Chapter 52- Cheesy But Right

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  Cris's Pov

"I can make you something if you are hungry?" Maé asks as I stand staring into the open fridge. "I'm not hungry" I say. "Cris" Maé says. "What do you want me to say Maé? After last night I don't think I can eat again" I say closing the fridge. "This is what I didn't want. I didn't want you to be upset" she says. "Upset. I'm angry. You should have told me Maé" I say. Once I arrived back from Lucy's this morning early Maé and I sat down and she told me what the doctors had told her.

"Please don't hate me. Hugo wouldn't speak to me after I told him" she says. "I don't hate you Maé" I say walking around to sit next to her on a nearby stool. "And neither does Hugo. He's just in shock" I say. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you" she says. "I understand why you didn't" I say. "I didn't want you to worry" she says. "Maé I'm always going to worry about you. Sick or not sick" I say. "But I'm the parent. That's my job" she says. "Well then you better hurry up and get better fast so" I say. "I will" she says. "You better" I say. "I intend to spend my more years with my daughters and sons and all my gorgeous grandchildren" she says. "I can't wait for that too" I say. "I'm very proud of you" she says. "Maé" I say. "I am. You've grown into a fine young man" she says. "I'm only how I am because of you Maé" I say. "I'm sorry you found out the way you did" she says.

"It's ok. Do me a favour though. Can you tell Lucy that she did the right thing making you tell me. I think she's feeling a bit guilty for forcing you" I say. "She didn't force me. And she was right. I should have told you" she says. "I'm sorry for how I reacted when you told me" I say. "You do have a habit of storming out when you find out someone has kept something from you" she says. "So I've been told yes" I say.

"Hello" I say into my phone. "Hey" Lucy says. "Calling me to tell me how amazing I was today" I joke. "What have I told you about that big head of yours" she says. "I don't have a big head" I mumble as Wazza snorts beside me as we sit on the bus on our way back to Manchester after a late afternoon kick off. "How did the game go?" she asks. "You didn't watch it?" I ask. "Wrong team for me Cristiano. Plus Elena was here. Jack was watching the game at hers. Well he was doing paperwork or so he said" she says.

"But he really watched me score two great goals" I say. "Congrats" she muses. "So if you didn't call me to tell me how amazing I was today, why are you calling?" I ask. "Dude, I thought you wanted her to phone you. Don't be so thick" Rio says tapping my head with a book. "Will you shut up" I say. "Or you could put the phone on speak and save you from having to tell us what's she saying" Mike says from the seat behind Wazza. "Ya cos my day is complete until I hear about Ronnie's fucked up love life" Rio groans. "Will you shut up" I say. "Urgh you lot are so annoying" I groan. "Ronnie" Wazza says. "What?" I snap. "Phone" he says. "Oh shit. Lucy sorry I was just- I heard. I just said I'd call before I went back..i mean before I went to sleep. I'll see you at lunch tomorrow" she says. "Wait Luce. Are you ok?" I ask. "Ya why wouldn't I be?" she asks. "Ok" I say. "Hey can you do me a favour and put me on loud speaker please?" she asks.

"Why?" I ask. "Please?" she asks. "Ok. You're on" I say holding up the phone. "Since you lot wanted it on loud speaker, now it is" she says. "Hi Lucy" Wayne and Mike both mumble. "Hi guys. Rio three things to remember" she says. "And what would they be?" he asks. "One for all the talking you guys do , girls do a lot more. And in more detail. Especially about the big or in I don't know your case small things so think before you speak" she says and we all laugh. "Two Liverpool rule and three United suck. Night boys" she says disconnecting the phone. "Your insane so to be baby mama is so annoying" Rio groans. "Ya but I love her" I smile.

Something about how she was on the phone niggles at me and once the bus arrives back to the car park I text her to see if she's awake. If she is then fine but if not. "Got any ice cream? Feeling hungry" I text. Less than 30 seconds later I get a reply. "Fridge is full. I might share" the text reads. She should be asleep I can't help thinking. I drive to her apartment and let myself in. "Hello" I call out closing the door behind me.

"Should I be grateful that you are using the key when I'm actually here" she says and I find her at the kitchen table. "Amm ya" I say rubbing the back of my neck. "Hiding in the dark that night was little silly. You were very stupid that night" she says. "I know but you know why I did it" I say. "What kind of ice cream would you like?" she asks changing the subject naturally. "Whatever is fine by me" I say noticing the table. "I thought you were asleep. What are you doing paperwork at this time of night?" I ask. "I guess my mind wouldn't sleep so I thought I'd do some work" she shrugs.

"Oh I get it" I smile and pull her towards me as she walks past. "Get what?" she asks as I wrap my arms around her waist. "You couldn't stop thinking how amazing I am off the pitch" I say resting my chin on her shoulder. "Is that right?" she says. "Why don't we see if I live up to your imagination?" I ask placing a kiss on her neck. "I thought you were hungry for ice cream" she says. "I'd rather eat you" I whisper as she turns in my arms. "That is so cheesy" she laughs. "Cheesy but right" I grin before covering her lips with mine.  

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