Jafar's hissing was soon heard again. All of us got into our battle positions. If we're in luck, we might even kill that cobra before Sandy puts him to sleep. I have the highest of confidence that Toothless can manage.

And so Jafar reappeared in front of us. It seemed like he was ready for us, he dodged Elsa and Jack's ice quite well. Toothless let out a plasma blast from his mouth and Bunny threw his boomerang and Jafar's head, giving North and Hiccup the chance to stab him, I fired off some arrows as well. With Jafar distracted, Elsa and Jack managed to pin his tail down for a moment with their ice. It slowly began spreading.

"It's too thick! These aren't workinggggg-" North was swung off.

"North!" Tooth quickly flew towards him. Anna and Rapunzel followed her.

"Ha, I'm just getting warmed up!" Jafar hissed, plunging his head to bite us. Elsa nearly missed it. I was getting worried if one bite could kill us. How poisonous was the venom?

The ice was already one fifth of Jafar's body while Sandy had already made a ball of dream sand that was as big as his head. We just had to distract Jafar a little longer.

"Careful, his eyes!" Olaf cried out. Jafar's eyes were bright red in colour. Don't look, don't look!

"We're getting there!" Jack cheered, flying around Jafar as he did his ice. "Woah!" He barely missed Toothless' shot, which caused him to bang his head on the walls of the cave.

"Watch out Jack!" Elsa cried out.

These arrows of mine were not doing anything at all. Of course, if North's swords couldn't do anything, what could mine possibly do?

"OWWWW!" Kristoff let out a howl of pain. Jafar and lunged himself to Kristoff. Oh no, Jafar's venom! Next was Aidan to scream. Hiccup, who was on Toothless, got knocked off and went unconscious. He dropped his dagger as well.

"Hiccup!" I yelled, my fury was building up, my blood was boiling.

"Might wanna hurry up!" Bunny yelled.

"Kristoff! Aidan!" Darrel panicked. "What's the antidote for this?!"

POOF! Sandy's ball of dream sand was thrown at Jafar. The cobra went to sleep instantly. The impact was a bit too much, it hit Jack as well and he blacked out too, landing on Jafar, sleeping soundly.

"Jack? Jack!" Elsa tried to wake him up.

"Hiccup!" I charged towards him along with Toothless. There was some blood on his head. "Oh gosh wake up, please!"  I thought I was gonna cry.

"Wake up you guys!" Ethan said, worried, shaking Aidan and Kristoff.

"I'm coming!" Rapunzel ran to them, behind her were Anna, North and Tooth.

"Does your healing magic work on poison?" Bunny asked.

"It works on anything!" Rapunzel snapped and got to work.

"Mer... Merida?" Hiccup slowly opened his eyes.

"Hiccup!" I gave him a tight hug, Toothless joined in as well. "Be careful, you're bleeding. As soon as Rapunzel is done, she'll come."

"Help is on the way!"  Rapunzel came to me.

I looked back at Aidan and Kristoff, thank goodness they were all right. Anna was squeezing Kristoff a bit too hard, she had tears running down her face. Jack was now awake as well.

"So, everyone's good?" Olaf asked.

"Yes, thanks to Rapunzel." Eugene nodded.

"What now? How do we kill this beast?" I asked.

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