Chapter 10

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P.O.V Izzy

We have the best time at the beach. The guys are being really cool and gracie joined Louis and us at the beach. We look over at the

beach and Liam is here. I look at veronica and her and ashton are playing in the water. They definitely like each other. Liam is

watching and I know he hasn't completely got over her. He turns around and leaves. If only Veronica saw this. I feel bad for Liam. I do.

He was the one to break up with her though.

P.O.V. Ally

Niall wakes me up by playing guitar. "You're awake!" He says, grinning. He starts strumming and he hands me the guitar. "I'm not

great." I say. He pulls out his phone and films me. I feel my cheeks redden and I start to strum. "I won't let these little things slip, out

of my mouth," I continue with 1D's hit, Little Things. Niall's favorite song. When I finish, he claps and then stops recording. "Lets do a

livechat soon. I'll get the guys." And then he runs away with the guitar. I open my phone and check my instagram. Niall has posted my

singing. I see all the amazing comments below and I smile and hide under the covers. Niall rushes into the room. "We apparently have

a concert tonight. You coming?" He asks and I nod and he carries me to the kitchen. Where he sits down and eats.

P.O.V. Harry

Charlie left to see her friend earlier and I get a text that we have to get to a concert venue. I text Charlie and tell her that Ill be at the

venue and that I will pick her up when she wants. She replies saying that she is finished and wants to go with me so I get in the car and

I drive to pick her up on the way to the concert.

At the concert, Lou grabs me a new shirt and I put it on and go back to charlie. She is asleep in the backstage area and I pick her up and

put her on the stairs on the stage. There are curtains covering the stage so no one can see her yet. I nudge her and she wakes up. She

looks around and her eyes open wide. "Why am I on stage." She asks slowly. "You are going to be playing guitar for us." I tell her and

she her eyes widen again. She shakes her head. "I'll be right next to you holding your hand. It's okay." I say. "Harry come here now!" I

hear from behind the stage. I rush over to see my manager. "We can't let you tell the public that you are in a relationship. It will ruin

your career. The fans will hate it." He says. "I'm performing with Charlie and the fans want me to show who I really am and I am not

hiding her." I answer and I run back to Charlie. Charlie walks off stage and grabs her guitar and goes underneath the stage. Underneath

the stage is a box that lifts us onto the stage from underneath. Lou comes and does her makeup and then there is a countdown till the

concert. The boys and I go on and then I introduce charlie. She is standing there blushing. All the fans are "awe"ing us. Then she puts

her face in my chest, embarrassed. She starts strumming for Midnight Memories while she walks off playing guitar while I start singing

my solo to her. She is smiling at me. Then the boys do there part. At the end of the song she strums the last note with Niall and his

guitar. She starts to play Happily on the guitar and then Ally comes on stage with a guitar playing along. Charlie's and Niall's faces light

up. Charlie and Ally play guitar together and then Izzy comes up from the understage box with steam coming up as she is at the top

posing. She runs down the stage steps to Louis and dances. Then grace jumps onto Louis back and Lauren runs on and the fans are

clapping and singing. (I SUGGEST U LISTEN TO ALIVE WHILE READING THIS PART) Now we are singing Alive while the girls play

along and Sofia dances around. I look over at my manager and he is

shaking his head and I laugh. Charlie runs past sticking out her tongue at me and I act offended to my fans. Ally goes to Niall and gets

on his back and he is pretending he can't see her and he is trying to sing but it;s hilarious. When the song ends the crowd goes crazy

and we all laugh.

BackStage - A one DIrection Fan FictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang