Chapter 56- Step Backwards?

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  Cristiano's Pov

"Hey" I say when I find Lucy sitting on the couch in the living room. "Hey" she smiles up at me placing her phone on the coffee table. "He looks comfy" I nod to Marcosa who's head is resting on Lucy's lap. "He hasn't left my side since I got up" she say rubbing the dog's head. "He's a good dog" I say taking a seat at the end of the couch.

"Where is everyone?" I asked. The house was very quiet and I knew they won't let Lucy home alone. "Nuno went to the shop like two minutes ago and he'll back soon. He making lasagna" she smiled. "One of your favorites" I smile. "One of many to be fair" she laughs. "Have you eaten much today?" I ask. "Nuno made me a salad" she says. "A salad. That's all you ate?" I ask.

"I wasn't hungry" she shrugs. "Luce you're not just eating for you" I say. "I know that" she snaps. "The baby is all I think about Cristiano" she snaps. "Lucy I know it is. I'm sorry. I just want you to rest and eat well" I say. "I am trying. It's just my stomach doesn't feel ok yet" she says. "Anymore nightmares? And don't hide it if you did. Luce you need to talk if something is bothering you. It's not good for you or the baby" I say. "I fell asleep the minute you left this morning and I didn't wake until past noon. And I had no more nightmares" she says. "You needed the rest" I say.

"Ya I know" she sniffs. "Luce what's the matter?" I ask moving slightly closer to her. "I don't know. Urgh stupid hormones. Dolores and I talked earlier and I cried. Then she cried. The we both cried. I swear I never saw Nuno rush out of the house so quick" she says wiping the tears from her eyes. "Where is she now?" I ask. "Resting and trying not to think about tomorrow" Lucy says. "Ya" I sigh. "It's going to be ok Cris. She'll be ok. The first day of chemo will be hard but she will get through it" she says. "I hope so" I whisper. Lucy yawns and I laugh. "Looks like someone could do we some more rest herself" I laugh.

Her nose scrunches up and she shakes her head making me laugh more. "You look really cute right now" I say brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. "It's going to take more than a flattering line to get me to take a nap Cris" she smirks. "I wasn't trying to flatter you and since you insist on being stubborn. Would you like to watch a movie before I head to the team hotel?" I ask.

"Something with Brad Pitt or Ryan Gosling in it. I need some eye candy" she grins. "You have more than enough eye candy standing in front of you" I smirk. "I prefer seeing some on tv screen" she says and I laugh as I walk over to the TV. "Luce" I say. "Ok you're better to look at then Brad Pitt but I'm going to need a lot more convincing to say better than Gosling" she says as I turn to look back at her.
"What I was going to say and try not to argue with me but I stopped by your place after training and picked up a few of your things. That's what kept me. Plus I knew everyone here would take care of you" I say.

"Cris you're babbling" Lucy says. "I think you should stay here for a few days. Just a few nights. You shouldn't be on your own. Not after last night. You can have my room and relax" I say quickly. "Ok" she says. "Sorry?" I ask. "I said ok" she says. "Ok then" I smile happy I got my own way without a fight. "Oh stop smiling and find us something to watch before I wipe that smile of your face" she says.

"I have something that might just do that for you Lucy" Jorge says walking into the room. "Hello Jorge" Lucy smiles. "Hello Lucy" he smiles at her. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "Crsi don't be so rude. Ignore him Jorge" Lucy says. "I try to a lot of the time" Jorge says. "Ya but he has a talent at being annoying" Lucy smiles at me. "One of many" I say to her. "I though you were in London until Monday" I say. "Change of plans. I need to talk to you" he says. "I'll leave you two boys to it" Lucy says standing. "Wait" Jorge says. "Hold on. Why do you want Lucy to stay?" I ask getting worried.

"I need to talk to you. Both of you" he says. "What about?" Lucy asks as Jorge takes a seat. "I got a phone call today from a journalist" he says. "Something that happens a lot Jorge" I say. "Cris just shut up and let him finish" Lucy says. "The guy wanted a comment from you" Jorge says. "About what?" I ask. "Jorge stop pussy footing around already and tell us" Lucy snaps. "Luce" I say touching her shoulder but she shakes my hand away and stares at Jorge. "He's printing a story about Cris and Merche" Jorge says.

"What" I shout. "How you cheated on your pregnant girlfriend. You know all that sort of stuff" Jorge says. No no this can't be happening I think and turn to look at Lucy. "How did he know?" Lucy asks surprising me. "A friend of his apparently" Jorge says. "What journalist?" Lucy asks. "Luce I'm sorry" I say. "Jorge" Lucy says ignoring me. "Ahm I think his name was something Nicklinson. Micky or Nicky. I don't know" he says and Lucy reaches for her phone on the coffee table. "What is she doing?" Jorge asks as Lucy stands and begins to pace the floor with the phone to her ear.

"Don't Lucy me Nathan Nicklinson. Who the fuck do you think you are writing a story about my private life" she shouts and Jorge and I stare at each other in confusion. "I don't care how great a story it is. Unless you want your ass sued. And believe me Nathan it won't be the paper it will be you" she yells. "Are you so desperate for a story since you missed out on breaking the baby news that you are going to lie even more than your stupid paper does already" she snaps. "She's not really talking to the guy who phone me?" Jorge asks. "She needs to sit down" I say as I watch her pace. "Don't think you can get around me by insulting my mother you jerk. It won't work" she says and I swear I could see her wobble a little on her feet.

"Where the hell are you getting all of this shit from?" she asks and I see her stop abruptly. "He told you that" she whispers and I stand to walk towards her. She lifts her hand towards me and I pause. "I don't care what he said Nathan. He's not thinking straight after Tina's death. He hates me. He hates Cris. It's all lies" she says taking a deep breath. "Hello I gave you that front page story of yours about the car all those months ago. Him trying to cause trouble does not mean you can print it" she yells. I can feel my blood pressure rising from just listening to one side of this conversation. I can't imagine how hers is I think.

"Nathan if you print that story I'll tell Josh you slept with Tina" Lucy says and finally takes a seat back on the couch. "I doubt he'll still be your friend or get over the fact you were almost 19 when you splet with her" she says sitting back in the couch. "You've gone a little quiet there Nathan. Let me guess you're working out the math. Now I know your brother got the looks and most of the brains but even you would be able to work out the age gap when you were 19 given the almost 5 year age gap between us all" she says. And I look up and see Jorge smiling.

"Just try me Nathan. I so much as see anything about those lies then I'll tell him and then sue your ass" she snaps rubbing her forehead. "Thank you" she says with half a smile. "I know I can't get away from them. But Nathan" she says listening. "You break your promise and- Oh I would never do that. I'd just get all your little secrets' from him instead and then tell everyone" she says rubbing her forehead again.

"I know. He emailed me. You must love it. Your Mama's fave boy since Ethan won't listen to your mother and wear a suit and find a proper job" Lucy half smiles. Ethan. As in her ex-boyfriend I think. "Ya well just ignore what Josh has to say from now on. Especially if it's something to do me. And why don't you just ask me instead of going behind my back and speak to the agent" she says hanging the phone up.

"Don't" she snaps at me as she stands. "Wait. Are you not going to explain what that was all about?" Jorge asks. I could care less right now about that phone call and more about how upset and mad Lucy looks right now. "What is there to explain? About from the fact Josh decided my life isn't fucked up enough. He wanted to make sure the world had a nice story to read also" she says. "Oh Luce" I say knowing how hurt she must feel that it was Josh of all people who told the papers.

"Don't Cristiano" she snaps. "What about the story in September?" Jorge asks and she sighs. "It didn't seem fair for Cristiano to be made out the bad guy when he hadn't done anything wrong. Then" she snaps. "Luce" I say. "I'm going upstairs. I'll see you after your match. If then" she mumbles leaving the room. "Aren't you going after her?" Jorge asks. "And have a fight that she doesn't need right now. No. She needs space" I say slumping onto the couch. "But she's mad" he says. "Damn it. It's one thing after another. Once step forward and a hundred backwards" I say.

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