Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I awoke the next morning sprawled out on Ed's sofa.  I heard snores coming from another lad who was laying at the opposite end of the sofa.  My feet were sticking in his face, rested on his chest.  With a yawn and a stretch of my arms, I propped myself up and off of the couch.  I had to be careful where I stood because of all the people passed out on the floor.  The house was a absolute mess.  Red cups littered the floor and all the furniture.  There was a lamp laying on the floor and I almost stepped in shattered glass, while trying to avoid the lamp.  

I felt like I was walking through a mine field, being careful to not step on a person or an object that littered the floor.  I weaved my way through everything and made my way to the bathroom.  I splashed some water in my face to try and completely wake me up.  I rubbed my eyes and ruffled my hair in the mirror.  I felt like there was something in the back of my mind that I was forgetting.  With that thought it hit me.  Oh shit, I had a radio interview this morning.  I yanked my phone out of my pocket.  I expected to see millions of missed messages and calls from my angry band mates, but to my surprise there was nothing.  It wasn't even eight yet and the interview was at ten.  I was in the clear, I still had plenty of time to get there, hell I could be early if I wanted.

I decided a coffee would really hit the spot right now, so I once again weaved through all the zombie-like bodies on the floor until I reached the front door.  I opened the door and walked outside.  It wouldn't have felt so cold except for the crazy amount of wind.  I made my way through the vicious wind, over to my car.  I drove to a coffee shop that was only a few blocks away that I've been to many times before. 

After I had ordered my coffee, I went to sit at a small table by the window.  There weren't much people out which was probably because it was so early.  The only other people in here were a few business men.  I noticed a newspaper on the table next to mine.  I grabbed it, figuring I'd see what was in the going in the world, plus I didn't have much else to do and still had plenty of time before the interview.

I should have figured this, the front page was all about the murder of The Wanted members.  I decided to read the article to see if they had any suspects or clues.  It basically went over when and where they were found and what they had done previously the last time they were seen alive, then it went on to say how they would be missed and blah blah blah.  It sound's like they didn't have any suspects which was good, but I was still a bit weary.  I mean this wasn't just your average Joe, with this being all over the media police would make this a larger priority and search longer and harder.  I just hoped that Lou didn't leave any evidence or traces.

I noticed more and more people were starting to crowd the streets, my cue to leave.  Plus I only had about an hour before I had to be there.  After hearing a flash and looking up to a camera held right up to the window in front my face, I couldn't get out of there fast enough.  I wasn't one of those celebrities that went around hating on the paps, but it was just too early for that.

The traffic was much heavier than it was earlier, but I still arrived with a half hour to spare.  I made small talk with some of the people who worked at the station, while waiting for the lads to arrive.

I was startled by the sound of a loud clap right in my ear.  I jumped and made a gasping sound then turned around to the laughter of the lads and Louis standing right next to me.  They must have snuck in, because I've never heard them enter a room so quietly.

My heart was still pounding.  I hated that I was so vulnerable to their little jokes.  This wasn't the first time they've made a fool of me, there was this one time at the Nickelodeon studios, where they fooled me into thinking a lady was going into labor, but that is a whole other story.

At this point Niall was imitating my reaction and they were all practically in hysterics at it.  I rolled my eyes at the immaturity of all of them.  And to think I was the youngest.

"Alright real funny guys, you got me."  I said trying to be a good sport.

"Ohh you should have seen your face."  Louis said his voice still raised from laughing.

"How was your party?"  Liam asked.  "I didn't expect to see you here before us, figured I'd have to call you and wake you up."

I grinned, happy that I wasn't in that situation.  "It was fun.  Ed sends his love."  I left out the part about Alice, I figured I would get to know her a bit more before I mentioned anything.


We had been having a laugh throughout most of this interview.  The disc jokey was a real funny guy and he was incredibly easy to talk to.  We talked about everything from the ending of our tour to the color of our underpants, in which Liam had to tell the story once again of when his were stolen in Austrailia.

"Alright now, on a more serious note."  The disc jokey said, his voice changing to completely different tone.  "I'm sure you have all heard about the death of Max George and Tom Parker."

We were all silent waiting for him to continue.  I felt incredibily awkward, but did my best to put a look of sympathy on my face.  

"I know that you guys wouldn't have won any best friends of the year award, but is there any comment you have on what happened?"

We were all quiet for a moment.  Finally it was Liam that spoke up.

"We just want to say that it is a terrible thing that happened and our condolences are with their family and friends."  He did a good job at sounding sincere.  The rest of us all added agreements with what he said by a simple 'yeah'.

"I've heard that you were staying at the same hotel as them when the murder happened.  Is that true?"  He asked.

My heart started racing at this question and I had to restrain myself from a looking nervous or uncomfortable.  I noticed the others were all fidgeting in their seats.  Once again Liam did the talking.

"Actually it is.  It's kinda frightening to think about, you know."  He added.  


We rushed out of the station the second the interview was over.  That was definitely awkward.  I just hoped it wasn't too obvious.  Although wouldn't anyone feel uncomfortable talking about someone they knew's death.  At this point there were a million thoughts rushing through my head.

"That was uncomfortable."  Zayn muttered as we walked towards the parking lot.  

"Tell me about it."  Liam agreed.  "Thanks for helping doing the talking guys."  He sarcastically stated.

None of us responded.  My mind was too preoccupied with thoughts, plus I wasn't in the mood to bicker with Liam.

I noticed Liam's car parked towards mine, they must have taken his.

"Can I ride back with you?"  Louis asked me quietly.

"Yeah, of course."  I responded.  Even though he did put us in this situation, I did feel sorry for him, it was obvious he felt bad.  The boy was never this quiet.

We got inside my car, while the other three got in Liam's.  I started off driving home.  The drive was completely silent, which was weird with Louis being in the car.  His gaze was directed out the window.  After about ten minutes of this, I had to break the silence.

"You alright?"  My question hung in the air for a minute.  This was sure a drastic mood change compared to when he first arrived.

"I really screwed up."  His voice came out low and completely serious, which was a tone I've rarely, rarely heard coming from him.

"Mistakes happen.  We'll get through it."  I tried my best to give him a smile, but failed.

"I wish I could believe you...."  His voice trailed off and his attention focused back on the window.

Although I wouldn't admit it, I wish I could truly believe my words as well.

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