Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

 The blazing sound of a car horn filled my ears.  By the large amount of traffic you could tell that we were close to London.  The traffic was always horrible around the city.  Another reason I liked living in the country.  I had decided to drive us to the interview.  Louis called shotgun, so he had the front, while the other three squeezed into the backseat.  We hadn't moved for about five minutes, which honestly felt more like 5 hours, we were running a little late as it was.

"Come on."  I muttered as I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel impatiently.

"I knew we should have left earlier."  Liam stated.  "It's gonna look really bad when we stroll in there ten or fifteen minutes late."

"We still have almost a half hour until we need to be there."  Zayn told him.  Irritation echoed his voice.  Liam had a habit of worrying and complaining a lot.  Zayn wasn't the only one getting annoyed with his bitching.

"We wouldn't have this problem if we hadn't of had to wait on you guys."  Liam was directing his statement at Louis and I.

We both rolled are eyes.  "Well first of all we agreed to leave at eight."  Louis exclaimed running a hand through his side swept hair.  "And second of all my hair was being crazy this morning.  I still can't get it to stay."  His fingers kept brushing at loose strands of hair that were falling down into his eyes.  I chuckled at his failed attempts to fix it.  

It was still early for all of us, so it wasn't unusual for us to get on each other's nerves at this time.  Especially when we were all stuck in a cramped car in the middle of a traffic jam.  Although Niall held a grin on his face this whole time, as he fiddled around with his phone.  He was probably on twitter, the lad was practically addicted to it.  I don't know if I've ever heard him raise his voice.  He was by far the most easy going person on this planet.

After what felt like a millennium, traffic finally started to take off.  And look at that we still had almost fifteen minutes till we had to be there.  Maybe we would make it on time.


"Okay now we have some questions from the studio audience."  The interviewer said.  Throughout the whole interview the only thing I could think about was how short and tight this woman's dress was.  Combined with the loads of makeup gobbed on her face, I wanted to make a joke and ask her how much 5 quid got me.  I decided it be best if I keep my mouth shut, but point being she looked like a skank.

A tiny girl stood up.  She looked to be about 13 or 14.  She glanced at us and gave us a shy smile.  I couldn't help but smile back and give her a small wave.

"If you weren't in the music industry what would you guys be doing?"  Her voice was quiet and light.  I had to struggle to completely hear her.

"I would be a fireman."  Liam stated.  We got asked this question all the time.  I was hoping she would have had something more creative to ask.  If anyone was a big enough fan they surely have heard us answer this stupid question at some point.  I shook the thought out of my head and kept a smile spread across my face.  Had to look happy in front of the cameras, the instant a scowl appeared on my face, there would certainly be a headline on a magazine the next day about what a jerk I was being in the interview.   

"I used to want to be a drama teacher."  Louis replied, still brushing his hair to the side.

"I'd probably be an English teacher."  Zayn casually said while leaning back into the sofa we all sat on.

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