Chapter 15

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P.O.V. Samantha

I knock on the door and a girl comes out, she is Harry's girlfriend. Saw her on a magazine cover once with Harry. As soon as she see's

me her shoulders drop and her eyes sadden. "Hi I'm-" "Harry." She yells through the house, interrupting me. I was invited here, didn't

harry tell her? "Yes Charlie whats up-" he stops and looks at the door and seems me and charlies walks away, further inside the house.

"Nice to see you too." I say sarcastically. I've never felt more unwelcomed. "Sorry, I forgot to mention to her. I'll be back. Make your

self at home. He says bringing me inside the home as he runs off. I sit down on the couch and look to my left. Niall and a girl with

glasses are looking at me, disgusted. "I was invited. Nice to meet you to." I say. I sigh and Harry comes in with Charlie. "Sorry about

that." He says in his strong accent. I smile. "I invited her to hang out with us since it is game night." He says, telling everyone. It's silent

and I ask where the bathroom is, just to get out of the awkward area.

P.O.V. Ally

Samantha leaves and I feel a hatred. That is why Charlie has been upset. Her. "Guys, she hasn't done anything wrong." Harry says. I

don't know what fully happened and Charlie seems alright so I decide to just go with it. "Hey." Niall whispers. "I made reservations. We

won't be joining game night." Niall tells everyone. My eyes widen. Well this is news. He gets up but I refuse to get up. Niall grabs my

waist and carries me out of the living room.

P.O.V. Lauren

So apparently every month there's a game night and I decide that I have to win. There is no doubt. We all sit around a poker table,

including Samantha. "First, You have to pair up for the first game in teams." Harry states. Charlie grabs him, Veronica grabs Ashton,

Niall and Ally, Me and Liam, Louis and Grace, and Cameron Izzy Maddie and Samantha are sitting awkwardly. "I guess I'll be with

Cameron." Maddie says. "Actually, I think I will just sit out." She continues. Cameron and Izzy are paired, which they find awkward and

Samantha decides to sit out. "I'm blaming you if we don't win." Liam says looking at me. I laugh. "Touche." I reply as he chuckles. "I

have to ask, are you two together?" Ally asks Veronica and Ashton. Veronica just looks at Ashton for a response and he nods. "What

about you guys?" Niall asks Izzy and Cameron and Louis flinches as they shake their heads viciously. "Just to warn you guys, there is no

way you guys are going to win." I warn. Charlie shakes her head and whispers something to Harry, who is in charge on the cards. "NO

CHEATING." Gracie yells.

P.O.V Izzy

About 10 minutes into the game Cameron whispers, "We are so winning." And I giggle. It's been really fun so far. "Your turn." Louis

tells us. Cameron tells me something really funny and I just can't stop laughing. I start falling off the chair until I literally fall off the

chair, still laughing uncontrollably. Cameron is laughing too. "YOUR TURN." Maddie yells. My stomach starts to hurt from all the

laughter. Cameron picks me up off the floor but trips on the chair leg and falls. Landing on the floor, me ontop. I laugh and roll off onto

the floor. "Can we just get on with the game." Ashton says. Still giggling, I get up with the help of Cameron and we sit back down. I get

a death stare from Maddie and I stop laughing. I look at the chair and see that the leg is broken. I stand up and Cameron tells me that I

can sit on his lap. I look over at Louis and I seeing him trying to make eye contact with Cameron, then at me. "No it's okay." I say

slowly, still looking at Louis. I grab a chair from the other room.

P.O.V. Louis

After the game is over, everyone starts to stand up but Cameron and Izzy are just laughing with each other, not even noticing that the

game has finished. I walk over to them when everyone has left. "Cameron. Didn't you hear me before. She is my sister. Do you see how

weird that it?" I yell. "Louis stop." Izzy says. "Don't you understand." Cameron explains. "What if I told you that you couldn't be with

Grace because she is my sister? Don't you understand." He repeats and leaves. Izzy looks at me, her eyes tearing up. She gets up and

leaves the table.

P.O.V. Harry

Niall and I have been ignoring management for over two days now and it's nearly impossible. Tonight we have a meeting and I know

we can't avoid it. Once everyone is asleep, I go to the couch and see Niall watching T.V and I join him. "Hey." He says. "What are we

going to do tomorrow?" I ask. He sighs and I frown. "I can't ignore management Niall. They will stop our careers. Tonight maybe our

last chance before they let us go." I continue. "You know what," Niall says. "You do what you want but Ally means more to me than my

career." And with that he leaves.

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