Chapter One: Italy

Start from the beginning

            “You know what Hailey, someday someone is going to take you to a mental asylum if you don’t stop randomly staring off into space like that,” she looked at me with the concern only a BFF could give, “I leave you for two minutes…TWO MINUTES,” she added for effect, “ to park the car and this is what happens! Seriously, you’re lucky to have a best friend like me,” she shook her head ever so seriously,  giving me a stern look as she started to walk up the stairs into the building . 

            “Thank you China, I really wouldn’t survive without you, especially in the case that some creeper decides to take me to a mental asylm for the generous sake of my health” I stated matter-of-factly with my famous hint of sarcasm, doing my best to avoid her “you don’t appreciate me” speech she gives just as an excuse to hear herself talk. She again rolled her eyes and continued forward.

            The street we had stepped out onto was completely dead aside from the woman at the corner, awaiting a taxi cab. It was 11pm and it was the time when the city really came alive. As we drove here, we watched as the lights of the stores, clubs and streets all came on simultaneously, like  there was a controller of the city who just flipped a switch. It was so stunning and almost in response to this event the streets became filled with young couples holding hands, groups of friends laughing and clubbers excitedly beginning their night on the town. However, this excitement all came to an end when we reached Shade Ave. Almost like the name truly paralleled the feeling and scene of the street. Not a single store was open or lit with the complementary neon lights, in fact now that I look, the street was completely dark and motionless, aside from the lone street lamp that flickered overhead. It gave off the feeling that if you walked quiet enough you would be able to her your own shadows moving.

 As we came up to the doors we were met by two overly large and, might I add, extremely muscular bouncers, for even their faces and large necks displayed their muscularity as they flexed in response to their eyes taking an overly long time to glance admiringly up and down at both China and I smiling appreciatively. Even behind their dark sunglasses, it wasn’t hard to figure out what they were thinking.

“See something you like boys?” China began with her smooth seductive voice, almost whispering so that they had to lean in closer to hear her, which I’m sure she didn’t mind. Unlike me, China craved attention.

I rolled my eyes an let out a sarcastic sigh as the bouncers listened carefully to her voice like each word was a  special note that came together ever so heavenly,  a song never to be played again. I must say I’ve always admired her confidence when it came to guys, but I’ve seen her play this trick time and time again, in fact, I kind of felt bad for the two guys, they really didn’t stand a chance and the way their heads shamelessly dropped down to stare at her body only proved my point further. 

But my sympathy came to an abrupt end when I remembered that this was our only way to get into the club. We had no money and no ticket or invitation, so we pretty much had to rely on Chinas undying talent to make men melt into a puddle at her feet, forever changed, with just one look. 

“So,” China continued, “we had a really long drive here and our feet are just killing us in these heals, wont you please let us in so we can sit down and enjoy a drink.” She bent down and rubbed her feet to emphasise her point, making sure she left a clear view for the bouncer’s eyes to peruse her body.

“Um….yeah we just need you r name so we can check you off the list and an ID card.” The taller of the two nervously said as he regretfully tore his eyes from a rated R spot on her body.

For protection purposes China and I didn’t carry around any identification, and often went places under fake ID’s.  It just wasn’t safe for people to know who we were, especially not strangers or even the members of the big time mafia that we have already dealt with.

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