Chapter 20- Not How I Pictured It

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  Lucy's Pov

"I'm pregnant" I whisper. I don't know how he does it but I always end up telling him things when I don't expect to. I watch as he turns slowly around to face me. "You're pregnant" he whispers as a huge grin breaks out across his face. Before I have time to respond, he pulls me from my seat and picks me of the ground and swings me around.

"Cris" I yell as my stomach starts to turn. "You're having my baby" he laughs as my feet hit the ground. "Are you trying to make me sick again?" I ask pushing his arms off me. "Oh crap. I didn't think. I'm sorry" he says ushering me to sit. "No shit Sherlock" I mumble as nausea hits my body. "I can't believe it" he says. "Neither can I" I mutter. "You had no idea?" he asks. "None. I only went to the doctor to get something to help me sleep. I still can't believe it" I say. I can't get my head around the fact that I'm pregnant. This can't be happening.

"You're pregnant" he grins kneeling beside my chair. "I'm going to be a Dad. I can't wait to tell Maé" he smiles. "You're not telling Dolores" I say.
You can't tell anyone" I say. "We're having a baby" he says. "No we aren't. I'm having a baby. Well I don't know" I shake my head. "What? Wait you are considering having..." he can't say the rest.

"I don't know what I want. But I know I want noting from you" I say. "What? You're having my baby. My baby" he says standing. "I can't do this Cristiano. I can't have a child. I'd be a horrible mother" I say looking away from him. "That's ridiculous. You'll make a wonderful mother to our child" he says. "Maybe I don't want your child" I snap. "I know you hate me Lucy, but this baby is more important than you and me. You'll love the baby" he says. "I'll love it and it will leave me" I whisper.

"Lucy" he says in shock. "I shouldn't have come here" I say moving to stand. "But you did. And we need to talk about this" he says blocking me from standing. "There's nothing to talk about. Now move" I say. "I'm not finished" he says. "Well I'm finished with you" I say. "Forget about us" he says. "There is no us" I shout. "Then think about the baby. How amazing this is" he says. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about the baby since I found out" I say. "When did you find out?" he asks. "Yesterday" I say and he raises an eyebrow. "You really expect me to believe you didn't know. You've got to be at least...

"9 weeks. Just my luck to get knocked up the last time we slept together" I say.

"9 weeks and three days. I know exactly how long it's been since you walked out my front door" he says. "Well you get to see me do that again" I say standing and he gets to the door before me. "Move" I say. "No" he says. "I can't do it" I say.

"Lucy" he says. "Don't. How can I have a baby? I'm a mess. It's not fair on the baby" I say. "It's not fair on the baby to have two parents who'll love it, care for it and comfort it when it cries. It's not fair on the baby to have two parents who love each other" he says placing his hands on my shoulders. "Stop. Just stop. I don't love you. I don't trust you" I cry. "Lucy" he says wiping a tear from under my eye. "I always thought I'd be older. Married to someone who loves me. How do I hold the baby in my arms and know it was conceived from a lie" I cry.

"No. No. Listen to me" he says gripping my chin. "It wasn't a lie. I do love you. And our baby" he says dropping his hand to my stomach. "You were born to be a mother" he says. "I'm all alone. The baby will leave me" I whisper. "You have me. Elena. Your dad. All of my crazy lot. You're not on your own" he says resting his forehead against mine.

"I know this is a surprise. But it can be a good surprise" he smiles. "You can do it" he says. "I have to get out of here" I say pulling away from him. "Lucy" he shouts as he follows me out of the dining room. "Will you wait" he shouts as I make it to my car. "We aren't finished" he says shutting the car door closed. "I am. Please just leave me alone" I beg. "You are carrying my child. Do you expect me to just ignore you? To be happy that you want to get rid of our baby" he says. "I don't know what I want" I yell.

"Please Lucy. Don't make any rush decisions. I promise you it will all work out" he says kissing my forehead. "I can't after everything" I whisper. "Nothing about how I feel about you has been a lie. I love you even more now you're having my child" he says. "Please stop" I beg. "Finding out like this is a shock especially so soon after Tina's death. Please think about the baby. Our baby" he says. "Please move" I ask and he reluctantly moves to allow me open the car door. "Were you going tell me?" he asks and I turn to face him.

"You said yourself that you didn't know why you came here. Were you going to tell me or just let me go about my life not knowing I could be a Dad" he says. "I'd never have kept if from you. I just needed to get my head around this" I say getting into the car and I drive away.

"What's the matter?" Elena asks in a hurry after I bang at her door. "I told Cris" I cry and she pulls me into her apartment. "I'd get you a something stronger than tea, but I don't think it's good in your condition" she says handing me a cup of tea a while later after my cries had subsided.

"My life is a mess" I say. "He'll know how scary this is for you. He'll understand that you need time to get your head around having a baby" Elena says. "He looked so happy when I told him. I once had a dream of me telling him I was pregnant in the future. I never thought I'd be telling him like that" I say. "Lucy" she says.

"Am I a horrible person that I'm even thinking about not having the baby?" I ask. "You have to do what's best for you. But you can't let your feelings about Cristiano affect your decision. I know he hurt you. But it's not the baby's fault" she says. "I know. But I just don't know what I want" I say. "You need some rest. You can stay here tonight" she says. "Thanks Elena" I say. "I'll support you whatever you decide Lucy. Just don't make any rash decisions" she says. "And don't push Cris away" I say and she nods.

"I need time to think" I mumble.

The following day after barley any sleep I stare out my office window watching as people go about their daily routine. "Just give me some space" I mumble cancelling Cristiano's call on my phone. He had left me numerous messages since I left his house yesterday begging to talk. I just can't deal with all of this right now.

"Come in Matt" I say when I hear a knock on my door. "It's not Matt" I hear a man say and I turn to see Nuno enter the room. "Nuno" I say in surprise. "Hey Lucy" he says. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "Can't a guy just drop by to say hello?" he smirks. "Hello Nuno. Now what can I do for you?" I ask. "I come baring gifts" he says holding up a bag. "What is it?" I ask. "Lunch. Homemade vegetable soup made by the best chef in the world" he smirks. "If you say so yourself" I smile. "Have some. You need to keep your strength up" he says.

"He told you" I say taking a seat behind my desk. "Ya he did. He needed to talk to someone. Congrats by the way" Nuno says. "You can't say anything to make me change my mind Nuno" I say. "It's your choice. You should know that he won't let you down Lucy. I've never heard him even think about kids. And then he meets you and he couldn't help picture a family with you" he says. "It doesn't matter Nuno. I can't have a child with him. Knowing it was all a lie" I say. "Lucy" he says. "Nuno please just stop" I say.

"Ok I don't want to upset. We're friends right?" he asks. "Yes" I say. "Then can you do me one favour?" he asks. "Nuno" I say. "Just talk to him once. Ask him why he was at Angelo's that day Tina destroyed his car" he says. "Why does that matter?" I ask. "Just ask him ok" he says and the door opens. "Do I need to call security?" Matt asks glaring at Nuno. "I'm leaving" Nuno says to Matt. "Just do this friend one little favour Lucy" he says to me. "Goodbye" Matt says holding the door open. "Enjoy your soup. Her not you" Nuno says to Matt before nodding a goodbye to me.  

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