August 25, 2011

94 1 3

Because I've only got one responce from wuzup13, I'm going with her preferance, but I'm only publishing the first part for now. This is one of the shorter entries.


It was a normal school day for all students at Magnet Middle. None knew who anyone was unless they went to school with them. Some were shy, some outgoing and some just had a “whatever” look. Only one girl was not in any of these categories. She was dressed in a plaid blue and white shirt with black skinny jeans. She could be called pretty with wavy brown hair and blue-green eyes with a child-like face, but it had an “I hate the world” look. The expression  made any beauty indistinguishable. To sum up the first day, teachers did ice breakers. Some just went around the room asking people to stand up. Some made a game of “Yes, No, Sometimes” where the kids moved around the room depending on their answers to questions that were asked. All of the female staff was secretly nervous. They remembered being tortured in school because of their nerdyness and they knew how cruel kids could be. The majority of the male staff didn’t care. They all had never been bullied in school. None had been popular, but nothing horrible had scared them. Back to the girl, she moved to four different classes that day. First was English where they had short introductions and did some grammar problems. An hour and thirty minutes later, the students changed classes. The girl moved to Biotechnology where they tossed around a stress ball. Then she moved again to Algebra. Again, the teacher did an ice breaker. However, she stuck sticky notes with names of famous people on the back of everyone. Lunch was during this period and the girl sat alone, eating some of the burger on her plate. When the children got back from lunch, they tried to guess what name was on their back. The girl paired with a more approachable brunette. The other girl was Martin Luther King Jr. She did not get her person. But the one we are following did. It was hard for her not to. Everyone would see the name on her back and make some joke about her being dead or her being a terrorist. She was Osama Bin Laden and that would be her nickname according to the boy who sat next to her with short black hair. She had band next and the girl could not contain the joy she felt for the teacher and this class. The teacher did not do ice breakers, but set some rules with a few jokes thrown inside. She went home with a sheet of math and promise of more homework.


Okay. Start of a new year, new me, new journal. I won’t be the unknown smart girl that sits in the back of the room with her groupies that are all teacher’s pets. I have a new look, new wardrobe and new attitude. I won’t make friends, but I’ll make an impression. I will be beautiful, intelligent, sarcastic, unattainable, all of the things I know I am, but was too afraid to show. My first day at the new “smart school”. It will only be for a year, that’s why I’m going all out. These people won’t see me in high school next year, so why should their opinion of me concern me? So, first day of school. It was a typical first day. Teachers making us do ice breakers so that we can meet everyone. I lived by fake smiling. I’ll have to do it again tomorrow because I have an A/B day schedule. The only good class was band. Mr. Pullat was very funny, but made a point that if we slacked off, we would pay. I will probably only get to write once a week because of all the “creative learning” that we are going to do. Night for now.

Ravin B

The Away StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon