Chapter 48

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P.O.V. Harry

I take my eyes off Emily and glare at Louis. He just had to ruin the moment. He raises his eyebrows

and walks over to us with his hands on his hips. "This." He says, pointing at us. "Is not aloud." I

roll my eyes and then look at Emily who is looking at Louis. "Nothing we were doing is not aloud."

I state, turning back to face Louis. "You know exactly what i'm talking about. One of the rules to

being a judge was no relationship with any of the contestants." "T-this i-isn't w-what it s-seems."

Emily stutters and chuckle. "Don't worry." I say, comforting her. "He knows that we aren't in a

relationship. Just friends." I raise my eyebrows at Louis and he spins around. "I'll be watching you"

He sings, walking away.

P.O.V. Liam

"Lauren!" I smile, seeing her on my computer screen. "Guess what!" I yell. "What?! What!?" She

replies, giddy and excited. "You're joining me out here for two weeks while I judge the X-Factor."

I whisper. Her eyes widen and I laugh at her reaction. I take a screenshot of her face and quickly

post it on twitter.

@Liam_Payne: @Lauren_Lilly 's reaction to a little vacation.

I go back to Facetime to see her dancing around her room. I laugh and she takes out her phone.

"THANK LEEEYUUMMMM!" She shouts and I smile. Her usual hat is on backwards and she is

wearing a white tank top and my gray sweatpants that are hanging off of her. "Delete this though!"

She laughs, showing me her phone screen that displays my reaction tweet. I shake my head and

she laughs again. "I have to go but see you in three days!" I say and she blows me a kiss. I wave and

then end the call.

P.O.V. Izzy

Cameron is out tonight but I have know idea where. He said it was his friends party.

As I open up my computer, on my bed, to facebook, I scroll down my timeline. Liam posted a

picture of Lauren on twitter, which I laugh at. Louis posted a picture of the X-Factor Stage. Harry

posts a random youtube video and Niall says:

Niall Horan - Missing Home. - feeling sad :(

I comment back saying that we miss him too. I scroll through my feed a while more and then see a

picture of Cameron at a party. It's says he's at our friend, Jake's house and I click on Jake's profile.

He last post:

Jake Hillington: Cameron found a new girl ;)

Underneath is a picture of him with a girl kissing his cheek. I slam my laptop shut and throw it

off my bed.

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