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Vic's POV

I smiled and squeezed Kellin's hand in mine before I signed my name on the paper. "Alan's going to murder us, I do hope you know this," I murmured softly. Here we stood in the courtroom for the second time in just the past month, the first time to get remarried, this time for something entirely different. After being back together for two years, we thought we might as well share a last name, well this time hyphenated. Fuentes-Bostwick this time.

"How is he going to freak out when he sees her cute little face, though?" Kellin said after he had signed the document.

"I hope he's as happy as we are about this," I said smiling.

"Me too, but we are about to lay two pretty big surprises on him and now this," Kellin laughed and looked at the caseworker. "We haven't exactly told our twenty year old that when he gets back from college his ol bedroom is his little sister's new room."

"Well I hope he takes it well." The caseworker laughed.

"Yeah, we're probably about to get chewed out," I said with a chuckle. "But, it'll be fine, once he sees Juliet he'll fall in love with her just like we have."

"I hope." 

"He will," I affirmed.

"Well, now that we have the paperwork signed, how about we go get Juliet and you can bring her home with you?"

"Sounds amazing."

"Wonderful," she said and stood up from the desk. I took Kellin's hand and followed her out the room to meet our little girl.

"I'm so excited." I said.

"Me too," Kellin said, his voice hushed. "I wasn't ready for an empty nest. Besides, I heard girls are easier, maybe she won't be as difficult as Alan was."

"Was?" I asked with a laugh. "He still is."

"Well yeah."

The caseworker opened the door to the room Juliet was waiting in and as soon as I saw her, my heart stopped. We of course, had seen pictures of her but seeing in her in person and knowing that she was going home with us, it was completely different. I tentatively took a step in and stooped down to her level.

"Hi Juliet," I said softly. "You wanna come home with me and your new Mama?" I asked her.

Her eyes were wide as she nodded her head slowly. I held out a hand for her to take.

"Then let's go home," I told her with a smile.

"Okay." She said and took my hand.

"We'll have her things sent to your home soon," the caseworker told Kellin as I led Juliet out of the room.

"Alright, that's fine." 

Once we got to the car, I buckled Juliet in her booster seat and pulled Kellin to me. "She's so perfect," I said with a smile. "Alan'll love her just as much as we do. And this time, we're not going to screw up either."

"I think Alan won't let us screw up."

"I won't let us screw up," I laughed and gave him a kiss. "Come on, let's get her home."

"Alan should be home in less than a thirty minutes."

"Oh yeah, he comes home today," I mused.

"Mhm and he was going on and on about how excited he was to be home."

"What's he going to do when he sees his bedroom is his little sister's new room?" I asked, climbing into the car.

"We won't know until he see's it."

Family First (Cashby & Kellic) Collab with GabisnotfabWhere stories live. Discover now