Chapter 37

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P.O.V. Harry

Charlie is not cooperating with the medicine. She hasn't been very talkative lately and her skin is

turning gray. "Charlie." I whisper, from her side. She turns over and stares at me with her once

vibrant eyes. "How do you feel?" I ask. "Fine." She smiles. "No. You don't feel fine. How do you

really feel?" I reply and she widens her eyes. "I feel horrible. I feel like a burden. You're missing

your tour because of me and my problems. I feel tired. I feel like if I let my eyes close, I will lose my

battle. I feel like my body could shut down any second." I sighed and hugged her now teary face.

"I love you." I whisper and she smiles. I bend down and kiss her. "I have a request." She whispers.

"Go to my house and open the second draw in my desk and bring me the paper in it." I nod and get

out of the hospital bed. I run over to the nurse and explain and then drive over to her house.

When I arrive at Charlie's house, I do exactly as she says to find a paper titled, "Bucket list."

I scroll through it.

"Bucket List"

1. Fall in Love

2. Make a polaroid wall

3. Meet 1D

4. Kiss in the rain

5. Perform a song at a concert

6. Get Married

7. Look after my mom until she passes away

I finish reading the list and check off number 3. I walk out her door with her list and drive to the

Camera shop.

Once I get back to the hospital, I rush into the room and give Charlie her list. "We are going to

complete this list." I state. She smiles and then hugs me. I take out the Polaroid I had just bought

and snap a picture of us hugging. The flash goes off and the picture comes out the top and she

stares at me. "Let's get started with this Polaroid Wall." I say, snapping another pic of us together.

P.O.V. Liam

When I get back to the house, I find Izzy dancing around the living room in sweats to 'Little White

Lies' and singing along. I laugh, dropping my bags and she notices me. "LLEEEEYYUMM!" She

squeals and runs over to me, covering me in hugs. I laugh and hug her. Cameron walks in.

"Hey Liam!" He says and walks over to the kitchen.

P.O.V. Grace

"Louis!" I yell throughout the tour bus to find him running into the room.

I place his hand on my belly and he gasps. "I felt a kick!"

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