Chapter Fifteen

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Vic's POV

I sighed and looked over the paperwork again and again, trying to make sense of the numbers but I couldn't concentrate. Not when all I could think about was Kellin and what was happening to us. I was staying at a motel in Portland at the moment, making sure that no one could find me or get a hold of me. I needed time to think about everything, time to be away. I didn't know what I even wanted. I knew I loved Kellin, that was something that I had no doubt of. But, was the way I felt for him enough to keep us together? Or would that be what looked like an inevitable downfall?

Everything was crumbling right in front of us.

"Vic, do you want me to do that?" Tony asked, grabbing the paperwork.

"What? No it's fine. I got it."

"Are you sure, you look a little out of it, man."

"Yeah, it's fine."

"Alright," he said and sat down next to me. "So what's going on with you?"

"Just home stuff."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Just stuff."

"Like what? Come on boss, I can't let you do paperwork with a heavy mind," Tony pushed.

"Kellin wants a divorce."


"It's complicated."

"What happened?"

"Just, we don't click anymore, ya know?"


"And we're always arguing and just nothing's working and he thinks it'd be for the best."

"What do you think of that?"

"I think that I really love him and I don't know if I want to keep trying or not."


"Yeah," I sighed. "I haven't seen my son in a week."

"That's kinda a dick move."

"I know, I just, I can't face him."

"You can, but you won't."

"I don't know," I mumbled, rubbing my face tiredly.

"Maybe you should get in contact with them."

"I might call Kellin tonight."

"You should call Kellin tonight."

"I might."

"You will."

"You don't know that," I laughed.

"I do."


"Because I know."

"Sure you do."

"I do."

"Whatever, just finish this up for me," I said, handing him the paperwork.

"That's what I thought."

I flipped him off and got up.

"Go call him."

"He's at work. I'm getting food."

"Call him.'

"Later," I said, walking out of the office.

"Whatever." He said.

"Whatever," I shouted and looked around the garage where everyone was working.

Family First (Cashby & Kellic) Collab with GabisnotfabTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang