Chapter 11- Pain

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  Lucy's Pov

"Tina" I shout as I find her collapsed on the floor. Her body is still and lifeless. "Tina" I shout feeling for a pulse. Please. Please God.

I take out my phone. She needs help. What has happened?

I hear a groan and look to my left and see Mike slumped against a wall. "Mike are you ok? What happened?" I ask frantically.

He's looking straight at me but doesn't respond. "Hello I need an ambulance. My friend and her boyfriend need help. I don't know what has happened" I say into the phone. "Tina wake up please" I beg and give the 999 operator the gallery's address.

She looks so pale and cold. Please God let her be ok.

I hear an ambulance and I run out to the road. "In here" I say to the man. "What's her name?" he asks kneeling beside Tina. "Tina and that's her boyfriend Mike. I don't know what has happened. I just found them like this" I say. "We need to get her to hospital right now" the man says to his colleague. I watch as they work on Tina. Another ambulance crew is working on Mike. Oh God please let them be ok. "What's the matter with?" I ask. "I think she's overdosed" one of the paramedics says fixing an oxygen mask on Tina. "An overdose" I say in shock.

"She's very sick" he says as they place her on a stretcher. "An overdose" I whisper. "Our colleagues will take care of your other friend. Would you like to come with us?" he asks. "Yes" I say and follow them to the door. I look back to see Mike standing unsteadily on his feet and as I turn my head back again to the door I notice the needle on the floor. Oh my God I think covering my mouth with my hands.

I pick up my phone from the ground and dial Josh's number. "Lucy finally" Josh says. "Josh listen to me carefully" I shout. "Lucy" he says. "Meet me at St. Mary's hospital. It's Tina and Mike. They're..." I stutter. "Lucy" he says. "Please Josh I can't explain now. Just meet me there" I say hanging up. This is going to break him I think as I reach the ambulance.

"Are you too close?" the paramedic asks as we move. "She's my best friend" I whisper and he gives a sad nod. "Is she going to be ok?" I ask as I look at Tina laying on the stretcher. She looked so helpless. "I'm sure the doctors will do everything they can" he says.

"She's really sick. Isn't she?" I ask. "We'll find out more at the hospital" he says and I can tell he's trying to avoid my question.

Suddenly there's beeping and the paramedic shouts for his colleague to drive faster. "What's happening?" I ask. "Her heart has stopped" he says. "What?" I yell in panic. "Please just sit" he says and finds the paddles. I watch as he places the paddles on Tina's chest and presses the button. Tina's body jumps on the stretcher and I hold my hand on my mouth. "Please" I plead. He shocks her again and again and again. "Good girl" he mumbles as the monitor Tina was hooked up to started to make good sounds. "Is she" I ask. "Her heart is beating again" he says.

We finally get to the hospital and I follow the stretcher. "Please stay here" a nurse says and I watch a group of people work on Tina through the doors. "I hope your friend will be ok" the paramedic says coming through the doors a few minutes later. "Thank you. Thank you for everything" I say. "Your welcome" he says. And I wrap my arms around myself. "I hope she'll be ok" he says. "Me too" I whisper as he leaves.

"It's been ages. When are they going tell us something?" Luke says getting up of the hospital chair. "They will soon" Elena says.

It has been over two hours since I found Tina and Mike. Two very long hours. "Josh is worried sick. And so are his parents" Luke says and I look to the other side of the room to see Josh and his father pacing the floor.

"We are all worried" Elena says. "How bad did she look?" he asks. Really bad I think. I got such a fright when I found her lying on the floor but nothing prepared me for what I saw in the ambulance. And she had to be shocked. Oh God the image of her body jumping of the table a little when they shocked her. I won't be able to forget it.

Heroin. She took Heroin. There was no other explanation for the needle. I thought she was clean. She was so well I think.

"She'll be ok" Elena says. I hope so. I can't cope if something happens to her.

The door opens and a tall grey haired doctor walks into the room. He walks toward Tina's dad. I watch as they speak. "No" Josh shouts and my heart sinks.

Luke rushes to Josh before he falls to the ground. "No. No. No.NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" he yells.

"I'm sorry. There was nothing more we could do for her" I hear the doctor say and I hear Elena gasp. "Oh my God" she says breaking into tears.

She's dead. Tina is dead.

"This can't be happening" Elena says crying on my shoulder. I sit and watch as everyone in the room breaks into tears. "I can't believe she's dead" Elena says.

I shudder at her words. She's dead. She's dead. And Josh pulls me out of the chair and hugs me tight. "She can't be dead" he cries as I hold him.

"How can this be happening?" Elena asks me as we sit in the waiting room. Josh and his parents had gone to see Tina. To say goodbye to her. Oh God she's dead.

"I thought she was clean" Luke says. "We all did" Elena says. "Where's Mike? How could he watch her take drugs? He was her counsellor for heaven sake" Luke roars. "He's already been discharged. He didn't want to stay the night" Elena says. "Didn't want to face us" Luke says.

I sit and listen to them speak but all I can think about is Tina laying lifeless on the floor. She had been so happy I think biting my lip.

I open my front door and the silence is deafening. I flick on the light and walk into the living room. I'll never see her face again. She'll never be here again I think looking around the room.

"Lucy" Elena says and I wrap my arms around my arms. I hold my phone in my hand. She's dead.

I look at the screensaver. Tina and I last week smiling at the camera. Had she been on drugs then?

Heroin. Why heroin? I swipe through my photos. Elena and Tina with face masks on. Tina and I jumping on the bed. Cristiano and Tina giggling at something on the TV.

She's gone. I've lost another sister. I won't ever see her again. I drop my phone and rush to the bathroom and throw up into the toilet.  

I'll Make You See It Was All Real-Sequel to When Does the Pretend End?Where stories live. Discover now