Chapter 49- Take All The Time You Need

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  Lucy's Pov

I flick open my eyes and groan at the sunlight gazing through the window. How did I forget to close the curtains I think as I stretch my legs. My left leg is trapped. Trapped by Cris's leg. I curse myself for being so stupid as memories of last night come flooding back. I turn my head slightly and find him laying on his chest with his head facing me. One hand under the pillow, the other around my waist. I manage to move his leg and slide out from under the covers.

I find my robe and pass all the clothes on the floor. All our clothes. The clothes he peeled off my body last night before-oh Lord I think slapping the palm of my hand against my forehead and shut the door quietly behind me. Why did he have to come here? Why didn't I make him leave? Stupid, stupid, stupid I think walking towards my kitchen. I find a glass and turn to open the fridge and pull out a carton of milk.

I pause and rearrange the various magnets on the door, putting them back in their rightful places. I remember how they got disorganized and shiver. I remember how Cris lifted me against the fridge as he kissed me. "No" I mumble shaking my head and quickly turn around to fill my glass. I can still feel his lips along my neck. On my stomach. On....

"I think the glass if full" a voice says and I jump and stare down at the overflowing glass of milk. "Shit" I say. "Need any help?" he asks as I grab a cloth to dry up the milk. "No" I say shaking my head. I slowly turn my head and find him leaning against a wall. His jeans low on his hips. His shirt in his hand and a grin on his face.

"Cris last night-

"Was amazing" he grins walking towards me. "Yes I mean no. It shouldn't have happened" I say. "Why not?" he asks and I watch as he takes the glass to his lips and takes a long snip. "You now why" I say and he replaces the glass on the counter top and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand in satisfaction. "I needed that. I worked up a thirst last night" he smirks. "Cristiano" I warn.

"You must be thirsty too? All the screaming out my name you did last night" he grins and I cover my blushing face . "Lucy" he laughs trying to pull my hands from my face. "Last night was a mistake" I say dropping my hands. "The only mistake is that it took us so long" he says. "It was sex ok. Just sex" I say. "Hot amazing sex" he grins and I can feel my face starting to heat up.

"The baby..." I stutter. "Is it ok? Isn't it? I mean it's safe. I know we didn't exactly go easy last night but I wasn't too rough" he babbles. "The baby is fine. Sex is perfectly ok while pregnant. Apparently" I mutter remembering that uncomfortable conversation with my doctor. "Well then" he smirks moving to untie my robe. "No Cris. I don't mean now. Never in fact. Last night won't be happening again" I say taking a step back from him.

"Fine" he says smiling. He's smiling. Not what I had expected.

"Fine. That's all you've got to say? He walks back to where he must have dropped his shoes and pulls his shirt over his head. "I didn't think you'd ever speak to me again. And you did. I didn't think you would ever have my baby but you are" he says. "Cris" I say confused as he slips a foot into a shoe.

"Take all the time you need Lucy cos I'm not going anywhere. Last night didn't just happen. And sooner or later you will see that. So yes fine. If you think last night won't be happening again then fine. Cos I know it will" he smiles.

"Cris, I...." stutter flabbergasted at what he was saying. "Make sure you eat some breakfast" he says walking back to where I stood. "You need to keep your strength up for this little one" he says tapping my stomach. "Have a good day" he says before placing a kiss on the top of my head and leaves. I hear the door close and I try and figure out what just happened.

"Urgh" I mutter and see my clutch on the table from last night. I search though it and find my phone. "Lucy it's 6 in the morning" Elena groans. "I slept with Cris" I say and can hear her gasp. "You did what?" she asks. "You heard me" I say. "I'm on my way over" she says and the line goes dead. Twenty minutes later after I had a quick shower, Elena walks into my living room.

"Talk" she says and I tell her everything that happened. Everything from him frighten me to death to taking me to my bedroom, to this morning. "Damn Lucy" she says as we sit on my couch. "I know. Things are going to be more messed up now" I groan. "Yes they are but I wasn't talking about that. Jezz it sounds like you had yourself a night of hot amazing sex you lucky girl" Elena says. "Elena" I shout. "What?" she shrugs. "So was it good. I can't believe he got all jealous and lavished you with kisses against the fridge" she smiles. "You are missing the point" I say. "And that is?" she asks.

"I slept with Cris. We don't do that anymore" I say. "You did last night" she smirks. "Elena you aren't helping" I huff. "You got me out of my bed at 6 in the morning. Excuse me for not telling you what you want to hear. I haven't even had a coffee yet" she says. "I'll get you a coffee" I say moving to stand. "Forget the coffee" she says stopping me from standing. "What happens now?" she asks. "I don't know. It was awkward to be around him after we kissed but now. How can I be around him when he thinks last night is going to happen again" I say.

"Would it be so bad if it did?" Elena asks. "Yes really bad" I say. "Why? Hey I'm just asking. If you can't convince me that it's such a bad idea, how do you expect to convince Cris?" she asks. "Too much has happened. How can I forget everything? His lies" I say. "Well it sounds as if he's going to wait until you do. And last night probably gave him hope" she says. "It was such a stupid thing to do" I say holding my head in my hands.

"But it was good?" Elena asks and I lift my head. "Oh ya" I say. Way to good I think. And that's the problem.

"How's the head?" I ask Matt hours later as he lays his head on his design table. "You are lucky Ronaldo knocked you up. Cos no one should feel how I am feeling right now" Matt groans. "You could have drank less" I say. "It was free" he mumbles and I roll my eyes. "Everyone seems to want to know what happened last night" I say. "I only told a few people" he says. "You weren't meant to tell anyone" I say. "Well I'm been punished for it now. Like I really care how hot Prince Harry is" he says.

"He is" Lizzy says coming into the room and I laugh. "I've been looking for you all day. I want details. Did you have fun? How hot was Harry?" she asks. "See this is what I've had to put up with" Matt groans. "It was fun Lizzy and he is super hot in person" I say. "Well you only have to look at you to know that you had fun last night" she smiles. "Sorry?" I ask. "You look. I don't know. There's something different about you. Maybe it's pregnancy glow" she shrugs. "Amm thanks Lizzy" I say. "You know who wants the prints for the Abbey hotel" Lizzy tells Matt. "Oh I can't deal with him" Matt groans. "I'll take them" I say and he looks surprised. "It's fine Matt" I say. "Have fun" he says dryly handing me the prints.

As I leave Matt and Lizzy, my phone buzzes in my hand. "Any word from sex God yet?" Elena texts. "What happened to calling him footie boy? And no" I reply as I walk. "Nothing?" she asks. "Zero" I text. Something which is really unusual. I know he had training but normally I have a bunch of messages from him by this time of the day. I knock on Josh's door and walk in. "Lucy" Luke smiles and stands to hug me.

"Hi Luke" I smile. I hadn't spoken to Luke much recently given everything with Josh and me. I didn't want him to be in the middle of it. It wasn't fair. "You look so tiny" he says. "Do you want something?" Josh asks. "You wanted these" I say placing the prints onto his desk. "I asked for Matt" he says. "He was busy" I reply. "Hungover more like" he says. "Oh how was last night? And Prince Harry" Luke asks. "We only met him for a brief moment. But I am enjoying annoying Cris about who looks better in a suit" I say and notice Josh's shoulders tense.

"Something the matter Josh?" I ask and he snorts. "You know if you are bored there are plenty of things you can do to entertain yourself. So you can stop trying to cause trouble" I say. "What did you do?" Luke asks his boyfriend. "Nothing" Josh replies. "Apart from tell Cris that I was going on a date with Matt" I say. "Josh" Luke says. "It's fine Luke. Cris and I had a good laugh about it" I lie. "Luce" Luke says. "I have work to do. I'll speak to you soon Luke" I say leaving.

"It hurts" Lizzy moans. "Stop moving it" I say as I sit next to her as we waited for her to be called for an X-ray. Lizzy had fallen while out on a coffee run and I ended up in A&E with her. "The doctor reckoned that it wasn't broken" I say. "I just want the x-ray over with" she moans. "Well looks like you're about to get your wish" I say as a man comes over to take Lizzy towards x-ray. While Lizzy is busy, I decide to head outside to make a few phone calls but as I walk back to where I was, I must have taken a wrong turn as I look around for something familiar.

Just when I see a sign for x-ray, I notice a familiar face coming towards me. Two familiar faces. "Dolores" I call out. "Lucy" she says in complete surprise. "What are you both doing here? I thought you were in Maderia" I say as Dolores and Elma exchange looks.

I'll Make You See It Was All Real-Sequel to When Does the Pretend End?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora