Chapter 33

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P.O.V. Lauren

Once I agreed to going on tour with Liam, he has been making sure we stay in hotels not in the tour bus. We go in four days and today

is a day of shopping for our 'tour needs.' Aka; 1D merchandise, disguises and party dresses. Ally, Sofia, Grace and I are all going on the

tour and we decided to go visit Charlie before tour. "Can I go with you?" Liam asks. "No, it's a girls shopping day. I'm not planning on

buying Jordan's or anything." I laugh. He laughs along and hugs me. "See you later." I call, walking to the front door with the girls.

P.O.V Harry

Before arriving at the hospital, I make a quick stop at Starbuck for a chai for Charlie and the flower store for some flowers. As I park the

Car outside the hospital, paparazzi and fans swarm me. "What happened?" They yell. "Who are the flowers for?" Another one screams.

"His ex is dying!" One yells. I look at the fan that yelled that and go up to her. "Charlie isn't my ex." I snap and walk through the crowd

With a chai and flowers in my hands. Once I finally get up to Charlie's room I open the door. Inside is the un-decorated plain hospital

Room. No one has brought her or sent her anything. "Harry!" I hear a hoarse voice calls. I walk to Charlie and lay the flowers down on

Bedside table. She sits up a little and takes the chai. "I missed you." I whisper. A nurse comes in and takes the chai out of Charlie's

hands before she gets a sip. "Nothing sugary." She says. "Whatever." I mumbled. "Please get me out of here, Harry. It's killing me.

The cancer isn't what is killing me, it's because the nurse ignore me, no one visits me much, I don't get sent anything and I can't eat

or drink anything except brown mush." I stroke her cheek and kiss her. "Soon everything will be back to normal and I promise you a

lifetime of McDonalds and Starbucks," I smile. "I don't know if everything will go back to normal ever again." She whispers. "Don't

think like that. Everything will be fine. I promise." "Please sing me a song." She whispers, closing her eyes.

"I want you here with me,

Like how I pictured it,

So I don't have to keep imagining,

Come on jump out at me,

Come out bring everything,

Is it to much to ask for something great,"

I sing. I had been writing that song at my moms place since I've been gone. Charlie is asleep and I kiss her cheek and leave.

P.O.V. Ally

~ 3 days later ~

"TOUR TOMORROW!" Niall yells. I laugh and take out my suitcase. I start packing until Niall jumps on my back. "AH!" I laugh.

Fortunately, he is light so I can carry him. "You can do it! I'm not THAT heavy!" Niall laughs. I giggle and try to soon around as fast as I

Can until he falls onto the bed. "I need to pack." I smile and go back to packing until Niall comes up from behind and tickles me. "S-s-

-s-top " I gasp between laughs.

P.O.V. Izzy

Cameron is going to be coming back here next week for two months and I can't wait. Since I won't be moving in with him, we will still

See each other. I guess this relationship won't be ending anytime soon, thankfully,

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