
"Well, there's nothing we can do now" said a young bespectacled woman in her late teens with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut and violet eyes, to the rest of Rias's peerage, who are present at the party.

Just as she said this, suddenly a giant yellow flame appeared in front of everyone which turned out to be Riser Phenex with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"Welcome, all the devils that come from the honorable households, on behalf of the Phenex Clan, thank you for your presence here. The reason everybody is here is because I, Riser Phenex are going marry the heiress of the Gremory Clan, Rias Gremory. This is a event that will never be forgotten by our devils. Let me introduce to you my queen, Rias Gremory!"

The magical symbol of the Gremory appeared next to Riser and Rias appeared out of it, Riser smirked and took Rias's hand into his.

Rias turned her head to her peerage, who were looking at her with pity and sadness. Rias smiled sadly, mouthing a 'I'm sorry' before turning back to Riser.


"What the!-" shouted a random Devil Noble, as the large front door was suddenly blown to bits.
Everyone looked at the now destroyed door as the smoke began to clear, as two figures walked through it.

"Issei!" Shouted the other members of Rias Peerage in happiness, seeing him here, but were also shocked to see Alastee with him.

"Who dares!" Yelled Riser in anger. Alaster grinned.

"Why, we did!" Shouted Alaster with a smirk.

"Who do you think!-"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!" Said Alaster, waving a finger at Riser cutting him off and pissing him off even more "We haven't even introduced ourselves yet! I'm Alaster! And this is Issei! Issei, if ya don't mind"

Issei noddef before shouting out

"Where here, so that we can win back Rias!"

"More like, you, are winning back Rias; I have my fill of women thank you very much"

"Yeah, what he said"

The moment Issei finished, the Party hall was filled with laughter, as the Devils in the room, which Alaster identified as high ranking noblemen and women began laughing at them.

"How absurd!" *Twitch*

"Who do they think they are, lowly devil scum" *Twitch*

"How propostero!-"

"Alrigh thats it!" Screamed Alaster, pissed and annoyed at the comments made to him and Issei. "Whoever said that. Just fucking Disappear!" With a snap of his fingers, three black spheres appeared and propelled towards the three devils who spoken out. They didn't get a chance to dodge or what not, as the spheres made contact with them, erasing their bodies completely. Everyone gasped at the display of death towards the three Devil nobles.

"You!" Shouted someone "You are under!-"

"Oh my fucking gawd! Of course I'm fucking under arrest! You should have seen the amount of shit I did during my spare time, from sabotaging a window, killing Garry Hoy! To the death of Catherine the Great!"

"Wait, wha?-"

"Secret, but she was founded, to be brutally murdered from being rape from something bigger than her. Honestly its like-"

"Ok, ok! We get it!" Shouted Issei, flustered at where Alaster was getting to.

"You!" Shouted Riser in rage "How dare you disturb this wonderful union!"

"And how dare you, you still continue to exist" Alaster shot back, as he took out his phone and began typing up a number.

In another dimension

*ring* *ring* ring*

Grimm-Kun: *grumbles* who the fuck could it be!? *picks up phone* Hello?

Alaster: Hey! Author! Why can't I kill this fam!?"

Grimm-Kun: Cause, I fuckin own this story, and Its part of the plotline?

Alaster: screw the plotline! We have a right to do whatever the fuck we want, well not to indulge ourselves in drugs and shit, that'll be them low-lives gone, erased and shit, but can I?

Grimm-Kun: No means no, Alaster!

Alaster: Fine! Can I at least make him impotent?

Grimm-Kun: Well.... that wasn't in the plotline.... but alright. As long as it-

Alaster: Blah blah blah, bye *hangs up*

Grimm-Kun: Swear to god he'll be the end of me

Back to, whatever


"Sorry, I had to make an important call. Anyway, where were we, ahh yes! Why you still alive fam!" Alaster yelled, pointing a finger at Riser.

"And why are you ruining this moment"

"Big words for a 'chicken'. Even Chicken little can talk the big talk better than you!"

"Why you!-"

"Enough" said a voice. Everyone turned to see a handsome and young  man with shoulder length red hair, speaking out.

"But, Sirzechs!-"

"Enough. Issei, and Alaster, I presume?"

"Yes?" Alaster spoke, with a raised eyebrow

"How about you settle this, with a match"

"A match" said Riser. He scoffed at the idea "I'm sorry Sirzechs sir but I believe it'll be a waste of time for the-"


Alaster raised his hand, formed a gun shape and blasted a bolt of negative energy from his fingertip directly at Riser, but missing him by his own hair.

"You wanna say that again?" Alaster asked "Or are you chickening out, cause your already one to begin with?"

Riser gritted his teeth at the remark made by Alaster.

"Fine, we'll settle this on the field, but know this, you will lose"
Alaster grinned darkly, as his eyes turned a dark purple, as the tempature of the room began to drop rapidly

"Oh, we'll see to begin with, Phoenix"


Stories coming soon...

Fate/Chaos and Order
Date a Live: ???
Kantai Collection: Project 'Kaiser'
Assassin Creed: Rebellion
Assassin Creed: World at War
Assassin Creed: Revolution
HyperDimension Neptunia: ???
Monster Overlord
Across Dimension

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