Chapter 28-Make A Wish

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  Cris's Pov

I hadn't wanted to leave the apartment but Lucy looked like she really wanted me to leave. I'm just glad she wanted me to come back. As I open her front door, I can hear shouting. "No but I'm pregnant with his baby" I hear Lucy say. "What? How could you be so stupid?" Josh shouts and I walk quicker into the room. "Josh please" Lucy says. "How could get lumbered with his baby? He won't give a damn about either of you" Josh yells.

"I do give a damn about Lucy and out baby" I shout stepping into the room "When it will suit you" he says. "You're one of her closest friends and you're stressing her out right now. She's just out of hospital because she hasn't been able to eat. Do you even care?" I ask. "Josh I love you like a brother but you need to stop all of this right now. I know your hurting about Tina. But do you think she'd be acting like if it was you who was dead. She'd be running about town boasting about how great her brother was" Lucy says standing from the couch.

"He doesn't give a shit about you. How could you be so stupid Lucy?" Josh yells. "I'm not stupid" Lucy yells. "You let him knock you up. To ruin your life" he yells. "I don't want to fight Josh but I'm pregnant. And this baby is the most important person in my life" she says cradling her stomach. "And I want you to be part of his/her life" she says. "Don't you see what he has done? He's trapped you. You're stuck with him for life now. With his bastard of a child" he yells.

"Stop it. Stop it" Lucy screams and I can't help but worry she'll collapse again. "Understand what I am saying Josh. I am having a baby. The baby is Cristiano's. And he can be involve as much or as little as he likes. But this is my baby. And I', going to do what's right for it" she says. "Lucy" he says but she keeps talking. "I know Tina's death has hit you hard. It's hit all of us hard. But you have a life to live. A job. I can't be juggling my work with yours. I've barely spelt these past few days" she says biting her lip.

Josh turns to stare at me. "I hope you are happy now. This is all your fault. You should have stayed away from Lucy and my sister" Josh yells at me and storms out of the room. The loud bang of the door makes Lucy jump and she bursts into tears.

"Lucy" I say rushing to her. "It will be ok. He'll come around" I say. I expect her to fight me but she doesn't when I pull her into a hug. "It will be ok" I whisper stroking her back as she cries. "I don't want to lose him" she cries. "Hey you won't" I say pulling back a little and I lift her chin. "I bet Josh will be one of the first visitors to the hospital after you give birth. It's just a shock for him" I say.

"It's not just Josh" she whispers. "Why you're so upset?" I ask and she nods. "It made me realise that Tina won't be here with me. She won't be with me when I pick out baby clothes. Or I won't have to listen to silly excuses to get out of babysitting. She's really gone" she cries and I pull her closer to me.

"It's been some couple of days" I say a while later. "Some couple of weeks. Heck months" she says. I move to take a seat on the couch and I pull her into my lap. "If the baby hadn't.." she says. "Stop. No thinking like that. Positive thoughts from now on" I say. "Is everyone going to react like Josh?" she asks. "I know people who won't. My family. Maé is going to be so happy" I smile. "You haven't told them yet. Have you?" she asks. "Only Nuno. I was in such a shock after we talked that day that I had to talk to someone" I say.

"It's ok. I know what we talked about that day was a surprise" she says. "Lucy" I say moving one hand to her knee and the other to the back of her neck. "I know you're scared that the baby will leave you. But just because you love someone doesn't mean you'll lose them. I know that's why you were confused about having the baby or not" I say.

"I wasn't" she says. "Wasn't what?" I ask. "I wasn't not going to have the baby. You're right I was scared. But even before yesterday I was planning on having my baby. I'm even surer after the scan" she says.

"I can't believe there's a tiny person growing inside you right now" I grin. "Well I won't be tiny for long" she laughs. "I'm going to be a Dad" I say nudging her shoulder with my nose. "I can't wait to tell the world" I say. "Easy there tiger. It's still early days. I don't think we should tell people" she says. "But I can tell Maé and the other. Please Lucy. Trust me they'll know something is up. They'll know I'm not just smiling cos you are speaking to me after all these weeks. Please can I tell them?" I beg.

"I guess you can tell them then" she says. "Thank you" I say and place a kiss on her cheek. The minute my lips touch her skin she stills in my lap. Her phone beeps and she jumps off my lap.
"Is it Josh?" I ask and hope. I don't want him and Lucy to fight. "Josh apologise this quick. You must be joking. That man is more stubborn than me, Tina, Elena and Luke put together" she says looking at her phone. Yikes. It's going to be a while before he clams down so I think.
"It's just Matt" she says. "What does he want?" I ask. "Just that he's coming over" she says. "Super" I say. Great another person to argue with.

"I told him that I was tired and that I'll see him tomorrow" she says typing away on her phone. "Great" I say and she raises an eyebrow at me. "I mean it's great you're resting" I mumble. Wait does that mean she wants me to leave?

"I'll go and let you rest so" I say moving to stand. "No it's fine. Stay" she says. "But you told Matt you were tired" I say. "That was just to stop him from coming over now. You don't have to rush off. Unless you have somewhere else to be" she asks. "Nowhere" I say. "Ok" she smiles. "Well I don't know about you but I could use some ice cream right now" she says. "I'll get it" I say. "I will. You stay right there" she says walking off to the kitchen,

"When do you want to tell Maé about the baby?" I ask as she busies herself with bowls. "You should probably tell her in person. So the next time she comes to visit maybe" she says and I stand from the couch. "Well she's coming tomorrow" I say. "Why? She told me she wouldn't be back to Manchester for a while the last time I spoke to her" she says. "Well someone got taken to hospital and she wants to check on her" I smirk leaning against her fridge as she has her back turned to me.

"Is that the only reason?" she asks. "What other reason is there?" I shrug. She turns around with a bowl in her hand. "What's that?" I ask pointing to the lit candle which stood in a scoop of ice cream.

"Happy Birthday Cristiano" she smiles at me. "Lucy" I say in amazement that she remembered given everything that has happened in the last few hours. And months. "Well come on. Blow out the candle. I'd like to eat my ice cream before it melts" she says. "Ok" I say moving closer to her.

"Don't forget to make a wish" she says. "I won't" I smile and blow the candle out. "What did you wish for?" she asks. "If I tell you then it won't come true" I say. "Spoil sport" she pouts before handing me the bowl and picking another up.

I watch as she heads back to the couch and smile. What did I wish for? I wished to be standing on a beach with my kids running around me with my wife standing beside me. I just have to make Lucy see she should be my wife first I think.  

I'll Make You See It Was All Real-Sequel to When Does the Pretend End?Where stories live. Discover now