BackStage - A one DIrection Fan Fiction

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Chapter 1

P.O.V Izzy

"I can't believe it's almost our turn!" Lauren yells. Her hair is pulled up in a baseball cap, a long blonde ponytail going through the part in the back. She turns to me and hugs me. ' She is going to freak out' I think. We're in the middle of a line to a meet and greet. Not just any meet and greet but a meet and greet with the biggest boy band ever. One Direction. I happened to know them pretty well. But Lauren doesn't know that. "I'm so excited!" She says. Her eyes are wide open and she is wearing her oversized flannel and skinny jeans. She is not exactly someone to wear the mini dresses, some of the fans are wearing in the line. I check my phone and see a text from Lou. "On my way x lou." I smile. While I reply, i feel a hand grab my hand and I grab Lauren with my other. While we get pulled through the line, I look back at lauren, who looks so confused. I laugh. Finally, we are pulled inside an elevator with the "stranger". "I missed you!" I yelled and hugged him. From over his shoulder I see lauren, staring in disbelief. "This is Louis, Louis this is Lauren." I say. Even though they know each other, one more than the other. "What is going on." Lauren says. Louis and I Laugh. "We are kind of siblings." Louis says. "I love you! Not to seem creepy but I have your posters all over my room!" Lauren squeals. I've never seen her like this. Its hilarious. "I mean, my sister has you all over her walls and she wont stop talking about you. It's weird." Lauren corrects. "Well, then why isn't your sister with you? She seems to like me more than you." Louis says as he laughs and nudges me. "Nevermind, I'm not gonna lie, You are so amazing!" Lauren says. 'Ding' the elevator opens and I hold Laurens hand. Infront of us is a tall muscular guy infront of the vending machine in black skinny jeans. I know exactly who it is. "Harrrrrryyyy" I yell and jump onto his back. He turns around laughing. "I would smack you if I could", he says. "No you wouldn't." I reply. I jump off his back and hug him. " This is Lauren." I say, introducing them. Lauren's jaw drops. Harry chuckles and hugs lauren. He kisses her cheek and she literally drops to the ground. "Well then." I say, pushing lauren lightly on the floor with my shoe. I picked her up and we walk to the door labeled, PRIVATE. Harry opens it and that is when I don't feel Laurens hand anymore. She darted to Niall, who is sitting on the floor with his mouth full next to the fridge. Zayn is playing video games on the sofa.

P.O.V Niall

I swallow the cookie I just put in the mouth and look next to me to find a blonde girl grabbing onto my arm. "Isn't this restricted to the fans?" I say. "Sorry." The girl next to me says, lifting herself off the floor to Izzy. The door opens and Ally comes through. I stand up, brush off the crumbs from the food i've been cramming in my mouth and run to her. "Allllyyyy!" I smile. She steps up onto my feet and she pecks my cheek, like she always does. I pick her up, since she is light, and kisses her back. "I missed you soooo much." I whisper to her. She giggles. I set her down and I look at her. I haven't seen her for over an hour and she got cuter. She was wearing her big cute glasses, a oversized shirt, a loose knit sweater and leggings with her burgandy doc martins. "You got cuter without me?" I frown, jokingly. "God I missed you." She says.

P.O.V Harry

I toss a soda from the vending machine to Charlie who is sitting on the sofa. I fall back on the sofa next to her, causing her to giggle. I put me head on her shoulder. "Whatcha doin" I say. She turns her head to me, her greeny blue eyes staring back at me and kisses me on the lips. "I have to turn in this essay next week." She says, staring back at her computer. Her hair is up in a messy bun, she hates her hair. I think its beautiful. "Stop looking at me. You have a concert to get ready for," she smiles. "You caught me." I said smiling at her and kissing her cheek again. "Do you need any help?" I say. "No thanks Haz. I need to get an A not a F." I pretend to be hurt by this but it's true.

P.O.V Lauren

I guess I'm going to get used to this. Wow. Izzy is talking to Louis and another gorgeous blonde girl while I lay on the floor. I'm still taking it in. Zayn walks over and sits next to me against the wall. "Hey." He says, smiling. My eyes widen and I know I look crazy but this is Zayn Malik. Talking to me. Harry styles already kissed my cheek and Louis is my best friends brother and Niall is already creeped out by me. "Sorry, i'm not really used to this. I mean. You are Zayn Malik. The Zayn Malik. And I'm here with the real One Direction. He chuckles. The door opens to my side. "STage time in two minutes. Time to go." A man says. Zayn jumps up and helps me up too. "Nice to meet you..." 'Lauren." "Nice to meet you Lauren. I have a feeling we will meet again." With that, the boys exit and Im left with a bunch of girls and A security guard. "Do you mind If I watch?" I ask Izzy. "The concert? Come on." And she pulls me through the doorway.

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