Chapter 66- It's Time To Talk

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  Cris's Pov

"Have you thought what you are going to say to her?" Nuno asks and I look away from Lucy and across to my left at Nuno. "How do I explain that my brother hates me so much he would set me up to ruin my relationship when I can't get my head around it" I sigh. "It's not exactly ruined Cris. She's right there. You've just got to do what you have been doing all year and keep fighting for her" Nuno said. I look across from where I am sitting at a sleeping Lucy. She had fallen asleep the moment we were in the air.

"Why would he have done it? What have I ever done that would make him do that? Messing with me is one thing but this affected Luce even more" I say. "I guess he was jealous of what you and Lucy have" Nuno says. "I don't think it can ever go back to the way it was before" I sigh. "Well before you weren't exactly being truthful to her" Nuno says. "Huh?" I ask. "About dropping the charge against Tina before she agreed to be your pretend girlfriend" he says. "I know there might have been a chance she would have walked out that day when she came to confront me about that and instead was met with Merche but I would like to think that I could have explained why I lied to her about that. I have explained. Who am I kidding? She doesn't trust easily and I broke it" I say. "You really think she would have reacted the way she did back in Madeira if she didn't care about you?" he asks. "It's not her caring about me that I'm worried about. It's if she still loves me" I sigh remembering the night she told me the last time we were in Madeira.

I hear Nuno laugh and look back at him. "Oh I'm really glad my fucked up life is entertaining for you" I snap. "I'm laughing at the fact that you can't see that she loves you. Did you not see how she went crazy at Hugo?" he asks. "Don't call her crazy" I warn. "Hey I think she could have gone way harder on him. It was brilliant. And so hot" he smirks. "Hey watch it" I warn. "Come on it was. And it certainly reminds me not to ever piss her off. Man I don't even think it was her hormones that made her act like that" he says. "Hugo's face was priceless alright" I smile. "I wish I took a video of it. I was just so amazed it was happening" Nuno laughed. "She was right to be angry. Everything she has being put through because of him. I know I lied to her about the whole pretend girlfriend thing but what he did" I say shaking my head. "With Tina, her mother, Josh. The stress of everything. She could have lost the baby" I say.

 "But she's right here Cris. You both know the truth now. You either let Hugo win or you fix things" Nuno says. "If only it could be fixed so easily" I mutter as I look at a sleeping Lucy. "We'll be landing in a short while" the co-pilot informs us a short time later. "Thanks" Nuno says. "I guess I should wake her" I say. "Well after seeing how hard she hit you and Hugo, I'm going to pass on pissing her off. So I aint waking her" Nuno says. "Scary cat" I mumble reaching across the small gap between mine and Lucy's seats.

"Luce" I whisper stroking her cheek. "Luce it's time to wake up" I say and she groans and stirs in the seat. "We'll be landing soon" I say as her eyes flutter open and she yawns. "Hi" she mumbles sitting up straight. "Hi" I smile. "Good nap?" Nuno asks. "Ya" she says stretching her legs out. "I guess putting an ass in his place can make you tired" Nuno smirks. "She'll put you in your place if you don't stop annoying her" I say. "Hey I'm just jealous she could lay there sleeping and snoring when I couldn't" he smirks. "I don't snore" she says. "Ya you do" he says. "No I don't. I don't. Do I?" she asks looking at me. "No you don't. And even if you did, I bet you would snore cutely" I say and she smiles at me. I think back to what Nuno said moments ago. I can either let Hugo win or fix things. I watch her laugh with Nuno. I haven't given up in the past seven months and I'm not going to give up now.

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