The Final Twenty-Four | 13

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"There's a rule for robbing Yella. See robbers are trying to get in, get the money, and then get out. They don't have time to stop and pose for pictures," I spat.

"Well like I said.. at least they're caught on video. They're running now but they won't run forever, know what I'm saying?"

"Do you want an official LAPD police badge? A real police badge that you get to keep? Well it's simple. Give as much information about the robbery to the police and once the robbers are arrested, you'll get your badge. It's worth it..."

"Can we get back down to business? When are we going to start filming the video?" I scoffed.

"Day after tomorrow," said Dre "so make sure you guys get you a good night's sleep and be aware that this video is going to take about three to five days to film. Maybe even longer."


"Aye E," he added.


"Why do," he laughed "why do you get so touchy and nervous when we talk about the robbery?"

"What I can't get tired of hearing about the same shit over and over?"

"But shouldn't you be worried about your little homies from Kelly Park? I mean the robbers have been identified as Kelly Park Crips."

I turned in my swivel chair to face him. "So just because I'm a Kelly Park Crip, I had something to do with it? That's what you're saying right?"

"I didn't ask if you had anything to do with it or not. I just asked why you get so damn nervous when we mention it?"

"Come on man. Don't start," Yella pleaded.

"But that's what you saying in so many words. What you think I robbed that bank or not?"

He walked towards me and got in my face. I stood up to half of his height.

"There's no need for you to stand up with your short ass. Say you robbed that bank E," he spat.

Yella and Ren stood in between us and attempted to break us up.

"Can't we all just get along?" Ren asked.

"If you think I robbed it tell me. Don't beat around the bush. Say you think I robbed that bank."

"You know you did! Say you robbed it. Say you robbed it."

"That's enough!" Jerry yelled which caused us to calm down. I let out a sigh of relief and took a seat back in my swivel chair, and noticed that I have a few messages from Lucky.

As usual, I mentally responded and slid it back in my pocket.

"Now was that fucking necessary?" Ren spat.

"It wasn't a big deal to me," I said.

"Jerry it looks like we found one of the suspects, but I knew it all along. I was just waiting for him to confess," Dre added.

"How the hell did you end up pointing the finger at me anyway?"

"I am one hundred percent sure you robbed that bank but then again, part of me doesn't want to believe it."

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