Chapter 29

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authors note: Just wanted to say that I'm going to try to make this chapter really good. I've worked on it for a while now. It's also

Christmas and I have 627 reads so im kind of celebrating. Comment what you got for christmas! I GOT 1D TICKETS! And a couple

other one direction stuff, so that is goooooddd. I REALLY HOPE YOU LIKE THIS CHAPTER! Please vote, comment and continue to

read. Thank you so much, x

P.O.V. Louis

Today is Christmas. One, I am officially twenty two, as of yesterday. Two, my wedding is in two days and three, Grace and I have some

news to tell everyone. As I am the oldest, I was in charge of filling the stockings. I got woken up the next morning with all the boys

jumping up and down on the bed. "It's Christmas!" Harry squealed. "Boo Bear. We're all waiting for you!" He continues. "I want to

open my presents." Niall yelled. The all got off the bed and I nod and get up, they all start cheering. "I'll be in in a minute." I yell

through the house as they leave. After changing, I go over to the living room and sit in the circle they have made around the tree.

"Finally!" Ally giggles. "This is for you!" Harry said, handing me a big present with a red bow on top. I took it and started opening it

radiply. "Your mad." I say, shaking my head. I throw the afro across the room. Zayn opens the next present, from Niall. To be fair, we

have never taken Christmas seriously. Zayn gives Niall a glare once he opens his present. A pile of mirrors and hair products. Niall

bursted out in laughter. "What, you're going to throw it away?" Niall asked sarcastically. "No, I'm keeping the Hair Products but you

can keep the mirrors." Zayn said, pushing the mirrors behind him. "My turn, Please!" Izzy giggles, grabbing the tiffany's bag with her

name on it. She opens the box to reveal a diamond Necklace. "Thank you so much!" She screamed, lunging at me with a hug. "You're

welcome." "Is that a serious present?" Niall stared at me in disbelief. "Turn it over." I told Izzy. She turned it over to reveal the

engraving. "That's low!" She yelled at me. "Read it out loud." Liam yelled. "It's Louis' autograph." Izzy said, rolling her eyes. "You're are

one lucky girl. Do you know how much that is worth?" I chuckled. She pushed me and the boys started laughing. I took a small box out

from under the tree and gave to Grace. She opened is too reveal a necklace, this time, there was no silly engravement. She hugged me.

"It's beautiful." She whisped, a tear streaking her face. I put it on her and continued with the presents. "I seriously love you." Lauren

giggled at Liam. Liam had just given Lauren a bracelet. They had come back from their new apartment for christmas. Ally grabbed a

weird shaped package and gave it to Niall. He grinned. As he opened it he started getting jumpy. "A year's supply of Nando's!" He

yelled. He held up a gift card a packet of Lays. The guys laughed and so did Ally.

P.O.V. Grace

After presents, Louis told me that we should tell the guys are surprise later. The doorbell rang and I ran to go get it. I opened the door

and saw a very smiley couple. Ashton and Veronica. "We got a couple days off tour for the wedding!" Veronica said, hugging me tightly.

They walked in with presents in there arms. "Who wants presents?" They yell and the boys come running. I laugh at how desperate the

guys seem. "MIRRORS AGAIN. WHO DO YOU THINK I AM!?" Zayn yells. We all burst out in laughter and high fives. "A irish onesie"

Niall screamed, pulling out a onesie with leprachans on it, out of the box. "Awe!" Harry said, looking at the present Louis had just

opened. It was a pillow with writing that said, L + G = FOREVER. Louis kissed my cheek and then ran back to the living room with all

the boys. When I followed them in, all the boys stared at shock at the sight. Ally was crying, so was Lauren who was in Liam's arms.

"What happened?" I asked. Lauren showed her hand. A ring. "L-Liam p-proposed." Ally stuttered, laughing through her tears. We all

started to clap and cheer. Niall ran to his room and came back with a large box and handed it to Ally. Her eyes widened and opened the

lid to reveal a small golden puppy. "Oh My God Niall Horan you didn't." Ally said, taking the palm-sized puppy in her arms. He grinned and

hugged Ally. "While we are announcing things." Louis said. "Grace is pregnant." I smile and a round of awe's and claps started.

"Congrats!" Everyone was shouting. Louis hugged me. Charlie looked up at me teary eyed. "What the matter Charlie?" I asked softly.

"I- I have cancer."

Authors note: Another update later today!

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