Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The sun was just beginning to set in the sky.  We had been trying to come up with some sort of plan all day, but ultimately we decided that we would just wing it.  As usual we decided on taking my car, which didn't make any sense to me since my car wasn't very spacious for five people to squeeze into.  We took gloves and hats so we wouldn't leave any traces and dressed in all black so we would blend in with the night.  In all honesty we looked like we were going to rob someone.

I grabbed my largest pocket knife and tucked it into my boot, before grabbing my car keys and heading out.  The rest of the lads were already outside.  We had all the gloves and hats in a bag, that they were placing in my trunk.  

"Are we ready to go?"  I asked while placing my hand on Niall's shoulder.  He had the largest grin on his face.  It was cute how excited he was.

"Yes!"  He practically cheered.  I joined in the laughter with the rest of the lads at his excited response.

"Calm down there, Nialler.  Just remember to breath."  Louis joked.  We all got into the car, Niall in shotgun this time while the other three squeezed in the back.  I couldn't help but chuckle at them all pushing at each other trying to make more room for themselves.  

I took off down the road to head deeper into the country side.  We did decide that we would drive a while until we found a house, so it wouldn't be linked to or anywhere near us.  We also wanted to find one that had no other houses within at least a mile of it.  This way there would be no chance of pesky neighbors intervening, or by the off chance someone escaped they would have no one to run to to get help.

"I still don't like this."  Liam stated out of the blue.

Louis made his voice sound high pitched and squeaky.  "I still don't like this."  He mocked.

Of course this made Niall burst out into a full on laughing fit.  I caught Zayn's eye in the rear view mirror and we both just smiled at each other about our friends silliness.

"You know what I find funny."  I spoke.  I went on before anyone had time to remark.  "Most normal lads idea of a good time on a Friday night is going out getting pissed or going to the movies or something.  While ours is doing this."  I couldn't hold back a small chuckle about what I said.  Yes I do laugh at my own lame attempts at humor.

To my surprise the other lads all laughed a bit as well.  I usually only got people to laugh if it was because they felt bad about my terrible sense of humor, or they were laughing at me for that same reason.

"Well, I'd say we're not your normal lads."  Louis remarked.  I had to agree with that.

"Hey, what did you say to Eleanor about tonight?"  I asked.

"Told her we had a meeting and it might take a while."  He grinned.  I could tell he was proud of himself for getting successfully lying to his girlfriend about this and most likely getting away with it.

"Good idea."  Zayn chimed in.

"Yeah I figured if I told her we were going out to get drinks or something, she would want to come, so a boring old meeting sounded better."

The sun had completely set in the sky.  We had been driving for almost an hour.  In all honestly we haven't even passed many houses, which was actually a good sign.  I had to put my brights on it was so dark out here.

"I say next house we see, should be the one."  Niall stated.  He looked eerily calm.  We all had quieted down a bit.  I nodded in responses as the others muttered agreements.

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