Chapter 42- Still Charming?

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  Cris's Pov

I smile watching Lucy bopping her head as if she's singing to herself as we take the lift up to her apartment. "What?" she asks when she catches me looking at her. "You look...sparkling" I say and she smiles. "You're glowing" I say. "I'll probably be exhausted tomorrow" she says as the doors to the lift open.

"After you" I gesture and she walks out first. "So did you have fun tonight?" I ask. "Surely if I'm sparkling than you already know the answer" she says handing me her door keys. "Aww that's better" she says kicking her shoes off and moves to lay on the couch. "Are you just going to stand there or sit down?" she asks.

"Depend how nice you are to me. You did eat all my cake" I say taking a seat and placing her feet on my lap. "I only ate half of it. But it was delicious. All the food was. It was a great night" she smiles. "Elena will be happy. All her organizing worked out well" I say. "All of hers" she says and I drop my eyes to her feet. "Normally guys brag about doing stuff like this. Planning a surprise party" she says. "It was a dinner not a party" I say and her laugh makes me look at her.

"Seriously though Cris" she says fixing a cushion behind her back. "Tonight was lovely. Thank you" Lucy says. "It was nothing" I say knowing there was no point in denying that it was me who planned it. "nothing. You planned this weeks ago. You sent me flowers. You tried to get Josh to come. You even flew my Dad and Lisa over from New York. That isn't just nothing" she says. "Your Dad looked really happy. Happy to see you" I say as I start to massage her feet. "He's been giddy since I told him about the baby" she jokes. "Mmm" she says closing her eyes.

"You should get some sleep" I say lifting her feet. "No don't stop" she say sleepily. "Ok" I say and continue working on her foot. "You look really pretty tonight" I say. "The dress was a present from Elena. Do you fancy some ice-cream?" she asks suddenly lifting her feet from my lap. "Haven't you eaten yet enough?" I ask. "Ice-cream doesn't count" she says heading to the fridge. "I only have vanilla" she says walking back to the couch.

"Does this count as breakfast?" I ask when she hands me a spoon. "It's not even light out yet" she says taking a seat next to me. Right next to me. Our knees brush against each others. "It will be soon" I say following her lead and dig into the tub of ice cream.

"I really did have a nice time tonight" she says before licking her spoon clean and resting her head on my shoulder. "I know celebrating you birthday couldn't have been easy for you. Especially not having Tina here" I say. "She would have being the one bossing you around and not Elena" she sighs. "I reckon they both would have" I say and she laughs a little.

"Dad's speech" she says before taking another spoon of ice cream. "Yeah" I say. "He said you stopped him from having a slide show. Why?" she asks. "I didn't want you getting upset looking at photos. You know of Lacey and Tina" I shrug. "Thank you for that. And for stopping Dad from making me cry after it too" she says. "You don't have to thank me" I say. "Yes I do" she says and I tilt my head to rest it against hers on my shoulder.

"Your next birthday you will be a mother" I say. "I know. It's weird" she says placing a hand on her bump. "A good weird?" I ask. "I was shocked when I found. And the thought of loosing..." she pauses. "Ssh the baby and you will be fine" I say sitting up. "Think I've had enough ice cream for one night" she says moving to the edge of the couch to reach the lid and cover the tub.

"It suits you" I says as our legs brush against each other again. "Pregnancy?" she asks. "That too. But I meant this" I say finding the bracelet around her wrist. "I was giving it a night out before I gave it back to you" Lucy says. "Why would you give it back? It's a gift" I say. "You know why" she says. "I want you to have it. You don't even have to wear it" I say. "I can't keep it" she says. "Do you know what the charms are for?" I ask. "This one" I say finding the Statute of Liberty charm. "This one is for New York since you were born there" I say.

My finger moves to the ice cream cone. "This one is for your love of ice cream" I smile and I notice her eyes fixed on my fingers. "The rose is well you love roses plus it's the flower of England and you live here now. The L is for your name" I say holding the L between my fingers. "It's also for your Dad and Lacey. It has Lacey engraved on the back of it. This one" I say holding the This is Anfield charm. "I wanted to leave this one out but I couldn't" I say. She doesn't say a word instead her eyes follow my fingers.

"The heart is because you have such a big heart. The lighthouse" I pause to think how to say this. "The lighthouse is a copy of the one in Madeira" I say remembering the say we sat staring out to sea. All the charms are meant to mean something. I thought you might like to have the baby's initial added to too" I say holding the 7 charm.

I tilt her chin so she is looking directly at me. He blue eyes stare into mine. Her breathing is soft. I move to cradle her head. Brushing a finger over her lip. I lean in closer. She's still as my lips touch hers.


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