Chapter 68-And There Was Three

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  Lucy's Pov

"HUGO" I scream and grip the table. This can't be happening now. Not now I think. "Cris" I whisper as the pain gets stronger. "Lucy" I hear Hugo shout. "HUGO" I shout. "What happened?" he asks coming running into the kitchen. "The baby is coming" I say. "What?" he asks in surprise. "The baby is coming" I yell as another bout of pain hits. "Ok ok" he says.

"I need Cris" I say. "Ok" he says. "Stop saying ok" I yell. "O" he begins to say when I glare at him. "I can't do this" I say as tears build up in my eyes. "It's too soon. What if something goes wrong? I'm not ready. I can't do this" I sob. "Lucy Lucy look at me" Hugo says coming to my side. "Everything is going to be fine" he says calmly.

"What if......I can't...I can't lose.." I say trying to catch my breath. "Hey hey breathe. In and out slowly. Come on Lucy" he says showing me how I should breather and I copy him. "First of all we need to get you to the hospital ok" he says. "I need Cris" I cry. "I will call him I promise. Just relax" he says. "I'm in labour Hugo. Don't tell me to relax" I yell. "Yup sorry. Amm right it's going to be ok" he says.

"Who are you trying to convince? Me or you?" I ask before I groan in pain. "Ok I think it's time for the hospital" he says. "I need Cris. I can't do this on my own. I can't lose my baby" I cry. "Lucy, Lucy, hey" he says wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "No negative thoughts ok. This is amazing. You are having a baby. You are going to be a mama" he smiles. "I'm going to be a mama" I say the words not quite sinking in yet. "Do you have a baby or something? I mean I remember Katia planning and well.." he stutters. "Upstairs" I sniffle. "Right. Why don't you take a seat here" he says ushering me to a nearby chair. "And I'll get the bag and phone Cris. And Maé. I'll phone them all ok" he says.

"Ahh" I cry grabbing his arm. "Breathe in and out. In and out" he says and I do. "I need Cris. He can't miss this" I cry. He bends down to my eye level. "He won't I promise. He won't miss this. If he was at the other side of the world he would do everything he can to get here. But you need to focus on now ok. Cris will get here but until then you need to focus and relax and just think about how in a few hours you will be home with your baby ok" he says and I nod. "I'll get your bag" he says and rushes towards the stairs.

I rub my bump trying to block the pain out. "Ok babba, now you listen to me. I want you to come out safe and sound ok. But if you could wait for your papa I would be very grateful" I whisper. "Right I have your bag" Hugo says running back to my side. "Did you get through to Cris?" I ask and he frowns. "Not yet" he says. "No no no. He's in Scotland. He's going to miss this" I moan. "I will get through to him. But right now I am going to walk you to the car and then I am going to get the both of you safely to the hospital ok" he smiles. "Hugo" I say as he helps me stand. "Ya" he says.

"Please get Cris here. I can't do this without him" I say. "He'll be here Lucy. He loves you just remember that" he says and I nod. "Now let's walk nice and slowly to the car. I have your bags" he says grabbing my handbag from the floor also. "Argh" I groan as he opens the car door. "You ok?" he asks. "No" I sob. "It will be worth all the pain" he smiles. "Easy for you to say when you don't have to go through it" I sniffle and he laughs. "Are you seriously laughing at me?" I ask. "Nope" he says trying not to laugh. "I need Dolores" I say. "Let's get to the hospital first ok" he says as I slowly climb into the car.

"Please tell me you have got through to Cris" I beg when Hugo comes through the doors to my room. "Ahm no" he says. "No no no" I cry. "I'll get through to him. Don't you worry" he says. "Don't worry. Don't worry. I have been here for two hours" I yell. "I know. I know. He'll be here though. Now don't get upset" he says. "I need him" I cry. "He'll be here. Now what did the nurses say?" he asks pulling up the chair beside the bed. "That the baby is coming. Like really soon. Try your brother again. Try you mother. Ring them Hugo. Just get him here" I cry.

I'll Make You See It Was All Real-Sequel to When Does the Pretend End?Where stories live. Discover now