Chapter 38- Giving A Message

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  Cris's Pov

"Luce" I whisper as I turn the engine off. She didn't have to remind me not to take to her during the drive as we were barley in the car a few moments and she had drifted off. I rest my head against the head rest and turn a stare at her. Her jacket covering over torso like a blanket as she rests her head against the window. She looks so peaceful. So pretty. I don't want to wake her. But I know that we need to talk. I have no idea what to say to her though.

"Luce" I say moving a lock of hair off her face. She tilts her head and her eyes flutter open. "We're back at yours" I whisper as she tries to become more alert. "You fell asleep" I say stating the obvious. "It's been a long day" she says unbuckling the seatbelt. "We need to talk" I say as I follow her lead and open my door. "We've talked enough" she says walking towards her apartment building.

"Go home Cristiano" she says. I follow her into the lift as it rides up to her floor. In silence. I'm not taking no for an answer. "I told you to go home" she yells storming out of the lift towards her apartment door. I take her purse and find the keys she was looking for.
I follow her into her living room.

"I'm too tired. So please leave" she says. "And come back when? Tomorrow? Next week? Next year? We need to talk now. You said we would talk after the party" I say. "Fine. You want to talk. Then talk" she shouts throwing her shoes onto the floor. Shit.

"I don't-

"No I'll start. Is she better than me?" she asks. "What?" I ask. Is she really asking me this? "Is she better than me? Does she kiss better? What is it? What does she have that I don't?" she asks. "Nothing. She has nothing. She's not you" I say. Why won't she believe me?

"Then why? Why go behind my back? Were you having too much fun laughing behind my back?" she asks. "Lucy I swear nothing has ever happened between me and Merche since I met you" I say.

I listen to ask me all the stuff in her head. She looks so upset and hurt. Then she talks about understanding why I lied about Tina's charges.

"Listen to me" I say catching her hand. "This belongs to you. No one else ever" I say holding her hand to my heart. "It's all just cheap words" she says. "I love you. I don't want her. I have never wanted her. I don't know why she was even phoning me" I say. "Why don't you phone her and find out. You don't have to sneak around now that I know. You can do what you want" she says. "Lucy" he says. "I can't believe that I doubted..." I hear her mumble.


"Go to her. Or whoever. I really don't care" she says. I know she can't mean that. "Really you don't care. Then why are we having this conversation?" I asks. "Why does it bother you if she's ringing me if you don't care? You and I aren't together anymore. I can see and speak to who ever I like" I say. Will she just admit she wants me? "You're right we aren't together. Not that it stopped you before. So go date who ever you like" she says. No don't say that.

"It bothers you cos you want me. Cos you love me" I say. "No I don't. I don't want you. Go find Merche. Take her out in the open. Parade her down the streets. I hope you and her will be very happy together" I shout.

"Fine" I say and storm out and back down to my car. Why the hell won't she just admit she wants me. "Urgh" I shout slamming my hand off the steering wheel. I replay our conversation in my head." Shit" I have made things even worse.

I'm flicking through the tv , the next day when my phone rings. "Jack" across the screen. "Hey man" I say answering. "Are you completely stupid?" a woman yells at me. "Elena" I say. "I thought you'd be too much of a coward to answer my phone" she says. "Look Elena" I say. "I thought you wanted Lucy back" she says. "I did. I do" I say. "Then why are you pushing her away? Jezz Cristiano if you're both pushing each other away then you can kiss goodbye to ever having a relationship again" she says. "She told you what happened last night" I say. "I went to wish her a happy birthday and found her lying on the bed still in her dress having cried herself to sleep" she says.

"Shit" I say. "You've said it. It's bad enough Merche rang you but did you really have to say you'd go to her. Not to mind the comment about Merche fighting for what she wants" Elena says. "I know I messed up. She said she didn't care if I went to Merche or whoever. I was just trying to show that she did" I say. "Well a word of advice. Never try to win the girl you want to date by mentioning or comparing her to the ex" Elena says.

"How is she?" I ask. "She was talking to her Dad when I left. She's missing Tina" Elena says. "I figured she would be" I say. Today must be so hard for Lucy I think. "Are we still going ahead with everything? Even after last night" Elena asks. "No stick what is planned" I say. "Ok. I'll do my best. But after your performance last night, it's not going to be easy" she says. "Just try" I beg. "Ok. Talk to you later. Try not to upset her anymore. Oh and Cris. Sort of that bitch once and for all. If there's nothing going on between you then you don't need her interfering" Elena says disconnecting the call.

She's right. I should have done it a long time ago. I look through my previous call history and see the call Lucy would have taken. "Cristiano" she says happily. "Why the hell are you phoning me?" I shout. "Babe you're phoning me" she laughs. "Why did you tell Lucy that you were meeting me, when you phoned last night" I ask.

"I miss you" she wines. "I don't care. I don't want anything to do with you. When will you get that through your thick head" I yell. "Cristiano" she pleads. "No this stops now. I don't want you. I want Lucy. I love Lucy" I say. "But she doesn't want you" Merche says. "Because of you" I say. Well I know it was only partly because of her. "You should be with me" she says.

"Merche this is last time I'm going to tell you this so listen very carefully. I don't want anything to do with you. Even if Lucy never wants me again. I'll never want you. You lied and cheated on me. Stop trying to ruin my life. You and me are done. I never want to speak to you again" I saying hanging up the phone.

"If she doesn't get that you don't want her after than then she needs her head looking at" Nuno says making me jump as he walked into the living room. "Well she better. I don't want her" I say looking at him.  

I'll Make You See It Was All Real-Sequel to When Does the Pretend End?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon