, he got in the window."

"Well you should keep the windows locked too."

"Oh I'm sorry who would have guessed someone would have broke through there." Louis sarcastically replied.

"Trust me we will from now on." I assured.

"Mate you should probably get that checked out." Zayn stated as he started at my swollen ankle.

"It'll be fine, but I should probably take some pills for the swelling." I causally replied as I started to get up.

"No, I got it Haz." Louis said as he noticed me getting up.

"I'm alright, I wanted to change into more comfy clothes anyway." I explained while struggling to stand on up with just one foot.

"Let me at least help you then." Louis wrapped his arm around me as he helped guide me up the steps to my room. God I hated this bastard for making me like this. If I ever found out who was in our house I would put there head on a stick.

We approached my room and as I opened the door we both stood there in shock with our mouths literally hung open. "What. the. bloody. hell." I announced, rage building inside with the pronouncation of every word.

I took a step in to the clutter and mess that was once my somewhat clean, tidy room. All the draws of my dresser and desk were thrown open and all of the things in them thrown carelessly on the ground. All the sheets on my bed were messed up, everything underneath my bed had been thrown around the room. Basically my room looked messier than a pig sty. The only drawer that was untouched was the one that was locked where I kept my 'souvenirs.'

"Fuck!" I exclaimed in a voice much louder than I usually spoke in. Louis still stood in the doorway speechless.

I heard footsteps running up the stairs and was soon met with the sight of three other shocked faces staring from my doorway as well.

"Jeesh Harry, you're a slob." Niall joked.

I wasn't in any sort of mood to respond to Niall's joke, so I just blankly stared at the mess I was going to have to clean up. This was just great, a sprained ankle and a wrecked room all in one day, what was next?

"Why would someone do this?" Liam asked, his voice sounded pissed off.

"Looks to me like they were frantically looking for something." Zayn observed.

"Yeah, probably money and valuables." Louis added. "Harry it's obvious we were robbed. Oh god, I hope they didn't take any of my things!" He yelled as he sprinted towards his room.

"No, no, nooo!" We heard coming from Louis's room. Well I'd say my room wasn't the only one ransacked. He walked back towards us with his head hung down. "My room is messed up too." He said in a quiet voice.

"This isn't good. We're going to have to keep an eye out and make sure this never happens again." Liam demanded.

"Hopefully nothing important got taken." Zayn stated while kicking some junk laying on my floor aside.

"God I hope so too." I said in a serious voice.

Over the next several hours the lads were nice enough to stay and help us tidy our rooms up a bit. My room was worse than Louis's was, well if you take into consideration that his was an absolute mess to begin with. Other than a few nick knacks being broken, nothing that I could find was missing, which was odd to me. Not even the expensive watch or the loose money I had which had been sitting on my dresser had been stolen. What did this person want? And more importantly what didn't they find that they had been trying to?

My ankle was still sore and swollen after being on it, but I iced it before going to bed and it started to feel a bit better. Thankfully I didn't think I would have to go to the doctor's for it. I couldn't fall asleep after I turned the lights off and was all tucked into bed. All I kept thinking about was our mysterious burglar, well if they even were a burglar. They didn't steal anything, so maybe they technically weren't, but it still bothered me as to why they wanted to break and go through our rooms.

I stared at the darkness, my eyes unwilling to even shut. I glanced at the clock, it was 12:45. I had already been laying here for a half hour and I still felt wide awake. This sucked. I wanted answers, answers I knew I'd probably never get.

I heard a loud crash coming from downstairs. I ripped the covers off of me as fast as I physically could and bolted out of bed. I forgot about my ankle for a second but was painfully reminded as I put full weight on it. I hobbled down the stairs as best as I could.

Everything looked normal, as it had before I had went to bed. "Louis." I yelled out, wondering if his clusmy ass just fell down or something. No response.

Suddenly a loud bang made me almost jump out of my skin. It was coming from the front door. I stood at the foot of the stairs staring right at the pounding door. I swear the entry way grew longer and the door looked farther away. It grew darker too, almost so dark that I couldn't even see it clearly. The temperature suddenly dropped like I was in the presence of a cold dark spirit. I started shaking from the chilled temperature. The banging became louder. So loud that I could in fact feel every bang through my chest like a loud booming bass.

Screw this, I wasn't going to let someone mess with me like this. I started walking towards the door, ready to give this person a piece of my mind. They shouldn't have been knocking at my door this late at night anways. The more I walked to get to the door, the farther away it seemed to be. What was happening?

Suddenly the door lurched open and a powerful dark wind blew at me full force. My heart dropped in fear at what was happening. My hair blowing in front at my face blurring my vision. It was too dark to see what was on the other side. I squinted in confusion. The blood was pumping so hard through my veins in fear of what was going to happen next. A loud ear piercing scream suddenly came from the open door way, jolting me awake.

I sat up in my bed, covered in a light sweat. That was some nightmare. I hadn't had one for as long as I could remember. Heck I was probably a small child the last time I had one. At least it was just a dream. I still had a awful feeling lingering from it though, a feeling that felt like something awful was to come.

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