Chapter 27- Not His Fault

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  Lucy's Pov

"Matt I'm fine. Just a bump on the head" I say into the phone as I sit on my couch at home. "Are you sure? You didn't look so good in the ambulance" he says. "I wouldn't have been let out of the hospital if I wasn't ok. I'm fine. I'll be back at work before you know it. I'm sorry you have to manage without me" I say.

"Both bosses are out. I'm going to have so much fun" he laughs. "Well hopefully Josh might come back soon. And don't let been in charge go to your head. I'll be working from home so any problems call me" I say. "We can manage. I'll be around later if you're up to visitors" he asks. "If you can get in" I laugh. "Come again?" he asks confused. "Nothing just think I'm going to have a lot of people dropping in. Elena is fussing around me at the moment" I say loudly for her to hear in the kitchen. "It's called being a friend" she shouts.

"It's called bunking off work" I say. "She's sleeping with the boss, she'll get away with bunking off" Matt says. "Don't ever say that to her or you'll be the one with the sore head. Anyway she's here and Cris still has to come and fuss over me" I say. "He should just leave you alone. I don't even know why he was there yesterday" he says.

"It's complicated" I say. "You're better off away from him. Even Josh agrees with me" he says. "Well Josh hasn't spoken to me in a while so he can't really talk" I say. Luke phoned me last night to see how I was. When I ask where Josh was he said he was busy. I know he is missing Tina but he can't keep going on the way he is I think. "I'll talk to you later so" Matt says. "Bye" I say.

"If Matt's here when Cris is here I'm leaving. I can't referee them again" Elena says. "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask. "Things got a little heated yesterday. Matt couldn't understand why I phoned Cris. I had to phone him you understand" she says. "I know. And I'm glad you did. I really thought the baby wasn't going to be there when they did the scan" I say. "But it was. And we have so much planning to do" she claps. I roll my eyes.

"Cris says he's on his way" she says. Elena had texted him to tell him that I had been discharged from hospital and was at home. Home. It still feels so weird to be here without Tina. She's not going to be here to meet my baby I think sadly. "So how long before we have the what the hell are you going to do about Cristiano talk?" Elena asks handing me a bowl of soup and I sigh.

"Oh don't. This whole situation is a mess. I'm almost 21 years of age. Pregnant. And I'm not dating the father" I say. "Not by his choice" she says and I glare at her. "What? It's the truth. I was just saying" she says. "Well don't. I'm confused enough as it is" I say as I hear the bell ring. "I'll get it" Elena says hopping of the couch.

What should I do? Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I should forget why we broke up. I still can't get my head around the fact he had noticed me for months. And he hadn't come to talk to me because he was with Merche. But then why would he cheat on me?

"Look whose here?" Elena say and I look up. "Josh" I say both in shock and happiness. "Hey Luce" he says looking around the room. I place the bowl on the coffee table and throw back the blanket off me and stand. "I know. It felt weird been here the first time I came back too" I say and he wraps his arms around me. "So a girl has to get hospitalise for you to stop ignoring her" I smile. "I haven't been ignoring you" he says as we walk to the couch. "Hey guys I'm going to leave you alone. I'm going to catch up with Jack. I'll be back later" Elena says.

"There's no need Elena. I won't be on my own anyway" I say knowing Cris would probably be here till late. "If you're sure. We can all have a catch up soon. It's good to see you Josh. I hope you're not annoying Luke. We couldn't cope listening to him complain" she winks and he laughs a little. "Bye Elena. And thanks" I say as she leaves.

"So how have you being?" I ask him. "Ok I guess. I spent alot of time with Dad. And you mother actually. She didn't get the chance to talk to you at the funeral" he says. "She was there?" I ask. "Ya your Dad and footie boy told her to leave you alone" he says. What? "Don't even know why he bothered coming. It's all his fault we are in the mess?" Josh says.

"Hello" I hear a voice say. "Who's that?" Josh asks. Lovely! "Living room" I call out. "How's the head?" Cris asks coming into view. "What are you doing here?" Josh asks. "He came to see me" I say. "Why the hell are you having him anywhere near you after what he did. All of this mess is because of him and his stupid plan" Josh says. "I came to see Lucy since she's just got out off hospital. Have you even asked her if she's ok? Or maybe even go back to work so she doesn't work herself to the ground trying to run your business" Cris says.

"How dare you" Josh shouts and stands abruptly. "How dare I? You're the one who couldn't even be bothered to come to see if she was alright yesterday. Elena said she's been working too much it's no wonder she can't eat or sleep" Cris yells. "It's got nothing to do with you so why don't you go find that cheap slapper and stay the hell away from Lucy and the rest of us" Josh shouts moving around the couch closer to Cris. "Stop it" I shout standing before my head feels wozzy and I fall back onto the couch.

"Lucy" Cris shouts. "I'm fine. I just stood too quickly" I say rubbing the side of my head. "See what you've done" Josh says. "Josh will you just stop. I'm too tired to listen to your stupid fighting" I say. "Do you want me to get you a drink?" Cris asks. "I'm fine. But you could give me and Josh some space to talk" I say and he frowns. "Fine" he says. "I'm out of ice cream. And I really feel like some" I smile. "Take my keys. There on the counter. How did you get in?" I ask. "The door was open. You going to be ok?" he asks.

"Oh please faking like he gives a crap about you know" Josh says. "Don't" I say to Cris. I don't need them fighting anymore. "I'll be back in a bit" he says.

"What the hell was that?" I ask Josh. "Why is he even here? You shouldn't be even talking to him" he says. "He's here because he was worried about me. And if you had bothered to even speak to me the last few weeks you'd know he was great when Tina died" I say. "More like he has a guilty conscience. Tina wouldn't be dead if it wasn't for him" he says.

"How the hell is it Cris's fault?. He didn't make Tina take drugs Josh. She made the choice. Not you. Not me. Not Cris" I say. "But if he hadn't taken you away from Tina then you would have seen she was using again and she wouldn't be dead" he says. "So it's my fault. Is that you are saying?" I ask in shock. Does he really feel like that? "Now you go quiet. Is that what you meant? Because she fooled you as much as me. We didn't know about her drug habit the first time Josh. So don't you dare blame me" I shout.

"I don't" he says. "Well it's sounds like you do. And you can't blame Cris. Jezz you can't even blame Mike. Sure he helped her with her habit but Tina was the one who made the choice to take drugs. I hate her for what she's putting us through. But I can't spend the rest of my life hating her because I loved her. And it's no ones fault. She had a disease that no one could help her" I say. Wow I hadn't thought or said those things out loud before. "I should have seen it" he says.

"You can't blame yourself for the rest of your life" I say finally coming to terms with the reality that I couldn't have done anymore for Tina to help her. "I still don't know how you can be around footie boy when you want nothing to do with your own mother" he says.

"Josh I'm only going to say this once so you better listen. One I want nothing to with my mother and I don't owe anybody an explanation and two get used to see Cris around because he's going to be around a hell of a lot more" I say. "You're not back with him?" he asks. "No but I'm pregnant with his baby" I say. "What? How could you be so stupid?" he shouts at me.

"Josh please" I say. "How could get lumbered with his baby? He won't give a damn about either of you" Josh yells.  

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