Chapter 32- Familiar Times

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  Cris's Pov

"Oh Lucy this is Andrade" Maé says to Lucy as we all take a seat around the dining room table. "It's nice to meet you" Lucy says shaking his hand. "You too. Dolores hasn't stopped raving about you since she met you" Andrade says. "Wow so she can actually tell people about meeting new people. Must just be me she forgets to tell" I say and Lucy glares at me. I shouldn't be surprised. He's wormed his way into my mother's life. Everyone likes him. Of course the mother of my unborn child would fall for his charm.

"I doubt Dolores has being raving about me" Lucy says to Andrade. "Of course I have my dear. Who couldn't?" Dolores smiles at her. And Maé really has. "To be fair it was more how could her son cheat on you that she was ranting about" Hugo says taking a snip of his water. That does it. If he thinks I'm going to let him speak like that. "Shut the fu" I start to say when Lucy buts in.

"Nuno what's for dinner? I could eat a horse" she says. I should be happy that she's eating but the looks she giving me all through dinner make me feel not happy. She's annoyed with me.

"Someone was hungry" Dolores says as Lucy practically licks her plate clean. "What's for desert?" she grins Nuno. "I swear she only likes me for my cooking" Nuno says to me. "Here I was thinking it was for your bluntness" I say remembering his little speech about me and Lucy having a baby together but not being together.

"At least she finally saw sense by dumping you" Hugo says. "Nuno Cris and I will get desert" Lucy says Who the hell does he think he is? He comes into my house and starts on at me again. He never changes I think before following Lucy out of the room. "Before you say anything" I say looking at her back as she walks in front of me. I know she's annoyed with me. "No let me talk" she says "Remember all those times I got you to promise me not to fight with your brother. Could we go back to those times please?" she asks. I wish. I hope. All those times she used to tell me not to argue with Hugo. All those times I used to hold her. All those times I used to kiss her.

"In a flash since it would mean you and me would be together" I say and she frowns. "Cheap shot Ronaldo" she says. "Sorry. And you've heard Hugo. How am I just meant to sit and listen to his crap?" I ask moving to get the cake from the fridge. She won't even give me a chance.

"The same way you are going to smile and be polite to Andrade. Just grin and bare it. Please Cris. I've had enough of fighting with my sortish family. The last thing I need is to have you fighting with yours" she says. Jezz is she trying to make me feel bad. "Josh still acting like a jerk?" I ask. "Yes but I'm going to concentrate on the jerk in front of me right now" she says. "Me" I shout. "Come on that cheap shot about your mother" she says.

"Lucy" I say as Andrade walks into the room. "Nuno said there's ice cream to be eaten too" he says. "I'm liking Nuno even more" Lucy smiles moving to open the fridge. "I'll take the cake in" I say. I should have just listened to her. I should have waited to tell them all about the baby. She's annoyed with me now. "You must be so excited about the baby" Elma says as I take my seat. "I am" I smile.

"He's worried too" Nuno says and I glare at him. "What you are. You're worried about Lucy" he says. "Why are you so worried about Lucy? Plenty of women have babies Cristiano. It's a natural thing" Maé says. "It's not just that Maé" I say. "What is it then?" Katia says. "She's still trying to cope with Tina's death. She's in shock that she's pregnant. And Josh and she are fighting. Plus she's petrified she'll lose the baby" I say. "She's had a lot to cope with it these past few months" Elma says.

"Most of it my fault I know" I say before Hugo could. "I get why she doesn't want people knowing about the baby until it's past the safe mark. That's normal Cris. We won't say anything to anyone" Katia says. "We will look after her" Maé says. "Lucy all the cake is gone" Nuno jokes as Lucy and Andre come back into the room. "Dolores's cake is better. I prefer the ice cream anyway" she grins making Nuno pout. "Meany" he says.

I'll Make You See It Was All Real-Sequel to When Does the Pretend End?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang