Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The last few days we had off had flown by and honestly I had spent the majority of the time sleeping.  I awoke today at noon.  The bright sunlight shone through the cracks in between my curtains making long streaks of light scatter around my room.  I rubbed my eye's before crawling out of bed.  

Today was Halloween.  I had been looking forward to tonight for a while now.  Well technically I forgot about it until Liam reminded me about it a few days ago, but I was still excited.  We were going to Club 9, which was a popular club in London, to go a massive Halloween party.

I went to the bathroom, to do my usual morning or technically today afternoon routine of brushing my teeth, washing my face and ruffling my hair a few times until I was alright with it.  I entered my room again once I was pleased with my appearances and grabbed the first shirt and jeans I saw to wear.  I wasn't ever picky about my clothes.  Plus I didn't own very many clothes to choose from.  

The noise of the television filled my ears as I walked downstairs to the living room.  Louis and Eleanor sat cuddled up on the couch in front of it.  I plopped down at the other end of the sofa.  

"Mornin', or should I say afternoon."  Louis said while glancing in my direction.

"Hey Harry."  Eleanor chimed in.

I smiled at them.  "Hello.  What are you watching?"  I glanced at the television.  It was just a commercial for shampoo or something.

"We were just flipping through the stations."  Eleanor replied while leaning closer into Louis's side.  He picked up the remote with his hand that wasn't wrapped around her and switched to another station.  "Oh by the way, you're driving tonight."  He stated while still staring at the television, flipping through various channels.  

"No!"  I exclaimed.  I was always the driver.  Plus my car wasn't very big and with Eleanor here there definitely wouldn't be enough space.

"Yes."  He shot back still not breaking his glance from the television screen.  "You are the only one who doesn't drink.  We already agreed on this."

"Who's this we?  I wasn't included on this decision."

"Sorry Styles, you're driving."

I rolled my eyes.  Yes, I rarely did drink.  Drinking and me didn't go together very well.  The first time I got drunk I lost my virginity to one of my friends girlfriend at the time.  I found out the quickest way to lose a friend that night.  I've done many other stupid drunken things, such as got into fights, hooked up with more people I shouldn't have and I even broke some of my mum's good china once.  But tonight was Halloween and I wouldn't mind getting a tad bit crazy.  Plus I just wanted to keep my options open.  Maybe I wouldn't drink, but I didn't like being told I couldn't.  

"Boys stop arguing.  Why can't we just take a taxi?"

We both stopped and looked at each other.  "You're a genius babe."  Louis proclaimed and planted a kiss on her forehead.  

"That works for me."  I agreed, happy that that issue was resolved so quickly.

Nightfall finally came and we were all ready to go.  My costume didn't take me much time to change into.  All I did was change into spandex shorts, put my hair in pigtails, and of course wear a giant foam hand, that's right I was going as Miley Cyrus.  I thought it would be funny.  Louis and Eleanor went as Jack and Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas.  They had their faces painted and wore all black.  

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