Chapter 67- You Could Be Happier If You Wanted

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Lucy's Pov

  "She's not as poised as her big sister" Elena smiles as we hear another loud bang coming from Tina's old bedroom. "Well by the look of her closets she certainly gets your love of shoes" I joke taking a seat at the kitchen table. "Thanks again for this. I love her but we can't live together" Elena says taking a seat opposite me. "It's no problem. There's no point in letting this place just sit here empty" I shrug.

Elena's sister Amber had decided to return to her nursing studies after a year of travelling and I had offered her Tina's old room. It would be strange having someone other than Tina stay there but as much as I hate it, Tina isn't coming back. Plus Amber needed a place to stay and she is as lovely as her big sister. Anyway it's not like I would be living with her anyway. Not for the time been anyway. "Speaking of shoes. Are you all packed?" Elena asks smiling.

"What's with the smile?" I ask. "You know why I'm smiling" she laughs and I roll my eyes at her. I was two weeks to my due date and was going to move in with Cris. Not forever but just before and after the birth for a while. "Why don't you just move in permanently?" she asks. "Because we are in a good place right now and I don't want to rush things" I say. "Bit late for that don't you think" she says gesturing to my bump. "It's because of the baby that we shouldn't rush. I don't think I could cope with another year like this Elena. Neither of us could" I say. "How are things between the pair of you?" she asks and I can't help but smile.

"That good then" she laughs. "It's being really nice" I say. "Nice? Jezz don't tell him that or the poor guy won't know what to do" Elena says. "It's being lovely Elena. Like really really lovely. It's like we are dating" I say. "Well the pair of you have already. I don't know why you can't just admit you're his girlfriend already" Elena says. "But we didn't date before. No wait listen" I say when she looks like she is going to talk.

"We never dated. Think about it. We went from pretending to be together to being together to everything going to hell. We actually never went out on a real date back then" I say. "But now?" she asks. "Now he is picking me to go to the movies or go for an ice cream and a walk or dinner. Sending me cute texts. It's just being nice" I say. "Like the start of a relationship. With all the butterflies and all that crap" she says and I laugh. "Yes all of that crap. He's so cute though. Like last night he arrived with a single red rose with him to take me to dinner. Then he even asked if he had earned a goodnight kiss. And this was at the front door. Oh lord it's just..." I smile.

"Just like you and Cris. I'm really happy that you are happy Lucy with how things currently are, I just think you might even be happier if you gave things a proper go" Elena says. "I am" I say. "It's killing the guy not to say hey my girlfriend looks pretty today" she says. "I'm just not ready Elena. Like I do care about him. So much. Even more" I say. "You love him and you know it" she says. "Ok fine yes I do but every time I come close to saying it out loud I remember what happened after the first time I ever said it to him" I snap. "Surely now that you know the truth about Hugo's involvement-

"That I could just forgive and forget. I can't. I just can't. I know he didn't cheat but he did lie to me" I say. "Cos he wanted to be with you. Come on it's kind of flattering that he wanted you to pretend to be his girlfriend so bad" she says. "I'm afraid if I say the words then something bad is going to happen again. And I love him too much to lose him for good" I say fighting back a sob.

"Oh Lucy you're not going to lose him. Surely after everything that happened so far this year you can see that. No matter how many times you pushed him away, he kept coming back. And ok I know you are having his baby and he had even more of a reason to fight for you but if there had being no baby he still would have fought for you" she says. "I guess" I say. "Come on did you think we would be sitting here like this today last January. With you about to move in with Cris" she says.

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